The Mexican Revolution: Its meaning and impact

Needs to be related to Latin American History anywhere from 1800 to the present. Recommended books to use are The underdogs, A novel of the Mexican revolution by Mariano Azuela, and Modern Latin America by Thomas Skidmore. I own a hard copy of both books and can provide you with them. The paper should reflect substantial thought/research from the books. Also use at least 5 other primary sources from online.
The paper should have a central purpose, hypothesis or argument and not just a collection of old facts.

Case Study Analysis: Uber – Driving Global Disruption

Conduct a Case Study analysis and deliver a well-organized write-up. Should be 9 Pages in length, double-spaced with 12 point font. Paper should analyze and introduce Uber as a company, competition Uber faces in the United States, ride-for-hire market in other countries, Uber’s services, a business model, expansion strategy, regulatory responses.

The case study should include these 8 areas:
– History, development, and growth of company over time
– Identification of company’s internal strengths and weaknesses
– The nature of the external environment surrounding the company
– A SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis.
– The kind of corporate-level strategy the company is pursuing
– The nature of the company’s business level strategy
– The company’s structure and control systems and how they match its strategy
– Recommendations

Behavioral economics

Behavioral economics is a relatively new field that attempts to explain behavioral biases that the standard economic theory could not explain. Behavioral economics assumes that consumers are often irrational due to limited cognitive capability and therefore often make choices that are not optimal. Behavioral economics also assumes that decision-making can be altered through intervention to help consumers optimize their choices. These assumptions support the idea that managerial decision-making often involves uncertainty.

For this assignment, you will use the CSU Online Library (or another source) to locate an article on behavioral economics that is published in a peer-reviewed journal and write a critical review of the article. The article must be at least five pages in length, and it must be no more than five years old.

Include the following in your review.

Summarize the article with emphasis on the author’s opinion about behavioral economics.
How does the author compare behavioral economics with the standard economic theory of consumer choice?
What did the article say about loss aversion, framing, anchoring, and mental accounting?
What information was provided concerning the application of behavioral economics in business and government?
How did the author address the implications of uncertainty that often exist in managerial decision-making?
Your review must be a minimum of two pages in length. Use APA style when writing your review, including citations and references for sources used. You must provide a title page and a reference page, which will not be included in the two-page minimum length.

Moonlight Film

its a five paragraph essay the topic shall be “Discuss the ideas developed by barry jenkins in moonlight about the role societal expectations plays when an individual seeks to discover their identity” Main focus on the character (Chiron/Little/Black)

Hook: thematic statement related to essay topic
T.A.G. + thesis
blueprint for your essay

Who is the character initially?
What are their goals/dreams/desires?
How would you describe the character’s behaviour?
What is the character’s attitude towards him/herself/others/life/ his or her world?
Why is he/she the way they are? (consider their history)
Whatever you prove must be directly linked to the topic.

When the character faces change/conflict/challenge/choice how does the character’s attitude/behaviour/goal/ /desires alter?Whatever you prove must be directly linked to the topic.

What are the consequences of the character’s response to the conflict/change/challenge/choice?
How has it served to alter the character’s attitude/dreams/goals/desires/values/behaviours?
Has the character’s response impacted those around him or her?Whatever you prove must be directly linked to the topic.

This paragraph is a further expansion of your initial theme statement in your introduction. It moves away from the specific details of the literature and focuses instead on the ideas that the author/director intended to convey through the literary work as they relate to the assigned topic. You may want to use this sentence to assist you: Therefore, through insert the text title, the insert the author’s name suggests…

Trifles by Susan Glaspell / Feminism

Critical research essay
Define and discuss « feminism » and the « type » of feminism the play « Trifles » fits into.
Explain how the play is a feminist play.
Explain specifically what the play says about the nature of male-female relationships. This is the key feminism comes in many varieties. What is the precise nature of the feminist statement the play makes ?

unit 8 hn370

There are many factors to consider when becoming a foster or adoptive parent. Imagine you are a human services professional working with clients who are in the process of becoming a foster or adoptive parent. The most popular option continues to be to reunited children with their biological parents whenever possible. Kinship care has become a viable option when this is not possible.

Please respond to the following:

What are some positives and negatives of kinship care? In your opinion, is this a good option for children? Why or why not?
Describe three reasons why children might be placed into foster care. In your opinion, what would be the most damaging to child development and why?
Should foster parents be of the same racial or cultural backgrounds as their foster children? What obligation might foster parents have to children of different cultures living in their homes?
Explain some reasons why children struggle in foster care. What programs are in place in your community to help children when they leave the foster care system? Give two examples of programs they can turn for support in your community.


Use the attached excel document as guidance to complete these 3 pages long word assignment. Also, I have attached a word document with all the details of this assignment.