Using Microsoft Word: What Does the Library Have to Offer?

Write a one- to two-page essay that describes the benefits of using the Ashford University Library. Your paper should:

Explain the differences between scholarly resources and popular resources.
Describe the key things to remember when searching for sources within the Ashford University Library (e.g., databases, FindIt@AU search tool).
Detail how you will be most effective and efficient in finding resources that fit your research needs.
Format your paper according to APA style guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Your paper should demonstrate your ability to use the functions within MS Word to create a document with the following elements:

A title page (see below for specific information to include on this page)
Page numbers located in the top, right corner of the page (header page number function)
Paragraphs that are double spaced with the first line indented by .5 inch (line spacing function)
Page margins set to one inch on all four sides (margins function)
Spelling and grammar check (spelling & grammar function)

Contemporary issues in marketing – Essay 1 out of 4 topics (Social Marketing, Sustainability, Service dominant logic)

Assignment Titles:
Students to select one of the essay titles from the four options below:

Option 1 – Service Dominant Logic
Description of the assignment:
Some of the ideas relating to Service Dominant Logic are complex and difficult to understand, but the notion of customer co-creation is of increasing importance to many industries. Critically discuss marketing using a service-dominant logic lens. Using examples, evaluate how customers are involved in service systems that co-create.

Option 2 – Sustainability
Description of the assignment:
It has been suggested that sustainable fashion is an oxymoron (Berger-Grabner, 2018). Critically analyse the extent to which the fashion industry can be considered sustainable, exploring the potential role of marketers and consumers in creating a more ethical industry.

Option 3 – Social Marketing
Description of the assignment:
Explain the meaning of the term ‘social marketing’. What are the principal arguments in favour of adopting a social marketing approach to achieving beneficial social changes? What are the principal problems, challenges and criticisms that have been identified with respect to social marketing? Illustrate your answer by referring to the ‘Think!’ campaign ( and the ‘change4life’ campaign (

Option 4 – Special Topic
Description of the assignment:
Special topic – if students want to investigate Psychology of Social Media as addressed in the guest lecture during Europe Week, we will structure an essay topic on that theme.

Specific instructions:
Write this assignment in essay style. Word count is 2,000 words (+/- 10%)

• Provide an introduction that summarises the main themes or ideas in your essay.
• Provide definitions of any key terms
• Provide a minimum of 15 references including at least 6 journal articles – use the Harvard reference style ensuring you cite references in the text and compile a reference list
• Critically evaluate – consider both strengths and weaknesses in the arguments and proposals presented
• Provide a conclusion to the essay that presents your own viewpoint of the arguments and proposals you have evaluated – You can use first person – ‘I think’.

The main objectives of this assignment are to:
• Investigate a contemporary issue in marketing from a more critical perspective.
• Develop skills in deep reading of texts.
• Help develop your critical evaluation and writing skills.

Mark scheme
The assignment will be marked on two main criteria:

1. Presentation and Structure including Referencing (15%), and
2. Analysis – Development of your argument (85%)

Notes from me: As for the topic, I don’t care which one it is (if you’re sure you’d do an excellent work please feel free to choose otherwise) but I would suggest Social Marketing or service dominant logic.
Please do make sure you include enough sources (15, with 6 of them academic journal articles).
I have attached assignment 2 – guidance which is a support material from our professors,
I have also attached presentations from classes for each of the Social marketing and Service driven logic topics, each named respectively to their topic.
There is also Assessment 2 brief – this is the oficial brief by the prof, so please adhere to this. If there’s anything you need, do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks 🙂

Data Mining

Explain what is Data Mining (Giving Examples)
why are patterns an important part of data mining.
describe four types of data mining patterns.
1- Association
2- Prediction
3- CLUSTER (Also known as Segmentation)
4- Sequential (or time series) Relationship

DATA Mining

Explain what is Data Mining.
Explain why patterns are important in data mining.
Describe Four Types of Data Mining Patterns.
1- Association
2- Prediction
3- Cluster (Also Known as SEGMENTATION)

check other descriptions

What are the benefits of using search engines, such as Google, Yahoo!, or Bing? What are some of the limitations and dangers of using information that is widely available on the Web?

