Global Supply Chain Management Coursework 2 guidelines

This is the assignment number 2 that must refer to the recommendations from assignment number 1.

More importantly, there are two books that crucial to cite in my work to show the lecturers that I read them.

Book 1: Global Logistic and Supply Chain Management by Mangan, John/Lalwani, Chandra L. 3rd Edition (Wiley)

Book2: Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Global Edition by Chopra , Sunil/Meindl, Peter (6th edition Pearson)

Persuade your audience that social media provides a valuable outlet for free expression

The purpose is twofold:

Persuade the reader to agree with the writer’s position (primary purpose)
Encourage the reader to take action on the topic (secondary purpose)
For this assignment, you’ll write a 1,600–1,800 word argument essay that incorporates secondary sources to support your claim about an assigned topic.
Use at least one non-profit or government organization (online or print).

Research Paper Rough Draft – (Topic: The effects of Epidemics and Pandemics on the “Essential Working Class”)

(Topic: The effects of Epidemics and Pandemics on the “Essential Working Class”)

Write the ROUGH DRAFT of 2-3 double-spaced, MLA format pages following the SENTENCE OUTLINE. As you write, include the IN-TEXT Citations.

A research paper is a common form of academic writing. Research papers require students and academics to locate information about a topic (that is, to conduct research), take a stand on that topic, and provide support (or evidence) for that position in an organized report.

Marxist system

Explain Marxism. How different would this current crisis be if we lived under a Marxist system as opposed capitalism? In what ways might it be better? Explain.

Artificial intelligence Research/opinion paper

At least Four (4) cited sources including our book (Sources can be books, articles or an Internet source).
Four to Six (4 to 6) pages double spaced
Research Paper Format
Required sections: Title, Abstract, Body, Opinion and References.
Be Sure to include an Abstract and Opinion sections this time.
Other sections are optional.
Since the research paper is being posted on the discussion board, each section does not need to start a new page.
How to Format Your Research Paper link (Science Buddies website).
Need at least one full page of your opinions and concerns about these topics