
On your own, you will find and watch a movie that relates to the topic of Staffing/Hiring.

Explain why you chose the movie, using our text as a reference.
Give a brief overview of the movie as a whole
DESCRIBE 4 SCENES from your movie and explain, in detail, how it relates to Staffing/Hiring

Strategies for Time Management

Pursuing a doctoral program requires commitment.
• Identify one challenge doctoral students have while purposing this advanced degree and how do you plan to overcome it.

Quality of Initial Posting
6 points
Initial posting reveals a clear understanding of all aspects of the discussion question, uses factual and relevant information, cites course readings, and demonstrates full development of concepts.

Critical Thinking/Application to Professional Practice
4 points
Demonstrates mastery conceptualizing the problem; viewpoints and assumptions of experts are analyzed, synthesized, and evaluated; conclusions are applied to professional practice with exceptional logic and rationale.

Community Planning, Architecture, Design and Public Policy

This essay is a statement of goals for a masters program of Community Planning, Architecture, Design and Public Policy. It should be a short essay about what i want to gain from the program, which focuses alot on using community planning and sustainable design to improve peoples lives.

My goals are to move into real affordable and sustainable housing building projects.
In terms of design and architecture the essay should focus on the benefits of incorporating sustainability into building projects (affordability, using less resources, reduced waste) and some of my goals for community planning (increase community’s quality of life by improving public transportation and sustainable affordable housing)

The essay shouldn’t require in depth research since it’s just a sand doesn’t have to be perfect, just well written. Thanks!

Each summary of each short story should be at least five sentences long but no more than ten. The first sentence should contain the author’s name, the title of the essay, and the thesis.

Before starting essay three, you will write a short summary of each of these four sources:

“Google Search and Destroy: Rise of the Machines”

“Homo sapiens RIP (or Why One of the Leading Gurus of the Technological Age Believes That the Future Doesn’t Need Us)”

“Automated Vehicles and Urban Mobility”

“Artificial Morality. Concepts, Issues and Challenges”

Each summary should be at least five sentences long but no more than ten. The first sentence should contain the author’s name, the title of the essay, and the thesis.

Becoming an Expat

This is Human Geogrpahy Research Paper. We went on a field Trip to Nerja Spain where we had the research question of Becoming an expat. we had to do interviews regarding expats in the area. These interviews will be sent. The max word count is 3000. This includes the Abstract, Introduction, Literature review, Methodology, Data analysis and discussion and conclusion. I will send a guidline paper including all of this. I will alsi send my one of my groups paper so you can see and compare it. But pleasde do not copy becasue that will be detected.

Enquiry Domain

Writing about Enquiry
Hopefully the class activities have helped you think about what it means to take an inquiry-based stance in your work. Now it’s time to draft your introduction to this section of your KEEPS portfolio. This piece of writing should address the following questions (please do not “answer” the questions in list form — these are GUIDELINES to the kinds of things that should be addressed.)

• How would you define Enquiry? How has this domain been defined for you via LIU coursework and assignments. Be sure to draw attention to where your understanding and the academic standing converge and differ.
• What ideas about Enquiry particularly engage you?
• What is your understanding of Enquiry as it relates to teaching?
• In what way does Enquiry manifest in your teaching practice?
• Have your ideas about Enquiry changed over the course of the program? How?
• What questions persist for you?

Keep in mind that the domain addresses both the inquiry you do you’re your teaching practice, and your ability to enact inquiry-based learning in your classroom. Reflect upon your strengths and areas of growth for you in relation to the claims.

You are expected to incorporate ideas from the reading that you have done for TAL 971/975 and/or that you have encountered in other courses and contexts (including your personal life.) Be sure to cite sources appropriately using APA format. You must incorporate AT LEAST 3 SOURCES in your domain narrative.

These drafts should be 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced, using correct APA format.

I have attached a sample essay for you to use a guideline.


Subject of ppt The prevention of clabsi (central line associated blood stream infection). Must develop a picot question and have slides relate to that. References must be from peer reviewed Scholarly journals and 3 of the 5 must be nursing journals

Global marketing plan

Word limit: max. 2.500 words
Scenario-You are the manager of a UK-headquartered company of your choice.
The company seeks growth opportunities and considers expanding further into the global marketplace. A first screening of international markets led to a short list of potential target country markets. The board of your company is asking you to develop a global marketing plan for one of those countries. Your plan will help the board to make a final decision about which country to target.
¥ Decide on an actually existing company that is headquartered in the UK and that is successfully operating in the UK domestic market. The company might or might not have collected experiences with international markets.
¥ Choose one country from the list (see next slide). The company that you chose should not already be operating in the country that you are selecting.

Socila work project

This is not a book report there was no other option to choose from .The assignment is a report, based on a contemporary social work problem or issue amendable to a project based response