Homeland Security and Emergency Management Policymaking Process

The term global war on terrorism (GWOT) remains fixed in the American lexicon. The Obama Administration, soon after taking office, directed all military and civilian federal agencies to refer to efforts to combat terrorism, particularly in reference to the two primary theatres of operation (Afghanistan and Iraq), as “overseas contingency operations.” For the purposes of clarity and ease of understanding for the learner, the term GWOT is used in this assignment.

You have been asked, as a recognized homeland security expert in your jurisdiction, to write a memo for your newly elected U.S. senator. She would like to know your thoughts on the following questions.

Using the course materials, textbook, and Web resources, consider the following questions as you write a memo of 750–1,000 words to your senator.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
Have the strategies enacted since 2001 clearly articulated the transition from the posture adopted during the Cold War to that required for non-state threats and the conduct of the GWOT?
Are they clear enough to define roles of organizations that are responsible for homeland security? Have you identified any areas of conflict (potential or actual) between federal agencies’ assignments?
Several HSPDs assign responsibilities for incident management leadership to federal departments that fall outside of the area of responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security. Do the identified lead departments have a day-to-day HS mission and focus? What challenges may exist when they are called to lead a multidisciplinary response effort if emergency management or HS are not their primary focus?
State emergency management and homeland security agencies design their response structures to reflect the anticipated organizational hierarchy established in several federal laws and policies (e.g., the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and HSPD-5). Does current policy guidance support this planning assumption?
What challenges exist or may emerge as a result of unclear pathways of command, control/coordination, and convergence during disaster or incident response operations?
Is the new environment supportive and appropriate for an all-hazards concept of homeland security and emergency management, or is it too focused on terrorism?
Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Which types of countries should have open capital markets?

The paper must pose a well-defined question and must make use of reasoning related to course material. The paper should be about 8 double-spaced pages and must be no longer than 15 pages. The paper should contain a list of sources at the end. The body of the paper should contain specific references to these sources.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Use the source data to build a predictive model targeted at predicting number of wins, then use
that model to predict the number of wins on the subject data.

the excel file is just a copy of the data you don’t have to do anything with it .

i uploaded the answer sheet in a screen shot picture

A time that occured or you experienced verbal agressiveness

It’s based on verbal aggressiveness so basically a time or interaction that you occurred with someone who was being verbally aggressive. The requirements are in the first & second page.
Here’s the book to cite.
Has to be in Chicago style to cite sources : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/
The page numbers it will be on is 200-211. Really 210-211.
It’s based on verbal aggressiveness so basically a time or interaction occurred with someone who was verbal aggressive.
THE BOOK TO CITE IS LISTED and include paper numbers of the book.
Also my heading is Na’Kiya Jackson
Professor name is : Dr Erdely
Date: 4/17/2020

draft a mini paper on a topic from one of the following legal areas tort law, intellectual property law, or business organizations law for a company you research.

Mini Paper 2 (Week 12)
-Students will draft a mini-paper on a topic from one of the following legal areas tort law (negligence or tort reform), intellectual property law (copyright, patent or trademark) or business organizations (entity selection) law.
-Students may select a company they would like to work for or a company they just want to learn more about.
-Mini papers must contain a minimum of 4 pages of content (not including title and reference pages which are required) and a minimum of 3 academic references (cited in-text and on reference page).
-Mini papers must be formatted in either MLA or APA style.

HPM 647 Designing an Evaluation Plan

HPM 647 Designing an Evaluation Plan Detailed Instructions Spring 2020
The goal of this assignment is for students to develop and present a plan, or proposal, that articulates how you would go about evaluating a particular type of program*.
*If you have access to information about a real health-related program, you can make that program the focus of your assignment. In that case, please send me a brief description of the program by April 3. *Alternatively, your Evaluation Plan should focus on the following program: “Project ChildSafe”. Information about this program can be found at http://www.projectchildsafe.org/.
Think of yourselves as potential evaluation contractors. With this assignment, you are responding to a request for proposals to be the lead evaluator that helps determine whether or not this program is effective at reducing childhood firearms accidents. Your proposals, therefore, should articulate a plan that you think would be compelling to stakeholders, based in part on its comprehensiveness and creativity, as well as its potential utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy.
You can assume that this program has not yet been implemented in your county. Also, you can assume that you will have 2 years from that time of implementation to complete your evaluation.
Your comprehensive evaluation plan/proposal should contain:
 A brief Needs Assessment, using existing data sources, and the scientific literature, to specify the
extent of the problem that the program is designed to address.
 A Logic Model, presenting the various elements of the program, and will highlight your
informed expectations regarding the resources needed to implement the program, as well as the
program’s implementation and impact goals.
 A Process Evaluation plan that includes:
o A summary of the key process evaluation questions that you feel need to be addressed. o A description and justification of your plans for collecting data for your process
 An Effect/Outcome Evaluation plan that includes:
o A summary of the key outcome evaluation questions that you feel need to be addressed. o A description and justification of the methods you would use to address each question
(type of design, groups being compared, data collection methods, threats to validity, and optional analysis plan).
Be sure to reference any materials you use to inform your design plan. Materials used must be cited in APA style. And as a reminder, plagiarism is not allowed and will be penalized. Please review the syllabus for information on plagiarism and APA style references.
Your evaluation plan should be no longer that 3,000 words, excluding references and logic model. It is due on Blackboard on May 5. Please get started early, and feel free to ask me any questions that you have along the way.

answer the 10 questions Separately.

Answer each of the 10 questions in the attached file anmed: answer here. Make sure you read everything carefully before answering the questions so that you fully understand what you need to do and how you need to answer each question. search on google for answers but don’t put references. make it as if it was your answer.

Is it time to recognise that residential care, a form of child protection, and the ‘privileged’ boarding school experience are a form of psychological trauma?

This is a dissertation that will eventually go into a book, the first cut I have extensively edited. I have uploaded the files with comments from my editor which I need addressing. I’ll need to interface with the expert directly on the final direction of the paper. Some restructuring is needed and I have outlined this in the other attached documents. The word count in 12,000, with 10% leeway (so 13,000ish) minus references so there is scope to respond to the recommendations and build out the sections. Much of the paper is tight and I have redrafted several times and had highly experienced editors review it. Their recommendations/comments are are attached as well as in the in the word document by the editors. I just need help getting it over the finishing line. The final direction of the paper needs deciding upon with regard to the theoretical framework. Or whether that gets adapted, following Whittemore, and the other the issues addressed.

Creating an Inspiring Classroom Environment

I would like for you to start writing on chapter 3 of the dissertation. I have requested 15 pages doubled spaced and 10 references to be added on the reference page or more if you choose too. I will attach a template that will guide you on how it should be written. Along with the previous chapter (one) that you had finished. Just add your pages to the document or just start new document.
Also, I am going to upload two students written samples that my professor requested for me to follow for chapter 3 design. The methodology design should be clear and understood based on the research project that is given. If you have any questions or need feedback please contact me. Otherwise I am reading and studying chapter 1 and reference articles.
Thank you for your support and effort!