Choose one of the assumptions and provide an example of a time when you held that assumption and learned that it was wrong.

On page 318 you will find the essay “Unwarranted Assumptions.” On page 319, there is a lengthy list of the most common unwarranted assumptions. Choose one of the assumptions and provide an example of a time when you held that assumption and learned that it was wrong. How did you come to understand that the assumption you held was wrong?

When you quote the essay, use an attributive tag. Your paragraph should be a minimum of 250 words. You will be using the first-person point of view. Finally, use some connotative and figurative language.

Due April 22nd at one minute before midnight.

History of Islamic Civilizations – Take-Home Exam

Part I (50%)

Give a short answer (approx.250 words) to the following 4 questions. Make sure you give direct evidence and examples from the relevant readings and/or the lectures. NO outside research is needed.

1) Why did the Abbasid Caliphs decline in power during the mid-10th century? Answer with specific reference to ibn Miskawayh’s observations (6 Jan. readings).

2) Do you agree with ibn Khaldun’s (d.1406) theory of social change? Explain with its possible application (or not) to specific events from Islamic history.

3) What does the story of the unfaithful wife (9 Mar. readings) from the 1001 Nights tales, reveal about post-10th-century Islamic urban centres? Is it mere fantasy or a reflection of some aspects of gender relations?

4) In what way does the tale of Hayy ibn Yaqzan (16 Mar. readings Sections 3-5 and 10-12, (on pages 43-45 and 51-53)) illustrate Islamic philosophy’s main contribution to the problem of faith and reason?

(Additional sources are linked)

Part II (50%)

Write an essay (approx.1000 words) in which you answer the following question. Make sure you include an introduction, analysis, and conclusion with plenty of direct illustrative examples from the readings and the lectures. I am, of course, interested in your opinions, but a good grade is more dependent on your ability to demonstrate a good knowledge of the material, and how it is woven together, rather than your specific opinion of its significance.

Q) Among the many issues we discussed in the second term of this course, which two interrelated themes or events did you find most important in terms of their impact (positive or negative) on the history of Islamic civilization? Explain the nature of the two themes or events. How are the two related? Why did you choose them as opposed to others? Would you say they were specific to the Islamic World or part of the general history of human societies?

(I wanted to compare the crusades to the Islamic conquest of Spain and North Africa, relevant links are added)

Executive Orders Internet Activity

this is the cite you look to answer the question

Congress passes laws, and the executive branch implements those laws-federal departments and agencies carry out and enforce the policy goals. The President wields some influence over the laws themselves, because of his power to veto legislation. The President can also affect how the federal agencies and departments do their jobs in a few ways. First of all, he appoints the top officials at the agencies which carry out the laws, and he will choose people to run the agencies who share his political views. (The Senate has to confirm the President’s appointments.) The President also has the power to give instructions to federal agencies about how they should operate and how they should implement laws. These instructions, called executive orders, have the force of law. However, executive orders can’t contradict laws; they can tell agencies what to do in cases where the law does not specifically guide them already. An executive order can be rescinded or changed by a future president. Presidents may try to use executive orders to achieve policy goals in cases when they can’t get the cooperation of Congress.

Executive orders vary greatly in importance. Some cover minor administrative matters, some establish a body like a board, council, or task force to study and address an issue, and some enact major policy changes. For instance, in 1948, President Harry Truman desegregated the armed forces with an executive order (order #9981, July 26 1948).

The American Presidency Project has an archive of executive orders from the 1820s to partway through 2019. It can be accessed here . A search box at the top of the page lets you choose any year from 1826 to 2019.

Take some time to browse through the executive orders, choosing a variety of years and presidential administrations to look at. In addition to looking at the titles, choose several to read to see what they’re trying to accomplish and how they try to accomplish it. Some of the kinds of orders you might look out for include: orders that establish a board, council, advisory panel, task force, or similar body to see some of the issues particular presidents are focusing on, orders that deal with foreign affairs, orders that reverse or change previous executive orders, and orders that advance specific policy goals.

This week’s Internet activity asked you to look at executive orders presidents have issued over the years. What kinds of things have presidents tried to accomplish using executive orders? In browsing through the orders, what did you find most interesting and why? Can you say anything about how particular orders related to the historical time period-what the problems of the day were?


In the poem To his Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
explain how he uses pairs or opposites (crowns and feet; pride and humility; youth and age; growth and decay, for example) to make a larger point about relationships (to art, to God, to love) in the poem.

