Week6.1 spring-2

I need to write on my main post About this graphic from my colleagues…
first question…. What are five ways to be an effective change champion?
Second question… How can a company initiate employees and engage them in change?
3 question… What happens if an organization cannot change as fast as the pace of change in its environment?
4…., Change is a guarantee in business but it can add stress and anxiety to individual employees. How can a change champion help an individual change successfully?

than in separate
I need to comment on my 3 colleagues main post as a colleague 1, colleague 2 and colleague 3 please positive comments.
Thank you so much!!
God bless you

The Psychodynamic Perspective & The Self: Discussion

When many people think of psychology, the first thing that comes to mind is Sigmund Freud. Although some of his work has been debunked by research, personality psychologists today tend to agree that the unconscious plays a role in our decision making process. Using what you learned in this chapter please discuss the following:

1. What is the structural model of personality development? Describe this model in your own words in 2-3 sentences.

2, What are the three structures of the structural model?

3. Consider the following scenario: You are in high school and have just been asked to the prom by your crush. You are so excited to go and realize you don’t have anything to wear. When you go shopping later that day, you find the PERFECT outfit…except for the price. It is WAY out of your budget….but you really want the outfit! Explain how the id would handle the situation, the ego, and the superego.

Please watch this talk on
How Do YOU Define Yourself Lizzie Velasquez at TEDxAustinWomen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c62Aqdlzvqk and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpYWSJFuZB0

After reading the text and watching the videos please answer the following:

4. How would you define self-efficacy? Provide at least one example of a scenario in which you would have high self- efficacy and an example of a scenario where your self-efficacy would be low.

5. Think about what defines you? Please use examples from the previous chapters to describe how you know yourself.

6. What gives you Power over the world? What takes it away? Below are two videos that may be helpful in sparking conversation:

https://www.ted.com/talks/meaghan_ramsey_why_thinking_you_re_ugly_is_bad_for_you (Links to an external site.)

https://www.ted.com/talks/adam_galinsky_how_to_speak_up_for_yourself (Links to an external site.)

Historical Impact of Brown v. Board of Education

The culminating project for the Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain is writing a research paper that describes your vision of the purpose and structure of schools in the future. In order to develop a vision of education for the future, it is important to understand educational trends, practices, and theories of the past.
In preparation for the Synthesis of Educational Theory Domain, this task requires a 4–6 page paper on a topic of historical importance in education.

A. Develop the paper by doing the following:
1. Provide an effective and captivating introduction.
2. Provide a thesis statement that defines the paper topic.
3. Develop supporting points for the thesis statement in a sequence of organized paragraphs in the body of the paper.
4. Provide scholarly evidence for each supporting point, using specifically cited examples from works read on the topic.

B. Create a conclusion in which you do the following:
1. Restate the thesis.
2. Summarize the paper.

C. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Week 6.2 spring-2

I request for this writer: 201926

I need to write about Managing People: “Saving Starbucks ‘ Soul”

Read the “Managing People: Saving Starbucks’ Soul” case study that starts on page 696 of your textbook
on my main post and in than in separate I need to comment on my 3 colleagues main post as a colleague 1, colleague 2 and colleague 3 please positive comments. Thank you so much!!
God bless you
This is my email and password

pls ask support team for login info


Brandman University Business Careers. (2018). Becoming an HR Strategist (10th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.

Farfan, B. (2018). The balance small business:  Starbucks Store Closings Improved Customer Service.  Retrieved from:  https://www.thebalancesmb.com/starbucks-store-closings-improve-customer-service-2891612

Interpreting Primary Literature

In this assignment, you will use knowledge from analytical chemistry to interpret and analyze a primary literature article. Please answer all questions with detail. Read and follow all instructions in the lab. I do not need a separate typical lab report. just fill in the document and upload it. no outside sources, only follow what is mentioned in the lab. Don’t use Times New Roman when typing in answers. I’ve attached the article. Please read and follow all the instructions in the lab document. Thank you.

Health Care Transformation

Position/Policy Analysis Paper 1: Health Care Transformation
You are to select a state (Medicaid), Medicare, or federal government organization (e.g., Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, etc.), and discuss how health care is being transformed within that organization. This includes a discussion about the activities and opportunities associated with this transformation, the issues or barriers that might impede this transformation, and the health IT use (or failure to optimize) related to the transformation. Explicitly address the health IT implications.
Cite all quotes and paraphrases, apply APA style, and do not exceed 1000 words. Include a title page with name of assignment, name of student(s), and date submitted. Explicitly address the health IT implications.

Agent Representative

There are five tasks to complete fro grading to obtain the certificate. The first 4 tasks are written answers. I will also provide reading files regards to the course. However, task 5 is a video record role play work. I am still not sure if that can be done by you guys or i will have to do it for now.

Negotiated Individual Study in Education

The essay will be hypothetical. Please see the webcast slides pdf for more information. This essay will follow the alternative route as detailed in the webcast slides pdf. I have also uploaded the module and briefing guides for reference.

I have included my initial research proposal (Developmental Research proposal pdf) which has been graded and comments have been given. Please read. It is important that the bullet points for improvement comment is addressed in the final essay and then added to the title page

I have also added examples of essays for you reference. These show comments and structure.