South-Asian female students in higher education: Perceptions of mental health and wellbeing

I would like to research indepth into the perceptions of mental health and wellbeing of South Asian female students attending university in England.
Being a young South Asian woman attending higher education myself, I have faced many cultural challenges which have impacted my mental health and wellbeing vastly in various ways. Having many South Asian female family/friends/colleagues either attending or having completed higher education, I have frequently witnessed these individuals facing similar as well as different struggles which can often stem from being from the South Asian culture.
I want to go in-depth into what extent having a South Asian background impacts one’s mental health and wellbeing. Various studies have been conducted on South Asian women in higher education. I feel having a vast amount of literature along with my in-depth study, I will allow me to understand the mental health and wellbeing of South Asian women in higher education in England.

What is Love?

This essay has to do with defining what is love and what is truly means. Answer the following questions below. : how would you define love? Is it a goal worthy to be achieved among people? Why or why not? Also express how you feel about the connection between sex and love. Use MLA format please Thank you


This will be chapter of master thesis. Paper should include a theoretical basis for Corporate level and Business level strategies.


One of the five elements of emotional intelligence is self-awareness. Explain why emotional intelligence is crucial for effective leadership. Discuss what behaviors someone with a high degree of self-awareness would demonstrate within the context of leading and managing groups. Provide an example.

Management of innovation and creativity

Assessment 2 Brief: Company Report – Write a Report on On Marvel Studios’s Management of their Innovation and Creativity (Individual Report)
Word count: 2500 words (excluding references) + or – 10%

Reflecting on the attached CW1 and CW2 – For this report, you are required to research an innovative organisation ( Marvel Studios) and write a report on how the Marvel Studios manages their innovation and supports creativity and its response to COVID-19.
This report is an individual piece of work requiring you to demonstrate what you have learned from the module in relation to the theory and application of innovation management and how to support creativity in an innovative organisation.  
Please save your report with the company name that you have been allocated. This will help with assigning reports for marking purposes

An Inspector Calls

‘We don’t live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other.’ (Priestley)
Consider how ‘an inspector calls’ powerfully conveys the theme of collective responsibility?

. Engage clearly with the terms of the question in each paragraph
. Include personal response
. Show detailed knowledge/ knowledge of implicit meanings and themes
. Make sure you explore effects of language devices
. Make sure you explore the effect of dramatic dervices/ dramatic structure
. Make reference to effect on audience