womens issues

For this paper, choose a focus issue on women’s rights to explore.

Use the website of The Global Fund for Women (Links to an external site.) OR the Ms. Foundation for Women (Links to an external site.)as both have focus issues you can learn more about. Follow some of the links and then write a one-page paper that includes the following:

What did you read about or learn? What is the the focus issue, and what is being done? Give a brief summary of what you read.
Why did you choose this topic/why is it important to you?
What is this website’s overall message on feminism? After browsing this site, did your opinions on feminism change or stay the same?




1. What did you learn about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict that you did not know before watching this film?

2. What thoughts did you have after watching this film on any issues or strategies that might lead to peace in this conflict?

3. What might the film have done better? (This can be more general critique, not necessarily having to do with conflict analysis or resolution.)

Everyday Psychology

Navigate through the Everyday Psychology Interactive. Once you have completed the interactive scenario, return to Brightspace to answer the following questions:
What is the fundamental attribution error?
Who developed and tested this theory?
Give examples of how it could be applied to a real-life situation.
In what ways have you used this mode of thinking in your life?
Were your appraisals correct? Explain your reasoning.

sources that need to be used-


Social Commitment Domain Narrative

1. Students understand their role and responsibility in advocating for equitable and appropriate educational services for children and their families.
2. Students understand their role and responsibility in improving classrooms, schools and/or communities.
3. Students demonstrate academic integrity, professional responsibility and ethical behavior in their scholarship and practice.

I am attaching a sample essay, please use it as a guide.  Thank you.

Pluralism Domain Narrative

1. Students are aware of their own values and assumptions and question their biases as they relate to issues of diversity.
2. Students demonstrate understanding/appreciation of the heritages, life experiences, and historical backgrounds of diverse social, cultural, and linguistic groups in our society and schools.
3. Students implement a range of instructional approaches and strategies that are needed to educate diverse learners in a variety of contexts.

I am attaching a sample essay, please use it as a guide.  Thank you.

Production Review

Watch any recorded live theatre production


1. Introduction/Plot Summary – At the top of your document write: Name of Production and production location, date and the plot summary. Failure to include this requirement will result in reduced points. 10 points.

2. Directing, Staging, Choreography & Music Direction (as appropriate to the production) – Provide effective analysis with details supporting your opinions. You MUST comment on each area listed in the title of this second paragraph. 10 points.

3. Acting/Performance – Provide an effective analysis of your favorite or least favorite character with details supporting your opinions. This means that you will need to use specific examples from the production. 10 points.

4. Costumes & Lighting – Provide effective analysis with details (examples from the production) to support your opinions. 5 points.

5. Scenery, Sound, and Stage Management – Provide effective analysis with details to support your opinions by providing specific examples from the production. 5 points.

6. Reaction/Conclusion – Meaning, Impact, and Lesson. Provide effective discussion, with details supporting your opinions about the productions overall meaning, impact and lesson. 10 points.

You must use a Microsoft Word document only using Times Roman font, double space.

You must follow the above format and LABEL EACH OF THE SIX PARAGRAPH AS STATED ABOVE. You must address EACH area in the title of the label.

You must include the word count, or half of the points you earn will be lost. Word count is based on Microsoft Word’s word count feature.

The word count must be between 600 – 750. More or less will result in a severe point reduction. Place the word count just below the date on your paper.

Include at least one example from the production, for each area that you address, to support your opinions.

( For the file attached, discard writing about the ticket or having to attend a live play. )

College Scholarship Essay

Write an essay answering the following questions. Be specific. Min 300 words. The college is turning 60 years old in 2020! Over 100,000 have graduated!

1. Why did YOU choose to attend Eastern Florida State College (EFSC)? 2. With all of the programs offered at EFSC, why/how did you choose YOUR area of study?
3. What are your plans once you graduate?

Origins of Psychology and Research Methods Worksheet & Learning Experience Paper

Please complete attached documents.

Document #1:
1) File name is Origins of Psychology and Research Methods Worksheet

In this worksheet, the following is information that I chose for worksheet:

** THE TWO METHODS I CHOSE ARE: “Case Study & Surveys” (75 words for each method) and additional for other questions.
Require two (2) resources for reference. The resources must be via the internet and must have the URL in the reference so that it is easily accessible for research for instructors.

Document #2:
2) File name is Learning Experience Paper Instructions

Please read the attached document for document #2 instructions. This paper requires a 700-word paper.
Requires three resources and they are listed with the URL in document #2.

DOCUMENT #1 – 275 word
DOCUMENT #2 – 700 word

I also attached another document name, “Learning Experience Paper Grading Guide” and this document is a guide to write the document #2 paper.

Essay/Fiction Essay Instructions

Essay instructions will be attached to this order.

-In order to do this essay, certain passages will have to be read in order to answer the few bullet points attached via word doc.
-For the reading, please follow this website to access the reading:
1. www.liberty.edu
2. For login details, please, contact the support team.
3. Once logged in, locate ENGL102
4. After locating ENGL102>course content> Module 2/3>Reading&Study(reading will be located in those areas, the word doc states exactly what needs to be read for clarification purposes)

-Look at word doc for # of sources/references needed.