Historical Sources and Methods Essay

Read this before you begin writing:

For this assignment, you are also to think and think well. There is research involved. Access history associations and organizations like American Historical Association (AHA), Organization of American Historians (OAH), Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) and publications like The American Historical Review, The Journal of American History, and The Journal of African American History to familiarize yourself with “the tools of the trade.” That means, learn about the things historians use and need to do what they do. This assignment requires references that you would have consulted to help you answer the question below. Avoid the phrase, in my opinion, and pronouns like I, my, mine, and so on. The essay should be written in the third person voice. The identifying information such as your name, course, instructor’s name, and date should appear at the upper right-hand corner of both pages. Make sure you write in paragraphs, which means you should begin new thoughts in new paragraphs. You do not need a cover page. Do not include a cover page. Your essay should and must be two pages only. The essay will be graded very strictly. Be mindful that the plagiarism detection tool is activated for this assignment. Therefore, make sure you cite your sources to avoid your work being flagged as plagiarized essay.



In two full and single-spaced pages (no more and no less) and with justified margins, assess the sources and methods that historians use to researching, documenting, and disseminating the events of the past to current and future historical knowledge and awareness. What is the significance of sources in documenting history? What method(s) do historians use in ensuring accuracy in historical interpretation?

Red Convertible Discussion Questions

The Red Convertible
Short story by Louise Erdrich

*For each question, create 1-2 paragraphs to answer. Each paragraph should be at least 10 sentences long. Remember to use correct grammar and mechanics, and use present tense verbs.

*For each answer, be sure to correctly cite and thoroughly explain a passage from the story that supports your opinion. Use correct MLA documentation: Use quotes around words from the story, and cite the author’s last name and page number in parenthesis. Use OCPI (review notes) to incorporate quotes and build context.

*Make sure to proofread your answers carefully before submitting.


*Question #1- What is one major symbol from the story, besides the car? Remember a symbol is an object that is given a larger meaning than its definition. Think about the boots, the red river,etc. Try to choose a symbol that nobody else has discussed, or for which you have found a unique meaning. Discuss the symbol and what you think it represents.

*Question #2- Does Henry’s family make the right decision when they decide not to seek medical help for him? How does this relate to your understanding of PTSD in that time period?

*Question #3-Do you think that Henry’s death at the end of the story is an accident, or do you think that it is suicide?

The biggest technical elements of written communication

For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page double spaced paper that explores 3 of the biggest technical elements of written communication. In this paper you will address 3 main questions.
1. Regardless of the format, in written communication, how important is it to quickly grab the reader’s interest? As a student who has read many different forms of written communication before (papers, books, web articles, etc.), do you usually keep reading, or more importantly take away any insights from a boring piece? Why or why not? Share an example.
2. Do you believe that organization plays a part in how a written piece of communication is perceived? In other words, if an author’s work appears disorganized, is that author’s piece likely to have the affect on the reader they’d like it to (to inform, to persuade, or to entertain)? Does a lack of organization affect the author’s credibility? Why or why not?
3. Why do you think a well-written conclusion is vital to the success of an author’s primary goal? Think of it this way: When reading a book, or even watching a tv show or movie, why is it so important for the story being told to end satisfyingly? Explain your thoughts!
NOTE: DO NOT write this in question and answer format. Write this in an essay/paper format, so in other words, use paragraphs. For example, DO NOT format it like this.
1.Regardless of the format, in written communication, how important is it to quickly grab the reader’s interest? As a student who has read many different forms of written communication before (papers, books, web articles, etc.), do you usually keep reading, or more importantly take away any insights from a boring piece? Why or why not? Share an example.
-Answer (DON’T DO THIS!)

The Informal Administrative Process

What is meant by the phrase “informal administrative process”?

What is consent negotiation, arbitration, mediation? What is an ombuds, and what purpose does it serve? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these alternative dispute resolution methods?

Summarize Chapter 5 Sections B. & C.

Explain the advice and declaratory orders discussed in Chapter 5 Section G. What value do they provide to private parties and administrative agencies? Are agencies bound by the advice they provide?

Lubbers, J., & Levin, R. (2016). Administrative law and process in a nutshell. West Academic Publishing. https://b-ok.cc/book/5448631/4bdcdd

Final Discussion: Course Reflection

After having the opportunity to complete the course, what would you change and why? What topic particularly caught your interest and what do you want to know more about? Last, but not least, if you could share with the next class one piece of advice about this class, what would it be? Please note that this pertains to the class, the materials, flow/organization, etc.

Hart, C. L. & Ksir, C. J. (2018). Drugs, society and human behavior (17th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Attached you will find topics discussed.

Police Brutality

(1) The annotated bibliography – a list of the two scholarly journal articles presented in ASA
style citation along with a short paragraph (100 to 150 words), describing each of the
articles’ research question, theoretical framework, research methods, and findings. Add
word count at the end of each annotated bibliography.
For proper ASA citation visit (Owl.purdue.edu)

use sources provided only, IN ASA FORMAT

Reflecting on Your Care Plan

Share two components or pieces of your care plan reflection, focusing on those areas that were most difficult for you to create. Then discuss how the assignments in this course, and especially the assignments on interviewing and writing the care plan, will help you in your human services career. What about case management are you still curious about or have questions about?

In your response to your classmates, select a different reflection idea or theme than your own and indicate how your classmate’s reflections provide support for your future work as a human service professional linking specific assignments in this course which will help you and your classmate prepare you for your human services career.