Clabsi manuscript paper

Please please review all files before writing this paper. It was done here already and it wasn’t good.
Identify a technology project proposal pertinent to your practice environment. (This could be in your current practice or your future APRN or administrative role.) This proposal should include: executive summary, project description, rationale, evidenced based reasearch, goals and objectives, market/financial analysis, proposed project plan inclusive of overall project timeline and budget, evaluation and measurement plan, and a contingency plan (alternative assumptions and strategies). Integrate into the executive summary a discussion of how this particular project will “fit” in improving the current healthcare delivery environment in terms of access, quality, and cost.

I’ve submitted my paper and it wasn’t done properly. My study is on clabsi in the icu unit because they had one positive case and since that case we took action to prevent further cases which has been successful. We’ve created a bundle . The abstract should look something like this or better. Please use the paper that was due on the mock code as guidance and the rubric. The rubric is very crucial. Use that clabsi manuscript example as well as other researches as a guide.

Violence and forgiveness

Can we forgive the unforgiveable? Draw on Derrida and two other readings to make an argument about forgiveness in the face of horrible acts of violence.

global trade operation

While reading and attempting to review this piece of research work, you could have the opportunity to learn and discuss the role and management of global seaports from an international trade perspective as well as to establish the relationships between the theories that you will learn during lectures with current practices in the industry.

In your assignment, you are required to select one of the global port cities in the world and then undertake an in-depth analysis of comparative and competitive advantages. Examples of these port cities of global significance include:

Hong Kong
Los Angeles
Ho Chi Minh City
In this assignment, you are required to demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge regarding global port cities, particularly but not limited to the following topics.

Historical evolution
Comparative and competitive advantages
Operational challenges
Business strategies
Future business prospect
In general, the report should have a clear executive summary; TOC, an introduction including the purpose of the report, methodology (how you went about collecting data and information?); analysis and results (what did you find?), conclusion & recommendation, and appendices (if required).

Needle Exchange and the HIV Epidemic in Vancouver: Lessons Learned from 15 years of research. What is harm reduction concept? (2) Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Analgesic Overdose Mortality in the United States, 1999–2010

Give a scholarly discussion and analyze the two materials and issues presented. Think of this in terms of the tools, skills, and information you will need from both articles as a public health professional. Examine the Nonjudgmental approach to reducing risks for disease/injury resulting from problematic but intractable behaviors. Also originally applied in treatment and prevention of drug abuse and addictions. How does the concept of Harm reduction apply to the First articles? Examine the strength and weakness in both articles and the importance to you as a public health professional, all in 280 – 300 words

Article one
Hyshka, E., Strathdee, S., Wood, E., & Kerr, T. (2012). Needle exchange and the HIV epidemic in Vancouver: Lessons learned from 15 years of research. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23(4), 261-270. DOI 10.1016/j.drugpo.2012.03.006

Article two
Bachhuber, M. A., Saloner, B., Cunningham, C. O., & Barry, C. L. (2014). Medical cannabis laws and opioid analgesic overdose mortality in the United States, 1999-2010. JAMA Internal Medicine, 174 (10), 1668-1673. DOI:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.4005

What is Harm reduction?
Harm reduction is a set of practical strategies and ideas aimed at reducing the negative consequences associated with drug use. Harm Reduction is also a movement for social justice built on a belief in, and respect for, the rights of people who use drugs.
Certain behaviors (e.g., illicit drug use, adolescent sexual behavior, prostitution, excess alcohol consumption) will always occur

“Responsible” approach:
• Reduce harmful impacts (rather than prevent the activity)
• Provide services without judgment of underlying activity
• Recognize serious harm that the activity causes as well

Literary Basis Essay

the subject area of the essay is history of music, and specifically the questions I want to be answered in the essay are “What is the literary basis for West Side Story? For Porgy and Bess? What do the two stories have in common? How do they differ? What social worlds are depicted in each?” this essay should be from (250 to 300 worlds) or a full page long. you can include up to 3 sources, but you can also include more if it’s necessary. The quality of the essay is more important than the number of sources. let me know if i need to clarify on any point or have any questions.

Jazz and Blues common elements Essay

the subject area of the essay is history of music, and specifically the question I want to be answered in the essay is “Jazz and Blues: Armstrong – West End Blues, Holiday – Billie’s Blues, Strayhorn/Ellington – Take the A Train, Gillespie/Parker – Shaw ‘Nuff Discussion: what musical elements are common to all of these jazz styles? Cite specific examples.” this essay should be from (250 to 300 worlds) or a full page long. you can include up to 3 sources, but you can also include more if it’s necessary. The quality of the essay is more important than the number of sources. let me know if i need to clarify on any point or have any questions.

Aeropostale Clothing

Aeropostale has chosen to target a younger audience for their products.

They are targeting 11 to 18 years old.

From your perspective do you think this is good marketing to build relationship and possibly loyalty with a younger audience or would you consider Aeropostale’s targeting unethical?

Johnson & Johnson and the Tylenol crisis in 1982

Select an organization (Johnson & Johnson) that has had quality issues and address the following:

Description of the Incident
How did the organization handle the situation?
Do you believe their response is adequate? Why or why not?
How would you have handled the issue?

Resources: Current articles, LexisNexis, Market Line and Company Website, Library, Partitioner Articles, Journal Articles & Academic Literature.

Nationalist qualities of the music of Copland and Revueltas

the subject area of the essay is history of music, and specifically the questions I want to be answered in the essay are “Compare the nationalist qualities of the music of Copland and Revueltas. How does each include traditional and modern elements in their work? What audience is intended for each? What is the political significance of the works?” this essay should be from (250 to 300 worlds) or a full page long. you can include up to 3 sources, but you can include more if its necessary. The quality of the essay is more important than the number of sources. let me know if i need to clarify on any point or have any questions.