The “Story” of Reconstruction

Make sure to thoroughly and actively READ through chapter 1 in the Hollitz book – Historians and Textbooks. In the Hollitz book, answer question #1 under INVESTIGATION on page 10.

Question: “What is the author’s view of the integrity and the effectiveness of those involved in the Republican governments in the Southern states? Is the view of the ‘carpetbaggers’ and ‘scalawags’ positive, negative, or neutral?” What was the author’s view of such terrorist organizations as the Ku Klux Klan?

Remember there were four (4) authors that had a perspective in this chapter. Also, use the term positive, negative, neutral to describe the author’s view of carpetbagger and scalawags.

International Human Resource Management

Describe the complexities regarding cross-cultural management that should be taken into consideration by multinationals when operating overseas. Your answer should discuss two cross-cultural management studies. Consider the strengths and limitations of these studies for our understanding of the working behaviour of employees in various cultures.

Please use Hofstede Mode & GLOBE Mode to answer this question

Strategic Planning for New developments Locations

I have an existing project, but I need to add a part about urban developments
The project is taking about most suitable areas for future expansion in relation to current industrial areas and the danger of hazmat probable release
So , I studied the industrial areas in the country from many aspects such as the location , the material they are dealing with
After running aloha model and marplot maps, we select the area in danger and then try to highlight the best locations for future urban expansion away from the flow of any probable hazmat leak.
The capstone missing one main point which is the introduction of the idea of the development of the urban areas away from hazmat flow. And to minimize the use of evacuation plans which can be both risky and costly and need much coordination and organization.

So I am currently working on the following:
In CH1 :

Introduction: new urban areas development away from the flow of a possible hazmat release
Purpose statement
Description of the Problem:
Introduce a new framework for the paper,( the previous one I have is ciaos framework
Literature review:
– ten peer-reviewed articles on development outside of the hazard exposure areas or development outside of hazards areas

we did the model and the evacuation is really challenging we don’t want to have to evacuate. it’s really hard to do but the good news here is because we ran our model and it’s not reaching the place where the city is if we develop in the right way and right areas

– 2.4: modeling and simulation in Disaster managements ( aloha +marplot):
Using the model to plot risk areas on maps and identify affected locations based on hazmat properties and weather patterns

what i need from this order is to introduce the model ( aloha and marplot)
Ch3: Methodology
Add 1 page on models and how they are used to serve the project

attached is the capstone + PDF for the model

Attached is the definition of aloha model and marplot

Authentic Leadership

As noted in the article “Discovering Your Authentic Leadership” by George, Sims, McLean, and Mayer (2007), “authentic leaders demonstrate a passion for their purpose, practice their values consistently, and lead with their hearts as well as their heads. They establish long-term, meaningful relationships and have the self-discipline to get results. They know who they are” (p. 130). For this assignment, write a brief biography that highlights your experiences in leading others. Include a reflection on how your life story helps you lead effectively. How have these experiences shaped your passion for leadership and your leadership values? Note: Feel free to use first person point of view in this assignment.

Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.
Include three to five references cited in the assignment. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles as reference sources.

Communication Self-Analysis Paper

Step 1
The first step in the exercise is to perform a self-assessment of your listening skills. Use the assessment toolPreview (ATTACHED) the document provided to conduct an honest evaluation of your perceived listening skills. Once you have responded all 30 items, use the scoring index on page three to carefully calculate your score.

Step 2
Next, ask a minimum of three people to complete the assessmentPreview the document based on how they would score your perceived listening skills.

Keep in mind that the more people you ask, the more you will learn!
Note that this will require some presumption on their part for some of the items. (e.g. Does it seem to them that you daydream while the speaker is talking? Do they believe that you know which words and phrases you respond to emotionally?)
Try to choose participants with differing vantage points on your life (e.g. parent, spouse/significant other, close friend, casual friend, coworker) and a mix of gender, age, culture, etc.
Encourage them to be as honest as possible.
Give them some space to complete the assessment; don’t hover. (i.e. Leave the room, send it electronically, etc.)
After they complete the assessmentPreview the document, discuss with them their rationale for their responses. Please do so in a supportive tone and guard against defensiveness. Remember – you asked them for their honest input.

Step 3
Write a paper that synthesizes the overall comparisons between the assessmentsPreview the document (both yours and those completed by others). More than a description of the respective assessments, the paper should seek to analyze the results of the exercise. Consider things such as:

Did the assessments from other people match what you expected them to say?
Why did the other people answer the way they did?
How do you explain the discrepancies between your assessment of your skills and theirs?
What difference was the most surprising to you?
Does this cause you to reconsider the effectiveness of your listening skills? Why or why not?
The paper should be 3-5 pages (no cover page), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman (or similarly readable) font. Please save your paper in .doc or .docx format to ensure it opens easily.