Argument Development

Task: Building on feedback received for your presentation, revise your outline in order to write this assignment as a team. Your paper should provide a written discussion of your team’s recommendation for the most important competency for global managers to develop. In your discussion, you will explain why you recommend that approach, and discuss what organizational and personal benefits it could provide. You should also present an alternate perspective, with an analysis of that perspective’s strengths and weaknesses, and include your three suggested action steps in bullet points.
In doing so, you will demonstrate your collective understanding of argument structure and the ability to work together to write clearly, concisely and correctly, and cite correctly using APA Style.
Use attached presentation, reading and other sources on presentation

CRJ 800 Assignment 4 – Smart Power Case Study_Hillary Clinton

Read Chapter 4, Joseph Nye, The Powers to Lead, and research and read the article on Hillary Clinton Newsweek on Smart Power: Hillary Clinton and the Rise of Smart Power. And/Or, find your own article directly to Smart Power. Research other key leaders in the field, such as General David Petraeus, who spoke on Smart Power…etc.2.Conduct background research on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Analyze Secretary Clinton’s work history as Secretary of State and assess her implementation of the concept of smart power. Use specific circumstances to support your position, such as Libya and Benghazi. *Cite your sources!3.This exercise should be completed within at least a two-page response, double spaced, in 12 pt. times Roman font.4.Each assignment must have at least 3 separate sources, the text can be 1 source. Make sure you follow APA guidelines, and balance your sources and used adequate citations—at least 1 citation per paragrap

The other Wes Moore : one name two fates

Assignment 3: Wes Moore- Theory Application

Grade: 20 points
Instructions: 4-6 typed pages not including cover page & references.

Select one of the two characters named Wes Moore from the book, The other Wes Moore: One name two fates. Apply relevant concepts from the human behavior knowledge base to your understanding of the selected character. Consider effects of oppression and stigma related to race, ethnicity, gender, and/or socioeconomic status, as well as developmental issues, mental and physical abilities, and family structure. Identify a theoretical model and its major concepts that provides a relevant understanding of the character. Include relevant empirical literature regarding the problems/issues facing the character.

The analysis should address the following:

• Provide an introduction, which prepares the reader for the topic areas that will be explored in the paper.

• Briefly describe the book, the selected character, and their family structure. Include any problems or issues the character experienced.

• Describe any evidence of oppression and/or stigma related to race, ethnicity, gender, and/or socioeconomic status.

• Discuss the character’s relationship to the social environment (school, work, religious and/or social organization, community, etc.) Apply eco system concepts within this section.

• Discuss a life stage of the selected character and life circumstances that have impacted the character’s development. Apply a theory and concepts from this semester into this section.

• Discuss contributions and limitations of the theory. Discuss the theory’s applicability for diverse client systems. Briefly discuss why the selected theory is the best fit for the character.

• Provide a conclusion, which ties up the key points and learning experiences associated with the paper.

*All reference material must be appropriately documented (see APA style manual). Websites such as Wikipedia are not allowed. You may use the (Wes Moore) video we watch in class as one additional source.

Recognizing the Role of Adhering to the Standard of Care

To prepare:
Consider the importance of using professional resources such as the National Guideline Clearinghouse to guide care delivered.

Create a PowerPoint presentation no more than 15 slides in length that addresses the following:

Explain, in your own words, what regulatory and coding compliance for APRNs means to your practice
Compare coding compliance issues within the state you intend to practice and federal regulations
Identify and explain any legal implications that exist for failure to adhere to a standard of care
Identify and explain the key elements of malpractice
Compare the differences in malpractice policy options

Strategic Planning for New developments Locations

I have existing project, but I need to add a part about urban developments
The project is taking about most suitable areas for future expansion in relation to current industrial areas and the danger of hazmat probable release
So , I studied the industrial areas in the country from many aspects such as the location , the material they are dealing with
After running aloha model and marplot maps, we select the area in danger and then try to highlight the best locations for future urban expansion away from the flow of any probable hazmat leak.
The capstone missing one main point which is the introduction of the idea of development of the urban areas away from hazmat flow. And to minimize the use of evacuation plans which can be both risky and costly and need many coordination and organization.

So I would like you to add the following:
In CH1 :

Introduction: Add 1 page on new urban areas development away from the flow of a possible hazmat release
Purpose statement: add 1page
Description of the Problem : 1 page
Introduce a new framework for the paper,( the previous one I have is ciaos frame work which work with evacuation models) I need a frame work deals with the urban expansion close to hazardous areas : 2-3 pages
Literature review:
– ten peer reviewed articles on development outside of the hazard exposure areas or development outside of hazards areas (8pages)

– Add one page to say: we did the model and the evacuation is really challenging we don’t want to have to evacuate. it’s really hard to do but the good news here is because we ran our model and it’s not reaching the place where the city is if we develop in the right way and right areas

– Add in 2.4: modeling and simulation in Disaster managements ( aloha +marplot):
Using the model to plot risk areas on maps and identify affected locations based on hazmat properties and weather patterns add (2 pages) on Literature for the model


Think of a situation in which you might need to use probability in life or at work.
2- to 3-paragraph response that:

Outlines a probability example and provides the elements involved in your example.
Describes each element or part that needs to be determined or analyzed in the example.
Example could be from any source. Please provide actual probability values in your example.

Critical Reflection 6

Do not

For your final critical reflection, I want you all to read the introduction of “How To be An Anti-Racist” by Ibram X. Kendi and come up with a policy brief, an organization, or a program for school-age children to learn to be anti-racist.

You will write a critical reflection on this (3 page MIN). The assignment has four parts.

12pt font times new roman. 3 pages, (THREE PAGES) min.

In your reflection I want you to:

In the first page, do the following:
1. Summarize some of Kendi’s major points.
2. Talk about what it means to be an anti-racist and how does that differ from not being racist?
3. How might you incorporate what you’ve learned in the course, in your day to day lives. Maybe consider a previous experience you’ve had and how you handled it then, and how you might handle it now after considering Kendi’s chapter.

In pages 2-3:

4. Describe your policy and or program? How would you implement it? Why this way and not another? What would be the benefits? Why did you choose the program you did? Be creative and be convincing.

Here is the link to the chapter:

Democratic Consolidation In Bosnia Herzegovina

Please no plagiarism. Please feel free to tweak the question if the essay answers it better or anything at all. Try to follow my outline but if not that’s fine.

The main objective of this paper is to understand why Bosnia’s democracy has not been consolidated through political methodology, theories and the case study.

Please look at the attached documents to understand what has already been done and further so it can aid/guide you.

Attached are:

A rough draft document that you could use to build on and change.

An outline/guideline to format the dissertation (***** please take a look at this)

A research pdf in which the bolded titles are names of academic works.

Additional documents to read that are very useful and have not yet been integrated into anything.