A 4000 word assignment on my business research. this is RESEARCH ON THE FUTURE OF ELECTRICITY CARS. Please identify and elaborate on the existing research of this topic. The minimum References needed is 50 references. Below i have included my research draft don’t copy words that’s just the base! please read carefully as my previous PHD writer for a different report did not read my files hence he got all the information wrong please read file !!! The structure of this report should be exactly like this Introduction (including outline research question)
Methodology (how did they search for the material, search / exclusion criteria)
Literature review
Bibliography Please do not let me down find articles that relate to this

Data Collection & Analysis Assignment

Data Collection & Analysis Assignment

data collection about aluminium and the many features, which can affect quality and business, so the interviews will be aluminium smelter employees. literature review available if needed so I can sent it by email (can’t attache here due to size)

This assignment is designed to give you some practice with different methods of data collection.
1. Design qualitative and quantitative data collection instruments
A. Design a survey with 10-15 questions that are related to your topic. (1 page)
B. Design an interview with 5 questions related to your topic. (1 page)

2. Select the data collection instrument most suitable to your research and conduct the data collection for with a sample (participants) relevant to your research study.
A. Administer the survey to at least 10 participants.
B. Interview 3 participants.

3. Collect and record all qualitative OR quantitative data in an excel spreadsheet so that you have a record of the data collected. (Refer to template attached)

Forensic Discipline: Anthropology

Anthropology is one of the many Forensic disciplines. Perform research on this forensic discipline and find a real world case that is heavily connected to this Forensic Discipline. Please see attached for further instructions.

Critically analyse and evaluate whether current UK Employment Law provides effective protection for Employees

I have attached the assignment brief and marking criteria. Use as many references as necessary. Briefly mention the impact of the coronavirus and how it has highlighted whether UK employment Law provides effective protection for employees.
Here are some links that might be useful:

Written Scientific Proposal (Business plan)

Assignment 3 Instructions: Written Scientific Proposal

The written scientific proposal is an individual assignment i.e. your own write-up of your group’s business idea and preliminary data.


Use Arial font size 10.
Use 2cm page margins.
Include page numbers.

1. Company name and names of team members. (Company name is ‘Biophytol’. (Leave names blank I will add them on)

2. Title. Include a brief title to describe the company.

Abstract. 50-60 words; summarise the business idea.
Background and Rationale.
Introduce the scientific/technical background to the business idea. What will you do? Why does it need to be done? Why should your company get investment? You may include facts and figures to support your case.

5. Overview of business plan. Briefly summarise your business plan.

6. Experimental programme and methodology. Describe the aims and objectives of your research and development plan, how you will achieve those aims and the methodologies you will use to do so. Provide a description of your preliminary experiments and the results you have obtained.

7. References

This assignment addresses module learning outcomes 1-4:

1. Demonstrate a conceptual understanding of the adaptation and diversity of microbial life on Earth and their physiological role in key biological processes. (Biosciences benchmarks: 3.2 subject knowledge, 3.3 generic skills & 3.5 intellectual skills)

2. Demonstrate an appreciation of the potential to harness microbial processes for biotechnological applications and a creative approach to the use of microorganisms in industry. (Biosciences benchmarks: 3.2 subject knowledge, 3.3 generic skills & 3.5 intellectual skills)

3. Critically evaluate scientific literature and prepare a scientific manuscript based on the student-led group activity. (Biosciences benchmarks: 3.2 subject knowledge, 3.3 generic skills, 3.4 graduate and key skills, 3.5 intellectual skills, 3.6 practical skills, 3.7 information technology skills)

4. Work effectively both as a member of a group and individually to complete the student-led group activity (Biotech start-up company). (Biosciences benchmarks: 3.2 subject knowledge, 3.3 generic skills, 3.4 graduate and key skills, 3.5 intellectual skills, 3.6 practical skills, 3.7 information technology skills, 3.8 interpersonal and teamwork skills & 3.9 self-management and professional development skills).

Book review of Mark Mathabane’s Kaffir Boy

Review one of the underlisted African Novels and relate it to THREE otthe themes in history of modern Africa such as gender relations, culture, labor. welfare, race relations, recreation, welfare, religion, trade and health. Support your review with materials from the lectures and other sources. The review should include the setting. a brief summary (one paragraph), discussion of any three of afore listed theiiies with materjajs fmm other Sgurces, conclusion, references (Chicago style) and bibliography

Robinson and Crow (2009:2) posited that ‘offender rehabilitation can imply not just behavioural change, but also a symbolic process where an individual is permitted to shed the negative label of offender’ and be reinstated within the community after a period of exclusion or censure’ Critically explore the extent to which contemporary rehabilitation practice achieves this goal

Paper format should be UCD HARVARD STYLE, available at

attached primary sources you will have to rely on and utilise others which you may find relevant.. Microsoft docx contains my opinion on how the paper may be approached

Team Characterisics and Diversity

Use this assignment to conduct research for your Individual Writing Assignment. Identify a peer-reviewed article and write an Annotated Bibliography.
Review the Annotated Bibliography Helpful Hints under Course Home for a properly formatted journal article and requirements.
The length is variable but should be no more than 1 page. Coversheets are not required. Put the APA reference at the top, and then start writing on the next line.
Proper APA formatting of the reference itself is important. You should be using all Journal Articles so the format will be the same each time.

Isolating hotspots

In the New Yorker Medical Report, The Hot Spotters, (Links to an external site.) Dr. Jeffrey Brenner reports that nearly half the population in the city is seen in the emergency department. Imagine you are the senior health care nursing leader for your organization. Would you recommend such a practice for community assessment and intervention for your health system?
Discuss the following:
the reasons patients use the emergency department for primary care
Could a model such as the one discussed in the article improve access and quality?