High-Leverages in SPED

Write a paper summarizing eight high-leverage practices (HLPs) as defined by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC). Essentially, HLPs are educational practices that all special educators should know how to do. These practices are evidence-based, meaning that when successfully implemented, can improve results for struggling learners. The CEC has identified twenty-two high-leverage practices in the broad areas of collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral, and instruction. You will write a summary of the following HLPs:

HLP #7: Consistent Learning Environment
HLP #8 and #22: Feedback
HLP #12: Systematically Design Instruction
HLP #13: Make Adaptations Final
HLP #16: Explicit Instruction
HLP #17: Use Flexible Grouping
HLP #18: Student Engagement
HLP #20: Provide Intensive Instruction
Use the following website to learn more about the targeted HLPs: https://highleveragepractices.org/a-professional-development-guide-for-school-leaders/ (Links to an external site.)

Once you have read about each of the eight HLPs indicated above and watched the corresponding videos, you will write a summary of each. Then, you will write an action plan outlining how you plan to incorporate each of the eight HLPs in your current, or future, classroom setting.

Week 4 Project

FNP/AGNP:Your group has been asked to present a poster on Practice Authority. Develop a power point poster template ofall statesauthority to practice for APRNS.Three categories must be address, unrestricted, limited or strict restrictions. \


Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest; identify the groups who are opposed++++

criminal justice 9/11

550 -600 words — The events of 9/11 increased calls for the establishment of a national identification system; proponents argue that such a system might have prevented the attacks. Others decry that the adoption of national identity cards would be yet another step down the slippery slope of government surveillance.

Explore how national identity cards are used in other countries and write about the following:

Provide at least 1 specific example of how national identity cards are used.
How would it be possible (or would it be impossible?) to safeguard the information that is contained on a high-tech national identity card? Discuss whether or not personal information, such as medical records, criminal history, or mental health problems should be encoded on such cards.
What are the proposed advantages of a national identification card?
What are some of the possible disadvantages of a national identification card?
If a system of national identification cards had been in place prior to September 11, 2001, could it have prevented the terrorist attacks?
Additional Resources

Impact Assessment: Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Strengthening the Security of Identity Cards of Union Citizens and of Residence Documents issued to Union Citizens and their Family Members Exercising their Right to Free Movement.

This initiative addresses difficulties in exercising free movement and aims to increase security within the European Union
The Department of Homeland Security: Real ID

The REAL ID Act establishes minimum security standards for license issuance and production and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for certain purposes driver’s licenses and identification cards from states not meeting the Act’s minimum standards.

Fire Investigation and Arson Laboratory Activity Report

The purpose of forensics investigations and the analysis of evidence is to exonerate the innocent and to provide evidence against the guilty. Physical evidence is used to support or repudiate eyewitness testimony. As this week’s articles and videos suggest, even physical evidence may be difficult for some to accept. Drawing on the readings and additional research, this discussion asks you to evaluate the value of firearms and ballistics evidence and to analyze why it is sometimes brought into question. Evaluate the circumstances that might result in some not believing the scientific evidence. Although you may be inclined toward one position, being able to debate your position involves being aware of the opposing position. In this debate-style discussion, we may have heated arguments and everyone’s commitment to netiquette and mutual respect is expected. Therefore, even if you adamantly oppose the position formulated by a peer, remember to support your opposition using the resources you consulted and ensure your opposition represents an informed opinion.

Using the required readings for this week and two additional scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library or other professional resources, evaluate accepted methodologies employed in contemporary crime scene management that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence and how these influence the validity of the evidence. Analyze commonly accepted forensic techniques and contemporary specialized techniques that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence, and evaluate how the use or failure to use these techniques impacts the value of the evidence. Examine judicial expectations and requirements relative to the admittance of evidence collected by forensic crime scene investigators that relate to firearms and ballistics evidence and how the actions, inactions, and the statements of investigators impact the validity and value of evidence. Provide at least one argument in support of each side of the controversy. After considering both sides of the issue, clearly state your position and rational.

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words in length and formatted using APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum.

Crying of Lot 49 by Thomas Pynchon

“Oedipa’s development as a character occurs with her learning more about the Trystero. Her moving from role to role (wife, lover, executrix, mother, granddaughter, reader, scholar, Madonna, etc.) also sees her developing new ways of understanding and interpreting her world, until she is isolated by paranoia.”

Taking the above statement into consideration, write one (1) essay that responds to the following prompts. Your essay should contain an argument, an idea that you are trying to prove, and not just summarize the story. You need not quote the texts, but do be as specific as possible about the examples that inform your argument.

1. Evaluate the above statement as a reading of The Crying of Lot 49. Be sure to include discussion, with general reference to the text, about why it is or is not a fair interpretation.

Code of Ethics (Social Worker)

Answer those three questions: also I attached the Code of Ethics that you should follow it …
question 1:Code of Ethics:

Tell me how you believe the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Code of Ethics will influence your future work.
Q2: Scenario:

Instructions: Read the following scenario carefully and clearly demonstrate your understanding of which areas of the Code of Ethics were not upheld by the registered social service worker (RSSW). You may consult the Code of Ethics.

A RSSW works at a secure mental health unit that provides interdisciplinary assessment and treatment planning for clients up to their nineteenth birthday. Two adolescents were admitted to in-patient treatment with respect to significant mental health issues. Prior to their admission they lived at home with their parents and two foster children who had resided with the family for periods of between 1.5 and 6 years. The interdisciplinary team denied having children protection concerns regarding the 2 clients, yet the RSSW placed a call to Children’s Aid Society (CAS), conveying misleading information and sensitive mental health information about the two adolescents admitted to the unit. Neither the adolescents, or their parents, signed consents for the release of their personal health information. The RSSW’s disclosures to [CAS] led to significant adverse effects for the family and children under their care, resulting in the family being stripped of their foster parent status by [CAS] and two other children living under their care were permanently moved to different foster homes.
Q3:Which 3 Code of Ethics do you believe are the most important and why?

Brazil and Sugar Production and Slavery 1700’s

Paper should address how Brazil’s sugar production shaped the transatlantic world. What outside forces were present in shaping the transatlantic world – desire for the commodity; economic value; cultural value; social forces, etc. How, when and why did sugar rise to prominence in Brazil. What place does sugar have in the transatlantic history narrative.