
Only two page. The Introduction and Conclusion is word-for-word and the Body is in outline form.

Black women in British film: Analysis of the Involvement and Representation of Black Women in British Film

Prepare a research proposal of 2000 words using proper Harvard referencing on the given topic above.

The research question I have decided to explore is given below

To what extent are black women involved and represented in British film?

More details can be found in the attached document titled Sheba-Research proposal approach.

I have also attached for your information and review the documents provided by the lecturer on the research course and the intellectual frameworks discussed in class.
Feel free to make any suggestions on the stated objectives if you think they need improvement.

China and America

Hello, please read the three files that I attached. My instructions, professor’s instructions and the articles. Thank you!

Digital Detox

For my dissertation I have to set up a business plan. From conducting primary research, I’ve found that there is a need for a digital detox. The rise of social media has seen an increase in loneliness and loss of identity amongst the youth of today. I found that there are those who are willing to try this idea and those who like the idea however are afraid, as they feel lost without their devices. Whilst social media is a means to connect you with the world, some actually feel it causes them to disconnect with the world.

Therefore, I am proposing to set up an art therapy based hub, a digital detox centre wherein digital users or addicts are encouraged to express their emotions through various forms of art therapy. The idea works as a stress-relief zone, where users can unwind what’s on their mind at their own pace. The goal is to promote positive attitudes towards the mindset.s

The ultimate aim is to become self-funding within 3 years and have expanded the network by rolling the detox programmes by opening new hubs, within local communities to expand the network.

Company Law

This is a problem question essay.

In January 2019, Maya decided to form a company, Eatwell Ltd, for her food catering business in the regional city of Hallem. She invited her friends, Judy, Carla and Peter to join her in the company as directors and shareholders, each of them taking 20% shareholding, whilst Maya retained 40% shareholding. Maya then sold her business premises and all her catering equipment to the newly formed company. Maya was also appointed as the managing director. In April 2019, Maya leased some of the company’s catering equipment to Kilop Ltd, a neighbouring catering company. Maya usually leased those equipment to Kilop Ltd when she had her sole proprietorship business, so that Kilop Ltd could utilise the equipment over the spring period. Kilop Ltd usually made payments into Maya’s personal account. After a period of one month, Kilop Ltd realised that the equipment was sold to Eatwell Ltd and stopped making payments into Maya’s personal account for the lease.

Eatwell Ltd’s articles of association provided that all the directors must approve of decisions regarding the source of food products used in the catering business. In January 2020, Maya had several disagreements with Judy and Carla. At a meeting of the shareholders, Maya proposed a resolution to alter the articles in order to change the provision as regards all directors approving the source of food products to requiring the approval of any two of the directors. Maya and Peter then approved the purchase of food products from Jelly Ltd, a prominent food retailer in the area. Judy and Carla opposed the decision because they had heard that Jelly Ltd did not conform to the required environmental standards in their food production processes, and they explained this at the meeting to Maya and Peter. In March 2020, Maya received a notice that Eatwell Ltd was being fined by the Environmental Agency for buying its food products from Jelly Ltd, a situation which has led to losses for the company and reputational damage as well.

Advise Maya on the following issues:
1. Kilop Ltd’s refusal to make payments to Maya’s personal account, their argument being that she does not own the catering equipment.
2. The likelihood of success as regards the proposal to alter the articles as proposed by Maya, without the agreement of Judy and Carla.
3. Options which the other shareholders might take in respect of the decision to purchase food products from Jelly Ltd and its resultant negative consequences on the company.

The Stanford University Prison Experiment: Structure, Behavior, and Results

Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford University Prison Experiment could be described as a system whose systemic properties enabled the behaviors of the system’s actors, leading to disturbing results.

• Analyze the situation.
• What were the key elements of the system?
• How did the system operate?
• Why did the participants behave as they did?
• What lessons can be learned from this experiment about systems in relation to management?

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be four pages in length.
• Be formatted according to APA
• Include at least five scholarly or peer-reviewed articles.
• Include a title page, section headers, introduction, conclusion, and references page.
Zimbardo, P. G. (2007). Revisiting the Stanford prison experiment: A lesson in the power of situation Chronicle of Higher Education, 53(30), B6.

Compare and contrast the idea of what it means to be human in the Gospel of Matthew and Kant’s Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals with the idea of what it means to be human in Oedipus the King. Your essay should be clear, concise, organized, focused, disciplined, text-based, carefully written and edited, and critically informed by lecture and tutorial discussions.

Please read the instructions carefully, and check plagiarism (we use Turnitin).
I have attached all the necessary information below.
I am on academic probation now, so I must submit an outstanding essay.
I know buying paper is stupid, but I sincerely want to get out from academic probation.

Written Essay 3 – Persuasive

For this essay please use as a foundation the draft you submitted for your “Short Written Assignment 6 – Persuasion” and simply build and expand upon that.
Length: 750-1000 words (approximately 2.5-3.5 pages)
Format: APA; 12-pt. font, 1-inch margins, double spaced
Research: In order to support your three main points (from your thesis statement) you are required to bring some outside sources into your writing. Articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers found online are acceptable.
Persuasion; Ch. 18
To write a good Research/Persuasion essay, remember the following:
• Select a subject about which you hold a strong opinion and for which alternative or opposing opinions can be held.
• Develop a critical position in which you state what you are trying to convince your readers to think or do.
• Support your position with compelling evidence :statements by experts, scholarly research, statistics, and case studies.
Please read and refer to chapter 4; “Supporting Your Points” before and during your writing of this essay. In order to expand on your three main points (from your thesis statement) you will want to make sure to use the four main types of support (all found in chapter 4) for each of your three main points (from your thesis statement):
Brief Examples
Narrative Examples
Supporting Quotations
As well, make sure to use one of the several available motivators, as discussed in Chapter 7, as part of your introduction. The book of the chapters are on this website https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com to access my book – pls ask support team for login info