Exploring the Impact of Green Finance Development on Environmental Sustainability: A Case Study of China.

My objectives for this research are stated as follow:
1. To model a green finance development index and a green finance structure index to measure the level of green finance development in different cities of China
2. Map out the correlation between green finance development and greenhouse gases emissions in different economic sectors of different cities in China from 2009 to 2017 (depending on availability of data) using regression analysis
3. To propose recommendations for the government and investors in which financial products to invest and to which industries the funds should be directed in order to achieve the most economically and environmentally efficient outcomes


In April 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. was arrested for participating in a planned non-violent civil rights campaign in Birmingham, Alabama. Local clergy had criticized the movement and King’s involvement in it. In Letter from a Birmingham Jail, King discusses his views on civil rights, the role of the church, and his involvement in non-violent protest.

Read the letter. http://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html

You can also listen to the letter while you’re viewing it online. Click this link to listen to it, and open another tab to view the letter at the same time.

In your first paragraph, summarize what King’s major points are in the letter. Consider:

What was the purpose of the Letter from a Birmingham Jail?

Why was King more troubled by the White moderate than the KKK?

What does King view as the reason for law and order, and how is that different from how the white moderate was viewing it?

What is King suggesting by acts of civil disobedience, and what does this involve? Can it be considered legal action?

Can this type of non-violent campaign be successful?

In your second paragraph, address how King’s main ideas in his letter could be applied to today:

What are some modern-day civil rights struggles?

How do the points in his letter relate to modern-day civil rights struggles?

If King lived in this era, what would he be saying about these movements and regular people’s responses to them?

Please list your reference(s) at the end of your initial post.

Here is how to reference King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”:

King, M. L. (1963, April 16). Letter from a Birmingham jail. Retrieved from http://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html

National Security Strategy/USMC Strategy

Reflective essay with a reflective thesis statement (highlighted). three supporting paragraphs and a conclusion. Please use the attached documents for cited resources. Also write it in first person.
1 inch margins, Size 12 Times New Roman

Marketing and Communication Techniques for Health Care Products

First, select a health care product or service. This is something like emergency services, the labor and delivery suite, urgent care, senior services, and so on. You are to write a 2-page brief that:
Describes the health care product you selected.
Analyzes the consumer population that would be interested in the product you selected.
Recommends two marketing communication techniques that would be appropriate for that population. Be sure to explain why they would be appropriate.
Create just one of the marketing communications you recommended. Be creative.

Free Quote

Final Paper: You will write a research paper on the on the question of “What are the positive aspects about the Middle East that should be taught in the U.S (in colleges and high-schools) in order to change the misperceptions regarding the Middle East, Islam, and people from the region in general.” You can use personal examples, anecdotes, or do some ethnographic research for this assignment. The final analytical paper, 15 pages with citations, will represent the culmination of your research. It has to have a separate citation section, use any style you pick such as APA, MLA, Chicago, etc. Final paper grade within a category will depend on a combination of the factors listed in the rubric

Evaluate research philosophies and their relevance to business research


Key to this area is the command word of “Evaluate”. In order to evaluate you must judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of the area concerned – in this case, research philosophies and the relevance to business research.

In order to fulfil the requirements for this area, produce an essay which, as a minimum covers, the following areas:
•A full definition as to the meaning of research and research philosophy,
•In-depth analysis of the relevance of two forms of data to your own organisation or one that you are familiar with as well as a definition of primary and secondary business information with in-depth examples,
•Define an objective and problem within your organisation, or one that you are familiar with so as to form the base line of a business research example,
•Evaluate three methods of research philosophies.


Assessment Component 2 – The Final Urban Health Report

The Final Report (3500 words) carries a weight of 65% of the module’s total marks.

You may prepare and write the Final Report on the same urban health issue you chose for the Urban Health Profile, Assessment Component 01.

The following is what you should consider for this assessment component:

a) Report Title – should include the health issue, target population group and the area. London or New York based papers should look at the boroughs; elsewhere you can just look at the whole city as one study unit.

b) Introduction – brief overview of the urban health issue and signposting to show the sections you will include in the work.

c) Rationale of why this is an urban health issue – identify and explain the evidence including epidemiological data you will use to show why this is an urban health problem.

d) Explain the urban context and determinants that you will look at to explain the impact on the health issue. If you are looking at the same topic and borough as before, you can draw on the Urban Health Profile. Remember to draw on the wider context, including London if you are looking at a London borough.

e) Identify and explain the public health consequences and implications of this urban health problem that impact on the general populations, on the individual and on the health services.

f) Explain what strategies and interventions for addressing this urban health problem you will critique in the paper.

g) What recommendations and conclusions you expect to make?

Critical reflective essay on Team Observed Structured Professional Encounter

Using Gibbs model of reflection . In this essay, you should identify your key learning experiences of engaging in the TOSPE interprofessional scenarios and critically reflect on how this will enable you to be a safe and effective team member in health and social care. Include the following:

3. Critically evaluate your own practice and that of others relating to the delivery of safe and effective teamwork
4. Ability to apply human factors in the delivery of safe and effective teamwork

5. Understand cultural diversity and the need for cultural competence for safe and effective teamwork

6. Critically analyse the psychological and sociological factors inherent in effective and non-effective teamwork

7. Evaluate your ability and that of others to give and receive feedback relating to team performance

the draft is not the best and it has a relatively high similarity.
In the draft i have focused on the first TOSPE meeting we had in the group and then the final assessment TOSPE.
If you have any recommendations then do let me know 🙂