Applied Corporate Strategy

1) Carry out external analysis on companies on file list (business environment and industry) to identify a set of Opportunities and Threats and assess industry attractiveness. (30%)

2) Analyse the resources and key competences of the organisation to identify a set of Strengths and Weaknesses and identify core competences (key factors that may give the company its competitive advantage). (30%)

3) Evaluate the given strategy (as per chosen case) using SAFe criteria. (30%)

Psychographic profiling as a business tool

The initial research proposal is attached, as well as all subsequent information.

To what extent could the psychographic profiling method from political campaigns be repurposed to maximize the efficiencies of business operations?

Wetland sediment filtration

I took soil samples from the savannah river and the south channel, they are parallel to each other. However, the savannah river has a large port that numerous cargo ships come through a day. So there needs to be history noted in the paper. Then essentially you are comparing the results of the attached analysis. They were tested for ph, ammonia, total kjeldahl nitrogen, total phosphorous, and a full metals scan. There are also maps attached to show where samples were taken from. SC=south channel, SR=savannah river. Therenare also two samples at which the two rivers meet.

Renewable energy- 750 words minimum

All forms of renewable energy are “in the news” today. It is not difficult to find discussions on refuse to energy, solar, wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, hydrogen and even others (surprise me if you can). We live in a world today where there is no turning back to the sole use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy development is in our future, but still with advantages and disadvantages. Feel free to explore the environmental aspects of renewable energy at will.

Research and read articles, books, etc. that you find about an environmental topic related to renewable energy. You can use any reputable peer reviewed source with proper referencing using APA standards. Concentrate on the environmental aspects of the topic and bringing attention to problem areas but do not neglect any social, business and political overlap. This Assignment is to be completed and turned in by the end of Module 11. Late Papers will receive an appropriate grade penalty.

For this assignment, prepare a paper on an environmental topic related to energy. This will be an information paper, which includes a description of the topic, a discussion of the topic as it relates to the Course Learning Outcomes and a summary or conclusion. See the Instructor if you have any questions about your topic choice prior to drafting your paper.

Use the library system, Internet, etc. to find news articles, databases or other reference material.
Paper will be typed, double-spaced, with proper sentence and paragraph structure, one-inch margins, spell checked, grammar checked and at least 750 words.
Outline for the Paper will be:
Requires at least 3 references.
Must include all references used, and especially identify references to direct quotes. Use APA standard reference format.
You will receive a zero for any assignments that contain information that is plagiarized from any sources. You may use some direct quotes but they should be in quotation marks and properly referenced.
Module 11 Introduction:
As you read through the material in Chapter 16 Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, please be aware of the current and on-going evaluation and comparison of the various energy resources by researchers, governments, industry and the general public. Energy resources such as the sun, addressed in this module, and coal, to be addressed in the next module, must be compared in terms of supply, energy yield and their environmental and health impacts that are the outcome of their use. What might be discovered as part of this evaluation, is that at least in the present, a combination of renewable and non-renewable energy resources are necessary to provide energy in our world today. Another discovery should be the need for transitioning to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly mix of energy resources.
This module, although titled renewable energy, includes the presentation of the topic of energy efficiency. Much could be gained through implementation of methods to increase energy efficiency and these are discussed as a section in this module. There are many methods but those that have an economic component have the appearance of being the best opportunity for increasing energy efficiency. You could look no further than your own home and work establishments and find workable energy efficient methods that could even save you money.

Discussion 5- waste. 3 paragraphs + 1 paragraph reply

E-waste is also referred to as waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and is solid waste that has become a very complex problem in terms of collection, storage, recycling and disposal. Handling e-waste is an international issue experienced by developed and developing countries alike. Consider the ubiquitous cell phone, which has valuable material inside such as plastics, gold, silver and platinum but it also contains toxic materials like lead, mercury and cadmium. For both reasons, it seems a waste and a hazard to just throw cell phones away in a landfill.

You may want to visit the EPA site on eCycling (Links to an external site.) as you begin answering the following questions in your Main Discussion Board Post.

Do you think that manufacturers of computers, television sets, cell phones, batteries and other forms of electronic devices should be required to take them back when they become e-waste at the ends of their useful lives for repair, remanufacture and reuse, or recycling in a manner that is environmentally responsible and that does not threaten the health of recycling workers or scavengers? Explain your answer by providing at least three arguments for or against.
Would you be willing to pay more for these products to cover the costs of such a take-back program? If yes, then what percent cost above the purchase price would you be willing to pay for electronic products? Justify your answer.
Find an example of one of the following and provide a narrative description that includes details relating to e-waste, collection, storage, recycling and/or disposal:
A Company that has an e-waste policy,
An incident involving the improper handling or disposal of e-waste,
Any country law or treaty that addresses e-waste.
Provide proper references for any material you use from primary sources.
Respond to and discuss at least one other student’s Main Post.

Please respond to the below in 3 to 4 sentences:

I don’t believe that manufacturers of electronic devices should be required to take back their products when they become e-waste. Those kinds of actions require legislation, and every time the government gets involved, we the citizen pay the price. Companies collect e-waste and recycle them and, by doing so, saving in the cost of mining for those products. When I mention that the citizen is the one who pays for force compliance, is that the cost gets passed down to the consumer. However, that doesn’t stop the states from passing legislation to recycle e-waste. California passed an e-recycling law in 2003, and after that, 27 other states passed a similar law. Guess who pays for the fees associated with the collection, the citizens pay, 23 other states require manufacturers to cover the cost involved in the collection of their products to some degree.

I don’t like the idea of paying more for everything, never the less, for e-waste products. What is needed for the states to do is to put e-waste location at strategic points across cities, where citizens could go and recycle their e-waste. A lot of people dump some of their e-waste with the trash, which ends up at the landfill. For example, Best Buy has a collection of e-waste for customers. However, it is still limited to some items like batteries and power supply, significant things like TV, printers, computer, and other large items they don’t have a collection in place—internal policies various. Another example is FSCJ; The college has its policies to handle all kinds of waste, including e-waste. In the loading dock, the college has a container to collect items like printer toner, metal, and others. For electronics like computer, printer, speaker and other, they get collected by the IT department and send to the warehouse. I know this process because my father works in the IT department in downtown FSCJ.


presentation about my view about nursing when I just got into program and my view now.My view when I just got into the nursing,I thought nursing is about taking care of patient ,But after all attending lectures since school started my view has changed.Nursing is very divert,they do other things too .Check on my art.
Uses american nurse association and a second ,but it should come from website that can be easily access.

I want just 6 -7 slides