Pharmaceutical companies and doctors are facing scrutiny today with the legal manufacture and prescribing of opioid drugs. This paper will examine the issues faced by Johnson and Johnson and also Oxycontin as well just to name a few businesses. Could they have foreseen the addictions and changed prescribing techniques to meet their ethical obligations to the community?

Between weeks 2 and 6 you will research and prepare an eight (8) to ten (10) full pages (excluding title page, abstract and references) position paper in APA format addressing all of the following issues:

Identifies ethical issue as it related to the business environment
Ethical Analysis – includes concepts, theories, practices and social responsibility as relating to ethics
Legal Analysis – includes appropriate legal theories, laws, codes precedent and court cases
Law v. Ethics – liability versus responsibility
Important Information for this Paper

Students should review the template for a research paper on the main class page.
Students will be expected to include three (3) to five (5) scholarly resources which will include at least two business journals and two named companies or legal cases that have dealt with the selected topic. Wikipedia is not a scholarly source.
Students will be expected to submit their paper in APA format with in text citation and references
Students should review the grading rubric for additional information as to expectations for the paper
If you are not familiar with APA, please review the sections on APA at the course home page or on the library website. You can also contact the Student Success Center for assistance. This instructor as well as Wilmington University takes plagiarism very seriously. If plagiarism is detected, I will award a zero as a grade. If there are multiple instances of plagiarism, the student will be reported to the University. Students are reminded that plagiarism is also submitting a paper you prepared for another class in this class.
Timeline for Paper

Statistic research

General Steps:
1. Determine a research topic, question, and hypothesis that you would like to investigate.
• Narrow/broaden your topic as necessary.
• Note—the research question you develop must be able to be answered using at least one of the
statistical analyses that we covered previously in class (e.g., t-test, ANOVA, etc.)
2. Complete/submit a small-scale literature review related to your selected topic.
3. Create/submit a PowerPoint research proposal

Sections of the paper:
Student APA title page (1 page)
• Entire document must be properly formatted using APA (7th ed.) formatting
Introduction (~0.5 page)
• Establish the context of your review
o Define the topic of your study; provide brief background information to help your reader understand the topic; any operational definitions?
 You should have at least 1 article cited in this section
o Explain your reason for reviewing the literature on this topic (think significance/importance) o Integrate your research question
Body (~2 pages)  Final sentence in this section: “The purpose of this literature review is to…”
• Describe the findings of your articles in an integrative fashion (i.e., what do we already know?) o Refrain from saying Study 1 found this, Study 2 found this, Study 3 found this, etc.
 Compare and connect articles
 You should have at least 4 articles cited in this section
• It may be helpful to chunk articles by ‘themes’ based on the results/implications of
Summary (~0.25 to 0.5 page) each article
• Summarize the main findings from the articles that you reviewed and point out the information that you
found particularly important to know
• Try to conclude your paper by connecting your research question back to the context of the general topic
of study
• At least 5 peer-reviewed research articles
o Can use additional sources (e.g., books, etc.) but must have at least 5 peer-reviewed research articles
• Must be in APA format
• Must print-off the first page of every peer-reviewed research article you cite (e.g., print as PDF,
o Include those printed of pages at the end of this document

I will upload the rubric, please follow instructions closely. Also, my professor is very strict with plagiarism The paper needs to be lower than 5% on Turnitin.

The Thrill of It All- Sam Smith

This is an Argumentative paper
Describing how a young gay male artist describes the challenges of his everyday life through his music due to his sexuality.
The argument is some people believe if your famous you can do whatever and life is easy but in reality he describes what every gay male experiences throughout life.
Though I am not gay I can relate to his songs because he describes the challenges of being in a relationship in the modern world.