Discuss how two key ideas influenced by Darwin’s The Descent of Man are represented in Algernon Charles Swinburne’s poem ‘Hymn of Man’.

The Question:
Discuss how two key ideas influenced by Darwin’s The Descent of Man are represented in Algernon Charles Swinburne’s poem ‘Hymn of Man’.

Use the (2 primary texts)
1. ‘The descent of man’ by Darwin, ‘General Summary and Conclusion’ in Part III, Chapter XXI page 1642 & ‘The Evidence of the Descent of Man from Some Lower Form’ in Part I, Chapter I page 11
2.Hymn of man by Swinburne

You have to search a (minimum of 4 Secondary Academic sources) and use them to support your answer and a detailed analysis of both primary texts.**

Please it is very important to TEXT-REFERENCE and to Reference all the sources you’ve used at the end.

Please use quotes to support your answer!

No Plagarism, Research a minimum of 4 secondary sources, make sure please that they are academic sources and don’t forget to text reference!

To achieve a high grade my essay should according to the rubric:
1. sustained focus on responding to the question and a level of originality.
The transition between arguments creates a logical structure to the essay creating a convincing, knowledgeable and informed response to the question.

2.The analysis is very clear and
demonstrates detailed and relevant
engagement with the entirety of the primary texts.
Ideas are excellently

Sufficient number of appropriate secondary sources.

The selection of sources is considered, highly relevant and integrated throughout the essay.

The use of sources is sustained throughout the essay and enhances the student’s own work.

4. Reference and Text Reference


Instructions are uploaded with resources. I will put the information in the memo myself. Just write your answer in a regular format for an essay.

Displaced Populations – Syria

This module has provided plentiful information regarding the challenges associated with displaced populations that must be considered in order to effectively provide assistance following a disaster. Using your knowledge of best practices in disaster management, along with what you have learned thus far in the course as to what approaches work when and under what conditions in countries around the world, apply your knowledge to a case study on a recent disaster response that involved significant displacement.

Syrian refugees provide a rich opportunity to explore the issues discussed in this module and in the residency As a middle-income disaster-prone country, it regularly responds to disasters and has relatively sophisticated systems to do so. Displacement, from both violence and disaster, is an issue the government of Jordan has faced several for several years and has work with the international community to manage the humanitarian crisis.
Evaluate and reflect on what you learned in both the module . Discuss the following what impact has the crisis had on families prior to the disaster and how has displacement affected health service delivery post-disaster. What approaches by the Government of Jordan disaster management sector were helpful or harmful? Reflect on both their plans and the actions taken. It may be useful to examine how the international community both supported certain actions and advocated the government to change others.

1. What is the overall condition of the Jordanian Healthcare System.
2. What are the major threats and challenges to their healthcare system
3. How has the refugee crisis situation impacted their health delivery capacity?
4. What are their current gaps in the healthcare system as a result of caring for displaced populations.
5. What has been the role of NGO’s and other external aid agencies in assisting with managing the crisis. What are residual capacity gaps in the system.
6. From an EDM perspective what steps should be developed or implemented to improve the current disaster management capabilities.

attached is the course material related to the subject

Copyright, public domain, and fair use

Take a few minutes to explore the Copyright Clearing Center’s Copyright Basics


Briefly describe copyright, public domain, and fair use. Provide a unique example of fair use. Provide an example of when copyright would be violated.
Please watch the video for the assignment.


strategy and strategic management of Netflix

Develop a 3,200 – 3,500 word management report, addressing the following issues:

Based on an organisation selected to base your study of strategy and strategic management (previously assigned or agreed by the module tutor), develop a 3,200 – 3,500 word management report, addressing the following issues

1. Critically evaluate the current strategic position of your case study organisation, establishing the basis and sustainability of their competitive advantage in its present market or markets 35%
You will use a range of appropriate theoretical models or materials (industry / sector / market / company data) to critically evaluate the company’s strategic position including considerations for environment, strategic capabilities, purpose and organisational culture. The theoretical concepts and frameworks must be used to develop considerations for the basis and sustainability potential in achieving competitive advantage.

2. Develop and critically evaluate a minimum of three (3) strategic options available to the organisation to ensure success of its business strategy over the next three to five years 35%
In developing the strategic options, you must differentiate strategic options from operational plans, strategic from tactical, as well as long-term intent from short-term initiatives.

3. Evaluate the strategic options developed in part 2 of the report and select a strategic option for the organisation to implement. Critically discuss a range of implementation issues associated with the selected option, outlining and evaluating the process of leading and managing the proposed strategic option implementation 30%
Using option evaluation techniques justify your preferred option. In discussing the issues, pay particular attention to the key business relationships and how they might be managed in implementing this preferred option.

Plato, machiavelli, Marx political philosophy

• The paper should be standard format (12 pt font, 1 inch margins, page numbers.)
• The proper spacing for a script is single space within a dialog, double space between speakers.

Writing prompt :
• Imagine that you are hiking on a mountaintop (Or any other setting you choose…).
• You are speaking with Plato, Machiavelli, and Marx
• The four of you start to discuss how to set up a society and achieve the good life.
• In this discussion, you debate the following topics

1. Who are we (humans) at our core?
2. What kind of rule/govt should we choose? Who should hold power?
3. How could justice be achieved?
4. How do we best handle material/economic concerns?
5. What advice do you and our philosophers have for a US President, so that he/she may better achieve these goals in the US?

What I am looking for:
• clear presentation of the individual philosophers viewpoints
• insightful comparison and contrast of the philosophers as a group
• natural flow of dialog, without there being a lot of filler or “fluff”
• Your own personal insights (Remember that this dialog is between 3 philosophers and YOURSELF. You have an active role)