Pact is the company to use for this

R a one

page paper and determine
the following:
How did the company start? Who are
the artisans? How
are the products sustainable? How have the companies improved the lives of
workers? Where can we buy the items?
One of my favorite is Akola. The company is based in Dallas, TX and the artisans are from
Uganda. Many
of these women have at least 9 dependents in the household. Recently, the company hit Neiman
Marcus. They do have lower

price point jewelry on the company website.
Akola means she works.
10 slides or One

page paper (correct spelling
and grammar): 4 points
Answer the questions above: 4 points
Cite your sources (you may list them on the last slide): 2 po

he legal structure of your business. Comparing the legal forms of the Canton of Geneva with the ones provided in (`lagos,`nigeria).”

a report based on the findings of the research you will conduct in the national law of the state you are coming from. The report should address the following:
i) You need to present ALL legal forms or legal structures that are available in the national law of the state you are coming from. You need to explore in the laws of the state you come from what legal forms you can adopt to run your business.
ii) Explain each legal form by presenting the advantages and disadvantages (pros and cons) for each of them.
iii) Make a comparison between the legal forms provided by the law of the Canton of Geneva and the legal forms from the state you come from. Indicate the differences and similarities for each of them.

`no plagiarism
a summary of references harvard style
the business structure in the topic can be whatever the writer decides to use

abnormal psychology (ex. eating disorder, mood disorder and suicide, anxiety disorder or trauma disorder)

Students will write a paper where they analyze two recent articles about a topic related to abnormal psychology. This assignment is designed so that students have the opportunity to further investigate and enrich their understanding with recent findings in the field of abnormal psychology. Each article should have been published within the last 3-5 years. Additional details for the paper will be announced in class and posted on the course website. The paper will be graded on both content and quality of writing (i.e. organization, clarity, spelling, grammar). A reference page should be included, and references should be clear and thorough. APA style is preferred but not mandatory.


Write a 4 page summary explaining what you learned about how QuickBooks helps manage digital information flows and accounting automation. How could QuickBooks help with accounting controls?

Native American Law

The essay should be typed, double spaced, and written in standard Oxford English paragraph format. Citations may be put either in Chicago Manual Style or be parenthetical and in text. This first reflective essay should be at least 1000 words.

For Essay 3 you will utilize Cherokee Nation v. Georgia (1831), Worcester v. Georgia (1832), The Civil Rights Act of 1866, Constitutional Amendment XIV, the Slaughterhouse Cases, and Elk v. Wilkins

Essay 3 should explore the following theme: In the mid-19th Century the United States is radically and rigorously rethinking its citizenship and the legal definition of who “belonged” as part of the United States. This conversation was being pushed along primarily by the issues of slavery and emancipation, yet Indians are caught up in the redefinition of citizenship. How are Americans thinking differently about their relationship to Indians over time, and why are Indians excluded even as others are included?

How will corona virus affect the economy

The remaining points in the class (220 points, explained below) will be allocated to a paper. The paper should be at least 10 pages (double spaced with normal margins and 12-point font) about how the Coronavirus will affect the global economy. It will be run through a plagiarism checker so make sure it is your original work and you cite sources used. You can use either APA or MLA styles. The following is a list of topics that you can include but you can go in a completely different direction if you prefer:

1. Health consequences and its affect on the global economy.

2. The duration of the virus.

3. Supply chain disruptions.

4. Which businesses will be most affected (both positively and negatively).

5. What opportunities may result.

6. What should be done to boost the economy. (ie. monetary or fiscal stimulus or something else)

7. What will happen economically when the pandemic recedes.

Impressionism VS Post-Impressionism

Choose TWO works (an Impressionist work and a Post-Impressionist work) then compare those works based on their STYLISTIC DIFFERENCES. What separates Impressionism from Post-Impressionism and how can the different styles be characterized? How can you tell that one is Impressionist while the other is not?

Your comparative should be 200 words. After you have posted your comparative, respond to at least ONE (1) of your peers’ analyses, pointing out what the works your peer chose share in common. This response does not need to be longer than two sentences.

Anselm Reyle. Untitled, 2006.

Paper should be TWO PAGES in written length, double-spaced, and have Times New Roman font, 12 PT, throughout. NO USE OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS SUCH AS “I” AND “ME”

The paper includes images of the work.

The paper discusses most, if not all, of the visual elements and principles of design apparent in the work. There is ievident interpretive work in terms of how those elements/principles contribute to the work itself. (Ex. Instead of just “the work has implied line” versus “the masts of the ship create an implied diagonal line, guiding the viewer’s eye up the composition.)

The paper describes the work in detail., from all sides. It successfully describes content, modes of representation, and form in the work, using vocabulary from this module to supplement the description. The reader is able to imagine the work clearly without needing to see the image.

Impressionism VS Post-Impressionism

Choose TWO works (an Impressionist work and a Post-Impressionist work) then compare those works based on their STYLISTIC DIFFERENCES. What separates Impressionism from Post-Impressionism and how can the different styles be characterized? How can you tell that one is Impressionist while the other is not?

Your comparative should be 200 words.

Silvio Waisbord argues that the phenomenon of “fake news” is indicative of the contested position of news and the dynamics of belief formation in contemporary societies. Discuss with examples.

ilvio Waisbord argues that the phenomenon of “fake news” is indicative of the contested position of news and the dynamics of belief formation in contemporary societies. Discuss with examples.

I attach Waisbord’s article (“Truth is what happens to News”)

Analyze his main argument and discuss it with relevant examples (e.g. Trump, Brexit), you can use this website for definitions:

Contact me for any queries.