
research 2 or 3 paper and choose any topic related with my class topic and my country or my religion . see the attachment.

Argumentative Essay

The reading I chose is attached. Also I’m from Canada if your not comfortable commenting on social & economic culture in Canada please feel free to avoid doing so. I highlighted the essay outline to show this is the first essay. if you can please reach 1000 words that would be grateful.

Short Answer

Answer the following questions. Your responses should seek to answer the question in a general way, but also use an examples from the readings provided to demonstrate your answer more particularly. Can also use reference from Frankenstein by Shelley. Half Breed by Maria Campbell and Crying of Loot 49 by Thomas Pynchon. Do not use any text for more than one answer.

1. How does plot work in narrative? What difference does plot make to narrative? Support your response with an example from a text read in this course.

2. How can we tell whether a character is flat or round? Static or dynamic? How does character affect narrative? Use one of the texts from this course to illustrate your answer.

3. How is storytelling with poetry different to prose? Use one of the poems from this term to illustrate your answer.

4. How is symbol different to metaphor? Use an example from one of the texts from this course.

Leadership training mod 3

paper titled “Case 3”. the assignment will require a personal survey to be completed. I think it would be easier for you to accomplish the assignment if you used your personal data for the survey.


Evaluate the usefulness of non-intrusive (observational or interview-based) approaches to studying attachment.


Respond to the following passages in the Word document and perform an analysis of each. An analysis should attend to the form and content of the passage. It should address a theme, literary device, symbol, or image in the passage by way of a focused analysis, and gesture to the significance of the passage to the text as a whole.