Engineering Ethics: Risk and Liability

Background Information:
This is a course on engineering ethics. This week the subject is risk and liability. This paper should have a smooth flow, but still remain factual and formal. It should not feel like it just spews out facts. Each paragraph should flow into the next with introductions and conclusions.Although I put two sources are required you really only need one. If you feel that an additional source could be useful in supporting something feel free to use another source. Please start with a brief introduction and end with a conclusion as well.
If you have any questions on how to complete the assignment or would like to gain a little more understanding of what the course is subject is about please reach out to me. I have a very good understanding of this course and what has been going on. I have attached the rubric for the assignment.

The assignment:
How does the National Society of Professional Engineers Code of Ethics promote safety, health and welfare to the public/society? (Write at least 3 paragraphs)

Descriptive writing

Dear Writer,
All the instructions, samples and requirements are given in the document attached. If you have any doubt please do contact me. Will I be able to see the first draft of these descriptive essays.

Project Management Report

Please prepare 3,000 words individual reflection on your Project Plan, following your presentation structure (project scope, work breakdown structure, project network, critical path analyses, decision making / financial evaluation of the project, risk evaluation and management); references. Please provide critical appraisal (e.g. strength, weaknesses, possible other solutions) on the application of project management techniques within your project. Additional reflections on your project team’s performance, dynamics and team management approaches should be included in the final section of your report. Below is 2 important files one is the actual project plan the other is the SECTOR BREIF PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW!!!

How olympics 2028 impact LA’s communities

This is a report for the field trip and also the face to face survey we did in venice beach at 5th march, the topic is about the impact of olympic in la, but u can write a new topic for it as its kinda too simple. i uploaded the handbook , assignment sheet , survey ,result and also some lectures, let me lnow if u need anything else

International Business Strategy

– The subject area is more to International Business Strategy
– I have uploaded the assignment questions
– I have uploaded a power point slides that may help answer the following questions
– Refer to the textbook Contemporary Strategy Analysis for further details (link provided)


In Meditation II, Descartes proposes to prove that there is such a thing as the soul, as distinguished from the body, and in the process he argues that we are capable of acquiring truth independently of bodily experience. Which of the sisters would be more likely to adopt Descartes’ arguments along this line? How would she apply these arguments to Matthew’s situation? How might the other sister criticize these arguments and their application?

Portfolio Management

Your strategy is based on technical analysis i.e. moving averages. The assignment states “The strategy must be based on fundamental analysis not technical analysis” and

You are free to choose the investment strategy, but some possible topical approaches to frame the portfolio formation might involve environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, financial technology, artificial intelligence and big data or international politics and trade.” Using moving averages does not reflect this type of approach.

Your document is lacking “a detailed explanation of the rationale for the strategy”. You have written a lot about backtesting as an approach, but little about the actual strategy that you have chosen.

I don’t think you have engaged in any data collection for the assets in your portfolio. “Ability to collect real-world data and to implement analysis in Excel”.

The references are of mixed quality. Try to use more from journals e.g. you have one from Journal of Banking and Finance.

Establishing a Peer Review Program for Sonographers

You will be required to identify a contemporary health care initiative and conduct an in-depth situational analysis in relation to this topic, making appropriate recommendations for practice.

The initiative may be related to, for example, clinical factors, management/ organisational issues, human factors, technological developments, educational or legal or ethical issues, cultural factors.

This initiative may take the form of, for example:

Policy implementation at a local level or organisational level
Policy review
Development of a proposal to address an issue in practice e.g. the setting up of a service
Analysis of service provision
Educational intervention

You will be expected to reflect on your personal learning with specific reference to practice development within your organisation.

Identify a contemporary health care initiative.
Conduct a situational analysis in relation to this topic.

The assignment should outline:
a. The health care initiative and the rationale for choice.
This may include personal factors and internal or external drivers within the
b. The process of conducting the audit or situational analysis and rationale for the
approach selected.
This should include reference to relevant models and frameworks.
There should be a sound and relevant evidence base.
c. Key findings clearly demonstrating the rationale for the conclusions drawn.
d. Recommendations.
(4000 words)

Write a critical reflection on personal learning with specific reference to the audit or situational analysis’s potential to support practice development within your organisation and the relevance of your personal learning to the goals of the organisation. Please base this on a recognised model of reflection.

(1000 words)

Operation and recovery of Biogas from a continuous anaerobic digester with ultrasonic treatment of waste activated sludge.

I am uploading all data collected in the Excel file uploaded. A really good guideline from a previous work on the same system so it can be used as a guideline, please nothing can be the same literally from this Word file. Will make the work more simple since it can be just rewritten following this study project. This is a very long 9,000 word file. Should be shorter and with the new data provided.


Please listen to the recording that I will be sending in a separate email kindly take notes on everything being said/ discuss. Please note I do not want a summary of the recording I would like you to listening and write everything being discussed.