Depressive Disorders & Suicide

Link to Article

Questions to answer from Article

What are the three cognitive diathesis that they were studying? Which would you expect would be most predictive of later depression?
The results indicated that attributional style was less critical than negative cognitions or self-competence. Why might this be?
These results came from a very specific population. Would you expect them to be different or largely the same in a different group? Why?

****3- to 4-page typed, double-spaced article summary and critique. For each article, you will write a brief summary of the article (What was the research question? What did they do to answer that question? What were the results?), you will answer the questions listed on the website, and you will write a conclusion describing what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the article and what would be a good research study to follow up this one.

The paper should begin with the APA-style reference for the article. Then use the following headings: Summary, Questions to Consider, Conclusions. Within Questions to Consider, please retype the questions so that I don’t have to look them up for every student.

Childhood Obesity in Trenton, NJ

1-Healthcare – Describe available healthcare resources and services. Evaluate the impact of the healthcare resources and services data on the health of the community

2-Health Statistics
Health Statistics – Explain the most prevalent health issues and leading causes of death. Be sure to provide supporting evidence of this information. Discuss any social, cultural, or health determinants that impact the data.

Manufacturing in the United States


Reflect on the changes in U.S. manufacturing over the last half century.Why did the United States lose so many jobs?
What impact did that job loss have on the U.S. economy and on the economies of countries like China and Mexico that have been the recipients of outsourced U.S. jobs?
Using Porter’s Diamond of Competitive Advantage, explain U.S. manufacturing today, and how it could change in the next five to ten years.Consider the role of government in the success of the sector and the future competitiveness of a nation.

Review the below video: How Many Manufacturing Jobs Can U.S. Realistically Maintain? – 11:53 min

This video explores the decline, and now upward trend, of manufacturing in the United States, and explains why training and education may be the key to a globally competitive workforce in the future.

Write a complete analysis thoroughly answering the above questions using applicable research (i.e. references & citations) (4 page minimum required).

Major theories of sexual offending


Write a 15-page paper (including references, double spaced, font no smaller than 12 pt.) reviewing the major theories of sexual offending. Your review should include critical analysis of each theory, including commentary on the strength of the data supporting each model. I expect that you will conduct a literature review for this assignment and that your paper will reference studies or other scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook. To be clear, you cannot rely solely on the textbook for this assignment. Nor will Wikipedia (or similar internet sources) will not be accepted as a scholarly source of information in this course. You must use APA formatting for your references.

The grading will be as followed:
Grammar/Spelling (punctuation, typos, construction, paragraphing, etc.) 15%

Presentation and Organization (Length, sequence, flow, introduction, conclusion, citations & references, use of APA style) 15%

Content (Amount and quality of information, topic, integration of information, presence of original thought) 70%

Paper can include:

– Quadripartite Model of Sexual Aggression against Adults
– Quadripartite Model of Sexual Aggression against Children
– Hierarchical-Mediational Confluence Model (HMC)
– Seto’s Developmental Theory of Child Sexual Offending
– Deviant Sexual Interests
– General Antisociality (Brown, 07/2013, p. 300)

Paper is based off of: Brown, W., Nunes, K., Bennell, C., Serin, R., Forth, A. (2013). Psychology of Criminal Behaviour: A Canadian Perspective. CHAPTER 9


With recent events in mind, and where we are in the course, it seems appropriate at this time to study the administrative process for public health quarantines. Review the information found at the links provided below, and any other appropriate source. Identify the administrative agencies and officials involved in the public health quarantine process. What are the applicable statutes and rules? Summarize the process of implementing a quarantine. (Links to an external site.)

Critique of Media Report

Assignment 4 Objectives

Assignment 4 is designed to help you achieve the following objectives.

Assess the impact and relevance of research in psychology on people’s everyday lives.

Evaluate critically information about research studies published in the media and offer constructive alternatives
As you go about your everyday life, keep your eyes open for media reports of studies that have psychological content. For Assignment 4, you will select one media report in a newspaper (e.g., and, a popular magazine (e.g., and, or on the Internet that describes a psychological study.

The report must contain information about the purpose of the study, the method used, the results, and any conclusions reached. For this assignment, short articles that describe the findings of a single research study work best. Longer articles tend to integrate findings from multiple studies so don’t tend to work as well. If there is a topic that interests you, you can try to search on Google.

Read the report carefully, asking yourself the following questions:

What is the research problem?
How was the study conducted?
What were the results?
What conclusions does the report imply?
Are the conclusions warranted by the research described?

You may find that you cannot answer one or more of the questions listed above. Do not be overly concerned about this. The most central questions to be answered are:

What questions would you like to have answered before you accept the conclusions implied in the media report?
Were there any distortions in reporting? If so, what were they?
If the original source of research is indicated in the media report, you may wish to locate the original report or journal article and use it to help you assess the accuracy of the media report. You are not, however, expected to do so. Most media reports fail to cite the source in enough detail to allow one to locate the original report.

Directions for Writing the Essay
Your finished essay is to be 500 to 800 words long, and is to be divided into 3 sections as indicated below. Remember that the goal of the assignment is to critique the media report itself and not to critique the research itself.

Section 1: Describe briefly the research problem, the method used, the results, and the conclusions reported, as described by the journalist.

Section 2: Describe any essential information that is missing, that is, information that you, as a student taking a research methods course, would want to see but is not mentioned by the journalist. Discuss how different outcomes of the missing information may affect the validity of conclusions claimed.

Section 3: Draw your conclusions about the usefulness of this media report in disseminating information. Given all of the missing information, would you consider the media report useful for educating the reader? Would you need to read the original report before you trust the conclusion presented by the journalist?