Popular culture

Dissertation question:

Change of Representation in Gender in “Sports Entertainment’s” Popular Culture.


Digital marketing strategy

The purpose of Assignment 2 – Digital Marketing Strategy is to build on the insights gained in the first assignment and produce a digital strategy, implementation plan and an on-going management plan for your organisation’s digital activities. In the form of a report, you need to demonstrate your ability to prepare and articulate a well-founded business case for the implementation of the digital marketing strategy as an integrated strand of the organisation’s marketing and communications. The word count is 5,000 words with an allowance of 10% above. See the word count section for more information. It is strongly recommended that you review the strategy & planning modules as they contain several elements to assist you in this assignment.

Please check page 20 of the assignment handbook.

Major Kitchen Appliance Selection Design, Construction and Consumer Information

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a major kitchen appliance. Evaluation criteria will include manufacturer information, materials and finishes, specification sheets, features, price, and consumer information. A conclusion will be drawn as to the value and usefulness of the appliance and the type of consumer that would purchase and/or benefit from this appliance.

Chose an oven, a cooktop OR a microwave to evaluate. look for one that features NEW TECHNOLOGY.

Include a completed “Appliance Evaluation Sheet” attached below.

MUST FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIONS, if the information is not available then write N/A next to the question.

your answers to be kept short right after the question, no need for a full sentence.

after filling out the sheet answer the following:

a fully typed 1-page (avoid first-person discussions) product evaluation. Draw a conclusion as to the value and usefulness of the appliance and the type of consumer that would purchase and/or benefit from this appliance. Additionally, indicate how you would change the design, materials, construction, functions, mechanisms, action, features, and /or consumer information to modernize the product.

The reference page is a must (no need for in-text citations):

Attach references and links to product information.

I paid for 4 pages assuming that answering the manufacturing paper would take 2 pages single spaced and the 3rd page is double spaced for the evaluation and the 4th page is if you need more space for either or.


This should not be plagiarized. I need this paper done ASAP.
I attached the sources that you MUST USE (you need to use more than two resources that I attached as pdf files), and you CANNOT use any other resources from outside or from internet. (The Topic is attached as a file)

Another resource (video resource that must be used):

I am a freshman at the university FYI.

dogville analysis

you will need to watch the film dogville and then you’re going to analyze the film form a philosophical point of view. I will also attach articles that you will need to use to define certain terms that support you’re claims. you will need to have 1 quote per page (from the articles that I’m going to attach) that supports you’re claim. you will also have to define the terms that I’m going to give you and then you will have to apply them into the paper. REMEMBER THAT EVERY CLAIM THAT YOU MAKE HAS TO BE SUPPORTED FROM THE ARTICLES, FOR EXAMPLE IF YOU’RE GOING TO SAY THAT SOMETHING IS A SIGNIFIER YOU NEED TO EXPLAIN WHAT IS A SIGINFIER IS. YOU’RE WRITING MUST BE AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE. PLEASE UNDERLINE ALL OF THE TERMS THAT I’M GOING TO GIVE IN THE PAPER. I ALSO NEED YOU TO FIND ME 2 ARTICLES THAT YOU COULD USE TO SUPPORT YOU’RE CLAIMS FOR THE PAPER, THE ARTICLES MUST COME FORM AN ACADEMIC SEARCH ENGINE SUCH AS JSTORE. I ALSO NEED YOU TO SITE THE FILM THAT YOU’RE GOING TO WATCH AS ONE OF THE SOURCES, IN TOTAL THERE SHOULD BE 5 SOURCES WITH THE TWO THAT I’M GOING TO ATTACH YOU. you will need to be applying Semiotics in the research paper (class terms):

The Saussurean model
– Signifier
– Signified concept
– The relational system

The Peircean model
– symbolic mode
– iconic mode
– indexical mode

you also need to apply denotation and connotation
-intertextuality – intratextuality

you also will need to Apply all 3 Ethical Theories:




you will also need to apply a minimum of 3 sub theories so only apply the ones that make the most sense:

Acquired-Virtue Ethics

Cultural Relativism

Ethical Subjectivism

Religious Morality

Ethical Egoism

Machiavellian Ethics

Utilitarian Ethics

Ethical Absolutism

Antinomian Ethics

Situation Ethics

Intuitive Ethics

Social Contract Theory

Existentialist Ethical Theory

Communitarian Theory




Purpose of your research

Thesis statement

Main points


Main point #1

Support with credible quotations

Main point #2

Support with credible quotations

Main point #3

Support with credible quotations

Summary of your main points

Restate your thesis statement and your position again

Result of your research

• You can write in the first person point of view.
• Avoid clichés. (“the bottom line”, “at the end of the day”, “all in all” etc.)
• Avoid slang and informal terms of expression. (“Well, …”, “It was like, we went…”)
• Avoid rhetoric. (“How should I interpret these results?”, “I asked myself – What do people think about global warming?”)
• When you use equations in your paper, make sure that every symbol in the equation is explained. Number equations sequentially for easy referencing.

