Science and Technology Organizations

The Science and Technology Division of DHS is divided into six operating units for research and development of technology, as well as means and methods of enhancing and protecting the integrity of the security of the United States.

FEMA’s Building Science Branch consists of subject matter experts who work to develop tools used to foster a disaster-resilient environment.

In this assignment, you will research and examine the various aspects of federal science and technology organizations.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in a research paper of 750–1,000 words:
Research 3 Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) science and technology organizations. The following are examples:
Borders and Maritime Security Division
Chemical and Biological Division
Command, Control, and Interoperability Division
Explosives Division
Human Factors Behavioral Sciences Division
Infrastructure and Geophysical Division
Building Science Branch
Describe and discuss the selected organizations with regard to the following:
What are the organizational goals? Explain.
What are the organization’s functions, activities, operations, and exercises? Describe and summarize them.
What does the organization produce? Explain.
Presently, what are the contributions made by the organization? Be as specific as possible.
Assuming you work for the DHS Science and Technology Division, what would be your argument to convince an angry audience of protestors that a controversial tool, such as scanning vans or facial recognition technology, is in the best interest of security?
How do these not constitute an illegal search requiring probable cause?
Even if you disagree, you must play devil’s advocate and fully support your argument.

Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market

Discussion Board Forum 3
Unionization & Enforceable Labor Standards in the Global Market:

Globalization presents new frontiers and challenges for labor organizations. These changes include westernized labor mindsets being introduced into foreign cultures, which often collide with pre-existing organized labor in the host countries. Discuss why globalization has profound implications for domestic employment issues and whether these implications suggest an enforceable labor standard (a social clause) be added to free trade agreements. If so, what should the standards be and how should they be enforced?
Please see attachment for additional instruction.
I have included one of the three sources.

Is Earnings Management prevalent in IPO’s, a study on the nordic markets

I study whether nordic companies is exercising Earnings Management before an IPO between the years 2014-2018 in the nordic countries.

The two hypothesis I have are;

1. Companies that will go public exercise more earnings management than the ones that don’t

2. Companies with a Big4 auditor have less earnings management than those who don’t have one.

The reference companies total assets can’t be less than 50 million euros. They can’t either belong to the group of Finance,real estate or insurance companies. I have presented the modified Jones-model so atleast that one should be used.

You probably gather all the data and structure it yourself, but I have done some of myself and I might aswell send it to you if it can be useful. It’s basically reference groups for every single year and then the IPO companies in one file.

In the type of paper section I chose “results” but I would also want the discussion. This would basically be the end of the dissertation where the variables, results and discussion are presented. If there are any questions then contact me, I hope I made it clear for you guys.

Feel free to use graphs and so on, but if you can make them so they will be easy to recreate in a different language, or send them as a file so I can translate the variables directly.

Other than that, feel free to do whatever you want. I’m not going for an A+ anyway so no need to put in that extra extra time. But still, make it good. Ask if there is any additional information you need to know. Thank you!

Geo-Polymer Concrete as a new type of sustaniable construction material

Please see the attached paper with regard to submission date and assessment criteria.
Subject is ‘Geo-polymer concrete as a new type of sustainable construction material’.
Harvard Style referencing. 10-15 sources would be enough. I have not conduct any experiment about this due to COVID-19.
First time using this service and hopefully won’t be the last time.

juvenile justice system

The juvenile justice system was created to deal with the issues of youth and crime. It did not seem fair for a juvenile to be treated like an adult in the criminal justice system. However, many would argue if they are old enough to commit an adult crime then they should face an adult punishment.

Initial Post Instructions
What do you consider as the purpose of the juvenile justice system? After reviewing the resources for this discussion, formulate reasons for either keeping or abolishing the juvenile justice system. Then examine your peers’ lists to find an opposite opinion and try to convince them to adopt your viewpoint.
other PDF is attached

Video Lecture Analysis A Saint on Death Row: The Story of Dominique Green (Cahill)

Mr. Cahill provides a look at the criminal justice system, the prison system and capital punishment through the journey of one death row inmate. South Africa’s Bishop Tutu attends the church service, anti-death penalty event.

This activity follows the Activation Principle where the student will recall, describe relevant knowledge and prior knowledge by reviewing the speaker’s presentation and viewing it with a critical eye. The student will then elaborate on the knowledge through the discussion to reflect and consolidate the learning experience.

Initial Post Instructions

After hearing the presentation discuss with your fellow classmates your thoughts as well as answer these questions

1. What was the speaker’s main point and did they appear credible.

2. What are 2 things did you agree with the speaker and 2 things you disagreed with and why?

3. Why would someone in Criminal Justice need to know this?


Univariate Analysis

Textbook: Research for Effective Social Work Practice: Judy L. Krysik
I can also send you the video for further instructions if necessary.

change theories

Compare and contrast two change theories, and determine which theory makes the most sense for implementing your specific EBP project. Why? Has your mentor used either theory, and to what result?

I work in a ER in arizona as an RN, apparently I am supposed to have a Mentor through this. so keep it hypothetical. I am consistently using you to get through these papers and you have been SO freaking helpful. focusing on external female catheter to avoid CAUTI.

EBP implementation

Why is understanding the health care system at the local level important to consider when planning an EBP implementation? Conduct research and solicit anecdotal evidence from your course mentor that you will take into consideration for your own change project.

I work in a ER in arizona as an RN, apparently I am supposed to have a Mentor through this. so keep it hypothetical. I am consistently using you to get through these papers and you have been SO freaking helpful. focusing on external female catheter to avoid CAUTI.

Thanks again!

Cultural Counseling Presentation

Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing your cultural background (in addition, you should include a title slide and reference slide in your presentation). When discussing your culture, consider components of yourself such as race, ethnicity, religion, spiritual heritage, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities, socioeconomic status, traditions, and family heritage. (Please see attachment for most answers)

Include the following in your presentation:
Communication styles of your culture (verbal and nonverbal)
Parts of your culture you are proud of
Parts of your culture that you would like to improve
Stereotypes toward your culture
Stereotypes held within your culture
How your culture perceives substance use. Are there any traditional uses of substances that are deemed culturally acceptable?
How your culture perceives counseling
How your cultural background will influence your ability to counsel someone from your culture and someone from another culture
Speaker notes that represent what would be said if giving the presentation in person
APA format is required and at least 2 scholarly references in your presentation.