
Each student will write an individual report about issues raised in a Darden School of Business case study on the scope, history and scale of the fintech industry (Allayannis and Cartwright, 2017).
The report is to address the following specific questions:
1. What is fintech and how has it evolved over time? Who are the major players? What conditions have contributed to the emergence of fintech?
2. What are the four options that Costa could share with her client? What are the pros and cons of each choice? Which one should she recommend and why?
3. What do the historical M&A data tell us about the fintech landscape? Which other alternatives could this bank focus on to create value in the fintech space?
4. How are fintech companies valued in comparison to the broader market? What are typical multiples and why are fintech companies priced as such?
5. What is the financial outlook for legacy banks in view of new entrants into the financial institutions space? Is panic from big banks justified or is fintech just a trend of the moment?
6. What is the impact of fintech on banks and the financial services industry at large? How might the future look for banks and fintech companies?
The report must be your own work. All information sources used in the preparation of the
report must be acknowledged appropriately.
The report will be graded against the following criteria:
1. Relevance—the report directly answers the above questions
2. Knowledge and understanding of the issues
3. Critical, analytical and integrative thinking
4. Evidence of the use of appropriate materials (e.g. books, journal articles)
5. Structure and presentation—the report is well organised and ideas are expressed clearly and concisely

Short Written Assignment 4 – The Conclusion

Look at the following photograph depicting a nanny watching over the babies of incarcerated women.

Compose a thesis and simple blueprint that responds to the following prompt: With the drug problem as rampant as it is today, how do children cope with the reality of incarcerated parents? If you choose, do a little light research to come up with a good thesis and simple blueprint. Refer to the research appendix for help citing your sources.
When you are satisfied with your thesis and simple blueprint, do the following.
Compose an introductory paragraph, using a narrative example, a related quotation, a startling statistic, an interesting fact, or a straw man as your motivator. Be sure to bridge smoothly into your thesis and simple blueprint.
Write four conclusions for the introduction, one that refers back to the motivator, one that makes an interesting statement, one that asks a rhetorical question, and one that presents a quotation or statistic. Remember to begin each conclusion by restating your thesis and blueprint

Night by Elie Wiesel

After reading the book Night by Elie Weisel write at least a 2-page response to each question (so a total of 5-6 pages). If you need more space feel free. Each question has multiple parts to them, but I want you to write a single coherent narrative for each essay incorporating each part within your answer. You should incorporate their own personal experience into the questions (How you do it is up to you, but I want you to relate your personal experience and perspective to the book and the questions). In addition, make sure to reference specific parts of the book in each question (at least two references per question).


1. Using examples from the text, what does Wiesel convey about human nature in the concentration camps? Where does he (if at all) draw the line between humanity and barbarism?

2. Why did the townspeople disbelieve Moshe the Beadle’s stories of the Nazi exterminations? Why did they reject him after he returned to warn them? Similarly, why did the prisoners continue to see the Nazi SS officers positively despite their role in the deportation and their role in the camps? What does this say about human behavior and how we tend to perceive other people. Provide examples from the book.

3. Read the attached .pdf about destructive obedience and the Milgram study. How might the forces that affect obedience explain why it was easier for the Nazis to implement the “Final Solution?” How do Milgram’s obedience experiments contribute to the social psychological understanding of the Holocaust? And do Milgram’s interpretations exonerate those who obey malevolent authority? Again, make sure to reference the book, but this time make sure to also reference the reading.

Class Struggles

Consider the following quote: ‘The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.’

Is the sentiment expressed in this sentence compatible with the recognition of the social significance of race and racial divisions?”

Netflix Business Strategy

Are the billions of dollars Netflix is pouring into the original content a successful strategy? (Is Netflix’s monetary bet on original content paying off?)

The term paper is to determine the answer to the question above.

Specifically my part of the term paper is:

Netflix profit strategy? What are some unique ways they are gaining profit?
(Financial/operational data. Netflix’s profitability. Creating tables to vertically/horizontally compare Netflix’s profitability might be a good way to support your arguments)

I have included various files that should help. The answer to the question can you a yes or no.

Thank you. Stay safe.

week 5 t2

When it comes to facilitating spiritual care for patients with worldviews different from your own, what are your strengths and weaknesses? If you were the patient, who would have the final say in terms of ethical decision-making and intervention in the event of a difficult situation?

Final project about social media(SNS)

And read the instruction file carefully. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask me while writing because i don’t want to request for revision.
Don’t plagiarize any ideas of others.

Major Approaches to Research Design

Officer Lightly has a colleague—Officer Brightly—who also has a background and experience with social science research. She joins the effort to develop a plan to involve citizens in protecting their own communities. She believes, however, that beginning the study by focusing on what motivates citizens to participate actively in providing for their own safe community is the wrong place to start. Officer Brightly proposes another direction; she is interested in examining what prevents or de-motivates people from taking action so clearly in their own best interest. She believes learning about these phenomena will aid the team in overcoming challenges through designing a comprehensive and thoughtful plan. Officer Brightly has a few guesses about the “why” here, but wants to examine the reality—systematically, thoroughly, and accurately.

Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in 1,000–1,250 words:
Develop two (2) research questions drawn from the above scenario.
For each research question, develop two (2) hypotheses.
Operationalize completely each variable for each hypothesis.
Name and fully describe what types of data or observations will be collected and how they will be handled.
Describe the specific methods employed for collecting and processing all of the various sets of data.
Now you will take the role of another officer with Social Research experience. You are assigned to the team and told to look at the work the other two officers have accomplished so far. In a memorandum to the team chief, consider Officers Lightly’s and Brightly’s research questions and hypotheses.
How will Brightly and Lightly’s studies complement (or conflict with) each other as currently constructed? Explain.
What gaps and seams exist in their research even after their methods and data are pooled? Explain.
What recommendations can you offer to the team chief that explain and support the methods you would add to their approaches? Explain.
What could you do to create a more comprehensive and coherent study? Explain.
What tactics and tools would you use to gather the data and observations? Why?