Create a Customer Relationship Management Plan

Essay Instruction is attach below.
This Competency Assessment assesses the following outcomes:

MT450M5-5: Create a Customer Relationship Management Plan.

GEL-8.03: Apply Critical thinking to formulate a logical solution to a problem.

A spa-centered hotel chain, International Waters, Inc. (IW), has been in business for 2 years now. Their mission is to provide a stress-free stay for guests where relaxation is a priority. They primarily are located on the West Coast of the U.S. and the east and west coasts of Mexico, and all their properties contain water features and spas. IW especially caters to the business customer who needs time away to relax and recuperate. The problem that has surfaced from their analysis of the CSR database and various customer surveys is that they cannot seem to establish a long-term connection to their customers, so few return. The CEO wants to address the problem and has tasked the marketing director (your role) with providing a Customer Relationship Management Plan.

Access some IW customer survey feedback recently obtained.

Access the IW Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Plan template

Instructions: Analyze the scenario and the data provided to create your CRM to address the problems you identify in the template provided.

Checklist: Create a CRM Plan addressing the following:

Write a synopsis of the problems.
State the SMART goals to resolve the problems.
Describe alignment of mission to market and branding.
Outline training of staff.
Explain how you will create brand awareness.
Provide opportunities for product testing
Identify customer touch points and explain how addressed.
Describe promotion of IW to create brand loyalty.
Explain how you will create value for customers from their point of view.
Provide a follow-up and summary of your plan.
Respond in a minimum of 2–3 pages (600–800 words) in the template using APA format and citation style.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Respond to all the checklist items in a thorough manner.
Submit your response using correct English grammar and spelling.

Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It violates the University Honor Code, and the offense is subject to disciplinary action. You are expected to be the sole author of your work. Use of another person’s work or ideas must be accompanied by specific citations and references. Whether the action is intentional or not, it still constitutes plagiarism.

For more information on University’s Plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.

Structural battery technology for unmanned air systems

This assignment is a literature review
There should be at least 15 references
There are only two pages for this assignment. The first page should contain the literature review and the second page should list all the references. All of the references should be numbered.
additional information is provided in the attached file

External Validity II

For this assignment, you will evaluate the external validity of Eskine, Kacinik, and Prinz (2011), with a particular focus on the external validity to situations and settings outside the study.

Your paper should address the following questions:

What steps did the researchers take, if any, to increase the study’s similarity to real-world contexts?
Given your response above, what are the implications for generalizing to settings outside the experiment?
HINT: As you write, you will find it helpful to draw on the Chapter 14 concepts of ecological validity and experimental realism.

You do not need to provide an in-text citation or references list for this exercise. As you write, be sure to paraphrase the ideas in the source article and to avoid plagiarism. For our purposes, three or more consecutive content words taken from the Eskine article will constitute plagiarism.

Signature assignment 1

In this report, students are required to do each of the following:

• Students will clearly identify the social issue addressed in their report (concept from rubric: identification).

• Students will clearly identify two variables from the GSS that they will include in their analysis. One of these variables must be related to their selected social issue. Students will explain how this variable is related to their selected social issue. Students will also propose a hypothesis about the relationship between the two variables (concept from rubric: assimilation).

• Students will use the GSS Data Explorer to perform a bivariate analysis (concept from rubric: analysis).

• Students will present a table or graph from their analysis using the GSS Data Explorer and briefly describe the relationship, if any, between the two variables (concept from rubric: presentation).

• Students will draw a conclusion about the relationship between the two variables and provide a short summary of their findings (concept from rubric: application).

see paper details

Please address each of the following issues in a separate paragraph or two, with each response identified by the corresponding letter of the issue you are addressing. If you do incorporate other sources, be sure to clearly identify them as such. Please DO NOT include the questions; just number your responses appropriately. Expected to be college level work, with appropriate spelling, grammar, formatting, etc.,

Assignment Topics:
1. In your own words, differentiate between a LAN and the “Cloud”. Use of the cloud is expanding; what potential drawbacks can you anticipate to this, as opposed to the LAN?

2. In the Tarrantino classic “Pulp Fiction” the question was asked, “Do you listen or wait to talk? If someone were to ask you that question, what would your answer be? Why do you think so many of us would have to honestly answer “wait to talk”? In a business setting, what benefits can be gained from really listening?

3. In running a business, describe costs and benefits resulting from exceeding legal standards and running what you believe to be a highly ethical operation.

4. Explain how one American citizen could benefit from a “strong” dollar (compared to the Euro) while another could be hurt by it.