International Criminal Law

Please answer the question uploaded in the files, and use OSCOLA referencing. Contact me if you have any further questions. The quality of the work should at least be at Merit level.

Eating Disorders

Second Paper (50 points) To be written using the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual (APA, 2019). Include scholarly references (professional journal articles and texts) and citations using APA format to support your work. The paper should be 10 –12 pages (not including cover page and references), double-spaced, 12-point font, and 1-inch margins. Do NOT use first person.

Examine and explore a specific issue regarding psycho-social development that you might address in a clinical setting. Discuss the issue from a theoretical perspective(s) and how you understand the implications of the issue in the context of the life-span of the client.

For example, describe how you would understand the implications of special needs children with Autism and how this would impact their life experiences and development. Or a client who has experienced adverse childhood experiences such as abuse and neglect. What therapeutic support would be appropriate? Consider ethical and legal issues of the case study. Website-based information should be avoided. Use scholarly articles or references.

Ethical Dilemma

For this assignment you will need to search and identify an ethical dilemma in Criminal Justice. After determining your subject – please answer the following

1. Summarize the ethical dilemma that you have identified. Give as many facts and details as possible in describing your dilemma

2. If the article shows a resolution, how was it resolved? Has the resolution of the dilemma been satisfactory? Why or why not? [If the answer to this question is no, answer question #3]

3. If the dilemma has NOT been resolved, what are some of the options that are available to resolve the dilemma?

4. What are the long-term consequences of this resolution (how did/or does it affect others).

5. If you were in a supervisory capacity, and you had to determine the BEST course of action for this scenario, would you make the same decision? Why or why not? Describe the value systems you used in making your judgment and what role your value system played in influencing your judgment.

Paper should be three pages – typed – you can type out your questions and answer and please cite your sources and link your article. Thank you!

main project

You should describe the client’s company and the site, and provide a full description of the proposed development. You should outline the two separate schemes which you propose for the client to consider. You should undertake a comprehensive analysis of the chosen site and the proposed development. You should prepare for each of the alternative schemes:

Marketing Plan

Also please see attached document. For this assignment, you will document your hypothetical company’s background information and mission statement, your company’s short- and long-term goals, an environmental analysis, and a SWOT analysis.