In about 500 words, discuss whether Baldwin’s story is an effective way of discussing racism (by effective, think about whether it is likely to deepen understanding of what racism is and why people develop racist thinking, denounce prejudice, or create self-reflection in readers).

the essay is about the story that I have attached. (going to meet the man)
the topic is:
In about 500 words, discuss whether Baldwin’s story is an effective way of discussing racism (by effective, think about whether it is likely to deepen understanding of what racism is and why people develop racist thinking, denounce prejudice, or create self-reflection in readers).
Begin by stating your thesis clearly (whether it is effective or not) and give a reason for your opinion. Then, justify your opinion by giving and explaining examples from the text. When using examples, please use the text rather than personal impressions (for example, an argument based on analysis will point to the level of graphic descriptions in the story to explain why it is shocking, while a personal impression might emphasize the reader’s disbelief that such a thing could happen).


Choose any topic you are comfortable with.
no sources
Thank you


write about the effect of a Shigellosis communicable disease on your community.
Write a two page paper that summarizes your research. Your paper should:

Describe the disease and discuss efforts to control it.
Identify the environmental factors related to this disease.
Explain the influence of lifestyles, socioeconomic status, and disease management.
Identify gaps and how you might connect to other resources to meet needs that are not locally available.
Include recommendations to expand the community’s programs if there are gaps.
Describe what the public health department is doing to reduce the threat of the disease.
Include data findings, evidence-based intervention, and a plan to ensure quality health.

criminal justice

3 pages For this assignment, assume that, in fact, science has been able to identify the particular gene that is associated with an increased risk of adult antisocial behavior in that persons with this gene are four times more likely to commit a felony from the ages of 18–30 than are persons who lack this gene (call the culprit gene ASF, short for AntiSocial Factor). What should you do with this information? For this task, you may want to research how governments have used genetic information in the past (e.g,, phrenology was routinely used in the 19th century in America and Europe, and has since been discredited).

Specifically, you are to create and justify a policy regarding how this knowledge should be used. Should people be tested for ASF? If they test positive for it, what should be done? It is permissible to answer in the negative: you can argue that people should not test for ASF and should not use that information for policy purposes.

Your response should address the following:

Should the government mandate testing for the ASF gene? Why or why not?
Answer the following questions even if you believe that the government should not test for ASF:
If the government does test for the ASF gene, what should be done about people who test positive for the ASF gene? For example, should they be denied a security clearance for sensitive jobs? Explain and justify your position.
What additional conditions or safeguards would you want in place if ASF testing were used?
If a person with the ASF gene is convicted of a crime, should his or her ASF status be considered as part of his or her sentencing? If yes, how so?
Include a title page, abstract, and separate reference page.
Additional Resources

Genetics and Crime: Integrating New Genomic Discoveries Into Psychological Research About Antisocial Behavior
Impact of Behavioral Genetic Evidence on the Adjudication of Criminal Behavior

Discuss, situating Plato’s claim in the broader context of his ‘Allegory of the cave’ under its metaphysical and political aspects.

Referring to this passage: “[Is it not] the turning round of a soul passing from a day which is little better than night to the true day of being, […] which we affirm to be true philosophy?” (Plato, The Republic, Chapter VII, pp. 379–380). Discuss, situating Plato’s claim in the broader context of his ‘Allegory of the cave’ under its metaphysical and political aspects.

no other sources needed! just cite from this chapter

lamb born with congenital malformation (embryogenesis)

A lamb that is born showing a severe congenital malformation such that it developed 2 spines within the cervical and thoracic vertebrae regions. These duplicated spinal cords were attached to one head at its anterior side and joined more posterior into one spine in the lumbar and sacral regions. How is this possible?

Articulate what the cellular and molecular mechanisms are enabling the creation of 2 spinal cords only within the position of the cervical and thoracic regions of this lamb. you have 2 options to answer this question. (Pick A or B)

A: Describe 2 separate models in which the first hypothesis would focus on how early developmental events (that may include mechanisms of maternal contributions, gastrulation, and/or axis determination) and a second hypothesis focused on issues of neural tube formation.

B: Alternatively, you can describe one model that incorporates both early developmental patterning mechanisms and those of neural tube formation.

Book used for this course is Developmental Biology by Berresi and Gilbert. 12th edition.

Research Proposal – Cosplay

Assignment 2 is the Methodology and Structure sections of your re-search proposal and should contain the follow sections:

1. Research Philosophy.
2. Data Collection Methods.
3. Data Analysis Techniques.
4. Ethical Issues.

Assignment should be referenced, drawing on general methodology textbooks, books that focus on particular data collection methods and analysis techniques and ethics, and loads of journal articles. How many references are required: the answer is as many as necessary. However, again, at least 20 to 30 for Assignment 2 would be a rough guide.