journal entries

please refer to “Journal Entry Example” to guide in writing journal entry.
there are 8 topics each topic should be a little over one page and separated. topics are –
1. Techno-finance
2. Internet of Things – (Retail)
3. Virtual reality – holograms (Gaming)
4. Platform Business Models (Cell phones)
5. Robotics (Auto manufacturing, Healthcare-surgery, exoskeleton )
6. Transportation automation and reconfiguration (Transportation)
7. 3-D Printing (Inventory management, Metal Injection Molding)
8. Drones (Military, delivery)

for each topic find an article that relate to the topic and select an interesting, relevant article. To receive full credit for this assignment area, do the following 2 activities:
1. Provide the article and source of article in your Innovation Journal (IJ) entry – 1 point
2. Summarize 1) Discuss the key innovative/technology dimension(s) of the article 2) Describe how it could disruptive existing businesses, 3) Identify what type of innovation is most likely in the area (product, process, positioning, and/or paradigm)? 4) Comment on why it got your attention (total approximately 2-4 paragraphs) (See “Journal Entry Example” to guide your entry)

Reflection and comment

Below I have attached the specific direction for this assignment. Please follow the direction for part 1 is to choose one and reflect, agree or disagree, why or why not. Part two is to comment on the other person’s reflection at the bottom. Focus more on the reflection and about three sentences on the comment.

Create a Salary Range – HR Compensation Work

This is the assignment: Take the following jobs, create a salary range in Excel and slot the jobs into the appropriate grades. Please use the attached spreadsheetCompensation Class slotting assignment for week 5.docx Excel File for Week 5 Homework Assignment.xlsx

Here is the description — please note that not all jobs have pay data – that is by design. You need to decide how you are going to slot the jobs into the grade structure and provide a BRIEF explanation of what you considered, e.g. internal ranking, etc.

Memorandum of Law

I provided all the instructions you need along with the 2 caves that you gonna need for this. I also provided the facts of my assignment along with a sample of the memorandum of law and how it should look like

Reading comprehension

Below I will attach some lecture notes to have a better understand and mainly the direction of this assignment at the bottom in red. THIS IS NOT AN ESSAY. PLEASE TRY TO GET ALL TEN CORRECT. Read the direction carefully and follow directions.

Moore & Gatto Essays

All of the paper details will be uploaded. No outside resources in the paper. Only use documents provided and create a works cited page.