• Cite articles by author(s) and year within your text. If there is a single author, the last name and year will suffice – e.g. (Hutchinson, 1995). If there are two authors, include both names and the year of the publication – e.g. (Hutchinson and Osborne, 1978). For more than two authors, use the first author with et al. – e.g. (Hutchinson et al., 1984).
• Include the list of references at the end of your paper. Do not include references you have read but not cited. List the references alphabetically by the first author’s last name.

No matter what its topic or length, an effective research paper meets the following ten criteria:

1. The paper has a clear thesis.

2. The writer shows a strong understanding of the topic and source material used.

3. There is evidence that the writer has read widely on the topic, including the recognized authorities in the field.

4. The paper acknowledges the opposition but shows why the point being argued is more valid.

5. The points are organized in a clear and logical way.

6. Each point is supported by solid, persuasive facts and examples.

7. Every outside source is carefully documented.

8. All supporting material can be verified.

9. The paper follows the standard conventions of the genre, including the use of correct documentation and a Works Cited page.

10. The paper uses standard written English. This is the level of diction and usage expected of educated people in high schools, colleges, universities, and work setting.

What impact has Affordable Care Act – Argumentative Essay I am for it

To make a persuasive claim about a significant issue and support my claim using evidence from sources. Please see the attached instruction.

Consider the following questions as you write your argumentative research paper:

Author: How do you wish to represent yourself in your argumentative research paper, and how will you achieve that representation?
Purpose: Given that your purpose is to make a persuasive claim and support your claim using evidence from sources, how will you achieve this purpose in your argumentative research paper?
Audience: Given that your audience is your ENG 102 instructor, how will this audience inform the content, structure, and language of your argumentative research paper?
Genre: Given that your genre is an argumentative research paper, what are the genre conventions (structure, design, formatting, language usage, and mechanics) that you need to apply?
Content: What claim are you making in your argumentative research paper? How will you craft an effective argument and support your claim? How will you balance background information, examples, argument, and other perspectives in your paper?
Structure: How will you structure your argumentative research paper? What structure will help your audience understand your position and be persuaded by your argument?
Language: What linguistic choices will you make in your argumentative research paper? How formal or informal should your language be? How can you revise and edit your language to meet your rhetorical purpose in the genre?

Your argumentative research paper will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

Rhetorical choices- Does the argumentative research paper effectively fulfill its purpose and appeal to the audience?
Content choices- Does the argumentative research paper make a clear, persuasive claim about a significant topic? Is the claim supported throughout the entire paper using evidence from sources? Are multiple perspectives on the topic, including counterarguments, discussed?
Genre choices- Does the argumentative research paper effectively apply genre conventions for an academic research paper?
Structural choices- Does the argumentative research paper introduction follow a logical arrangement?
Linguistic choices- Does the argumentative research paper use effective language for the genre and rhetorical situation?

I will be attaching everything that I have done through out my course work.

Analytical Essay

I have attached the rubric and the assignment guidelines. It is a pretty simple essay, however, there are literary works that have to be read. Everything that needs to be done is in the two documents I have attached.

Luxury Marketing Strategies

2500 words written case study report about implementing a new strategy for Prada brand (not Group). Attached is the brief guidelines of the paper, plus Powerpoint presentation which i have done but further research has to be done for the paper, to make sure it is done accurately. If your research will differ, i will correct my presentation which is part of the assignment. So basically do market research necessary for the second part- report and compare with my findings. 30-35 sources. Whatever research i made, i can send it over, let me know

The Role of Biomechanical, Neuromuscular, and Metabolic Specificity in Training for Enhancing Athletic Performance I

Research paper/thesis examining the importance of biomechanical, neuromuscular, and metabolic specificity in training for enhancing muscular (strength) endurance, peak force, and power as these relate to the specific needs of an athlete’s sport. The paper should include 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Discussion 4. Conclusion
The hypothesis: The closer the training modality mimics the biomechanical, neuromuscular, and metabolic demands of the athlete’s sport, the more effective the training will be at improving the athlete’s performance.
The conclusion should explain that specificity exists on a spectrum where the closer to the sports demands the greater the positive adaptions to the sports specific demands will be and as specificity moves further away so does the degree of improvement. Consider how biomechanical specificity may exist but metabolic specificity may not and so on. The greatest return on investment in training time and energy is to achieve close specificity of all three types. My basic assertion “swimming is not effective training for enhancing performance in boxing.” Any research showing swimming as not effective for improvements in another sport will be helpful.