Signature Assignment #2

Students will write an essay that is approximately three pages in length. They will upload this essay into Canvas.

In this essay, students will compare and contrast two middle-range theories to discuss and explain a social issue of their choice.

Middle range theories seek to integrate theory and empirical research. Middle range theories are specific theories used to explain a specific empirical social phenomenon.

In their essay, students must do each of the following (related to critical thinking):

• Identify a social issue of interest from a recent newspaper article and briefly describe the issue (concept from rubric: inquiry)

• Compare and contrast two middle-range theories that relate to the selected social issue (concept from rubric: analysis)

• Critically evaluate the theories and explain which appears more plausible and why (concept from rubric: synthesis)

• Propose a coherent conclusion about the theories (concept from rubric: product).

Students must also do each of the following (related to communication):

• The essay must be grammatically correct with appropriate word choice, tone, and sentence structure.

• The student should use appropriate sources and documentation.

• The essay should be effectively organized with a logical order overall as well as being well-ordered within each section and having good transitions between sections.

• The essay should begin with an introduction that identifies the social issue and provides a brief outline for the essay.

• The body of the essay should focus on the application and critical examination of the theories to the social issue.

• The essay should end with a conclusion statement.

Signature Assignment #3

Students will write an essay that is approximately three pages in length. They will upload this essay into Canvas.

In this essay, students will discuss social stratification and inequality as they relate to a topic of interest, such as the family, deviance, crime, or gender.

In their essay, students must address the following set of questions related to citizenship, social justice, and ecology (related to social responsibility):

• What role do people play – through their actions and inactions – in generating and maintaining systems of stratification and inequality in society (concept from rubric: citizenship)?

• What issues of fairness are raised by stratification and inequality with respect to the selected topic (concept from rubric: social justice)?

• How might it be possible to overcome inequality in the selected topic (concept from rubric: ecology)?

Standardized Tests

A standardized measure or test is administered and scored in a consistent—or “standard”—manner. The test is designed in such a way that the questions, conditions for administering, scoring procedures, and interpretations demonstrate consistency and are administered and scored in a predetermined, uniform manner.

Standardized tests are “normed,” which means that they have been tested with the intended sample population. This allows you to compare your clients to others in the population. Social workers use standardized tests, such as questionnaires, to assess client needs. These and other tests may measure a client’s behavior, mental state, support systems, and resources. The tests are used for gathering psychosocial assessments, determining mental health disorders, and for assessing the services or types of support a client may need. These tests can also be used for measurement of processes or outcomes. For example, social workers who work for child protection programs often use risk assessment tools to determine if a child is at risk of harm. One standardized instrument used in child welfare is the Comprehensive Assessment Tool (CAT) (The SPHERE Institute, 2005). The use of standardized tests can help a social worker assess a client’s needs and develop a treatment program for the client.

For this Assignment, you select a standardized test for your Clarksville program. As you receive feedback for this Assignment, consider what revisions you want to make for your final project and apply your new knowledge to your final project program or population.

The Assignment:

Go to the Walden University Library and select a standardized test that can be used to measure a target process or outcome within your Clarksville program.

Submit 2–3 pages in which you:

Summarize the standardized test you selected from the Walden University Library.
Discuss why you selected this measure.
Discuss your analysis plan and how this analysis can be used to inform services within your program

1.) Investment in automation and robotisation can potentially return work to developed economies and undermine the advantages that emerging economies have in a surplus population of low cost labour. Critically discuss.

The essay is usually composed of 5 parts:
• introduction
• review of the arguments highlighted on the essay
• provision of evidence/data/case studies/examples to support arguments
• discussion
• conclusion
A simple introduction involves a discussion of what the essay is asking and how you are going to answer the essay. A review of the arguments involves summarising different arguments/theories; Evidence can come in many forms and can be used to back up or criticise an argument. Discussion involves you weighing up the different arguments and coming to a position or point of view. A conclusion reminds the reader what you have done in the essay.
All arguments require references to an authoritative source. Evidence is typically from academic sources but can also come from government official information or surveys. Ensure that you are aware of the provenance of evidence. It might be from think tanks, consultants, pressure groups or lobby firms that may be pushing one line of argument, and therefore this needs to be declared or revealed. Try to use peer-reviewed academic work – books, chapters and especially journal articles – in your essays. Reputable newspapers and online media sites that undertake investigative journalism and are noted for such reports are ok. Avoid opinion pieces or popular papers, and stick to evidenced claims and arguments – which are generally from academic research.

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Overview: From the beginning of the semester, you have researched an issue of your choice. This is a topic in which you are obviously interested, and you have summarized and analyzed information accordingly in past assignments. Now is the time to argue the relevance of your chosen topic. In a report style format, you will present your research and convince the reader that it is a relevant topic of discussion. While you will be arguing your point, the purpose of this final report is to present information on the topic in an organized and coherent fashion.
Purpose and Audience:
The purpose of this report is to illustrate the relevance of your topic, so you should approach this project as an expert in the field. Because your audience is your peer group, you must remember that your readers may not be familiar with the topic. That is why you have to handle two tasks at the same time – to make your essay both interesting and informative. To do so, you need to plan your essay well and revise it to overcome any issues.
You have chosen your topic at the beginning of the semester, but now it is time to make a final narrowing down and answering your research question. After reading your research report, the reader should walk away with a feeling they learned something very important. Your explanation of the extensive research should convey this feeling.
You will continue using APA formatting style. You are required to use 5+ academically reliable sources for this report. To make your point stronger you might have to add more to what you had in your literature review or to replace some of them with more appropriate sources.
• Cover page
• Abstract
• Report
o At least one graphic should be included in the report (it should be not only included but used and formatted in accordance with APA).
• Reference page
Your report should be anywhere between 5 to 10 pages of text (not counting title page, abstract, and references)

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Required (250-650 words): At the University of Colorado Boulder, no two Buffs are alike. We value difference and support equity and inclusion of all students and their many intersecting identities. Pick one of your unique identities and describe its significance.

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The dissertation will be produced in A4 size, with margins of 2cm (left margin 2.5cm), Calibri font 12, line spacing 1.5, appropriately divided into coherent sections.
4. The maximum word count is as follows:
b. Literature based projects 16,000-18,000
The word count must include the main body of the text (see point 7 below), including references in the text, figure legends and table legends, but exclude the declaration, acknowledgements and contents at the beginning of the thesis (see point 6 below), references in the reference list, and the appendices. Any words over these limits will not be marked.
5. The front cover (see Section 6, page 28 for template) must clearly state the title, your name, your student number and the word count.
6. The introductory pages must include:
a. A signed declaration that the dissertation is your own work (see Section 6, page 27)
b. Acknowledgements
c. Table of contents
d. Lists of figures, tables and (where necessary) appendices.
e. A list of abbreviations (keep to a minimum).
7. The main body of the dissertation should contain the following section:

Literature project:
a. Abstract
b. Introduction
c. Literature review
d. Discussion
e. Conclusion
f. References
g. Appendices (if necessary)