For each scenario (4), you are to write a short paragraph (at least 1/2 page) that will:

Identify the ethical behavior/dilemma,
Cite the standard of professional behavior from the Code of Ethics and the action violates using the number and letter,
Provide justification for your selection of the standard, and
Describe an alternate behavior that is detailed and appropriate to take in that situation.
You are expected to use professional language, spelling, and grammar.

Please see below

Please edit the paper based off APA 7 edition ( formatting)

The grammar and mechanics needs to worked on
NO passive sentences at all

Lay Summary: Prostate Cancer Proteomics

A lay summary should get across the:
• What is prostate cancer proteomics?
• Why is it important to conduct prostate cancer proteomics research?
• What are the benefits of prostate cancer proteomics?
Some common tips include:
• Write in Plain English avoiding jargon
• Exclude detail that may not be interesting for the readers
• Use the active voice
• Think more like newspaper article

Finding out Discussion Questions

Answer three discussion questions using the textbook Finding out An Introduction to LGBTQ Studies and the notes provided. Each questions should be in separate essay from. Each question does not need to be a page each, but all questions should be answered completely.
1.Chapter 8 in the textbook states, “Not all censorship is the result of moral panic, but most censorship of homosexed art and literature occurs at cultural moments when the fear of corruption by sexually deviant material is framed as a pervasive social problem” (p. 226). This quote refers to Oscar Wilde, Radclyffe Hall, and others. Discuss how the sexuality of writers and other artists become essentialized master statuses for those artists and the effect that essentialism has on how their art is received.
2.Chapter 11 in the textbook considers the role of the Internet within the LGBTQ community. Discuss how “cyberqueer spaces” are important venues for activism and community as well as for marketing and homophobia.
3.Chapter 12 in the textbook deals with the issue of “home” (see page 349 in the textbook, “Gays and Lesbians do not have a ‘home’ to return to, either in territorial/historical terms or in a sense of present-day enclaves; most gays and Lesbians live amidst their heterosexual families and neighbors without the promise even of a local community center to find affirmation and support”), belonging, and family. Discuss various ways in which LGBTQ+ folk use alternative media to create this sense of belonging.
There should be no need to look for material other than the textbook and notes provided; however, should you need to utilize outside resources, these must be properly cited.

Air Cargo Report Chapter 4: Air Cargo Facility Analysis

Research Report Assignments

You will submit two 8-10 page Air Cargo reports on a selected topic from a chapter (different chapter for each report), listed in the 2019 North America Air Cargo Guide (Links to an external site.)due in Modules 2 & 5. This guide has ten chapters which cover different topics related to the Air Cargo Industry. Select two chapters from the guide:

The open back of a cargo plane on a tarmac with pallets of product being loaded into the plane.

Chapter 2 – Developing an Air Cargo Market
Chapter 3 – Demand Forecasting Techniques
Chapter 4 – Air Cargo Facility Analysis
Chapter 5 – Financial and Management Strategies
Chapter 6 – Bilateral and Regulatory Issues
Chapter 7 – The Airport – Tenant Relationship
Chapter 8 – Airport Performance Benchmarking
Chapter 9 – Security
Chapter 10 – Alternative Land Use
Review a minimum of ten articles written in the last five years in addition to your two selected chapters from the Air Cargo Guide. For each selected chapter, using Word®, write an 8 to 10 page report. For each report:

Provide a thorough summary of the general content from your chosen chapter.
Review and incorporate into each report a minimum of ten peer reviewed journal articles, written in the last five years, as current research progressed in the area.
Your papers will be evaluated based on the following criteria in conjunction with the evaluation rubric:

Quality and depth of content by demonstrating the understanding of the topic including its need, benefits, implementation challenges, real world examples, and best practices.
Organization of the report.
Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, appropriate labels on figures and tables, etc.
Use of correct grammar and evidence of proofing (i.e., no spelling errors); overall formatting (i.e., Times New Roman font, 12-pt, double-spaced); and meeting total page requirements.
Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must follow current APA format. (Links to an external site.)

Review the evaluation rubric linked in the submission assignment, for detailed grading criteria.

The artice title is: The Bible and Culture in Ethics

Module (subject) title: Ethics and Professionalism

Please write a review of the article ‘The Bible and Culture in Ethics’ written by Bernard Adeney.

I’ve attached the whole article for you, so you can work from this file. I hope you can open it and you understand everything regarding to this article.
Let me know if you need anything.
Thank you!