The defendant has been arrested

Assignment OverviewUnit 3 – Discussion Board
Deliverable Length: 400–600 words

The defendant has been arrested for a crime of manslaughter. He has been confined at the local jail for more than 6 months. The Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution guarantees the accused the right to a speedy and public trial.

What factors do you think the judge should take into consideration when trying to arrive at a decision on how to ensure the defendant’s right to a public and speedy trial?
Do you believe that the press has a right to be present during trials? Why or why not? Explain your position.
What problems do you foresee, if any, with allowing television cameras inside the courtroom? Explain your position.

Is it constitutional

Assignment OverviewUnit 2 – Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 900–1,200 words
You are a police officer assigned to a task force that is investigating major drug trafficking operations in your jurisdiction. As part of the investigative process, a judge has issued a wiretap order for a suspect’s phone. You are assigned the responsibility of monitoring phone conversations, and you overhear the suspect as well as other individuals who may or may not be involved in the drug ring. Before obtaining enough evidence to arrest and prosecute the suspect, you hear evidence related to other types of criminal activity.

What constitutional issues are involved in the scenario that dictates what you can and cannot do related to the evidence of other criminal activity outside the scope of the original wiretap order? Explain.
If you arrest the other individuals for the crimes not associated with the reasons for the wiretap, what happens to any future evidence that might be obtained from the wiretap? Why?
If you fail to arrest the other individuals, are there any potential risks involved? Explain you answer.

Lady with an ermine

The paper describes the work in detail., from all sides. It successfully describes content, modes of representation, and form in the work, using vocabulary from this module to supplement the description. The reader is able to imagine the work clearly without needing to see the image.

The paper discusses most, if not all, of the visual elements and principles of design apparent in the work. There is evident interpretive work in terms of how those elements/principles contribute to the work itself. (Ex. Instead of just “the work has implied line” versus “the masts of the ship create an implied diagonal line, guiding the viewer’s eye up the composition.)

The paper includes images of the work.

Paper should be TWO PAGES in written length, double-spaced, and have Times New Roman font, 12 PT, throughout. NO USE OF PERSONAL PRONOUNS SUCH AS “I” AND “ME”

Vice Queen by Lisa Riggin

Look at the instructions and the other sources provided. Attached is the word document of the book with page numbers to help the in-text citations. Will EMAIL the book to support since the file is larger to be able to upload with the source materials

Arts: Virtual AND On-site Gallery Final Assignment Submit

Virtual Tour of Guggenheim Term Paper

This paper should evoke a very cool vibe, tons of fun detailed fact, and be presentation style with a visual cover in color. Please cite and use visuals throughout paper. This paper should be a visual tour of the museum.

Click link and incorporate this video throughout with free-runner

I am choosing the Guggenheim with all links attached. I will submit early and get instructors feedback to have perfected.

Modernism (20th Century) and Beyond I: Hardy and Conrad


For this assignment, you will write a 1,200–1,500-word Research Paper that traces the evolution of one theme (such as an aspect of religion, society, class, childhood, etc.) over two consecutive literary periods (Neoclassical, Romantic, Victorian, and Modern) by focusing on a comparison of two works, one from each period. The author(s) and work(s) must be selected from those listed on the Course Schedule. Other works from the course may be mentioned, but they must not be the focus. Examine how this theme is treated differently in these two works and connect these observations to an argument about the period’s reaction to (or against) the previous period.

You may not write about the same work you used for the Critical Analysis.

You may use your thread from Discussion Board Forum 3 as a starting off point for your argument; however, you cannot copy and paste it into this assignment.

Do not give a plot summary; this is not a book report. Do not use biographical information unless it is crucial to the development of your thesis.

Research an important topic about the selected works, and use at least 4 secondary scholarly sources plus the primary texts (story, poem, play, essay, etc.) that address the topic. In addition, you may have new sources based on continued research. Websites are not allowed.

• Dictionaries, encyclopedias, the Bible, and introductions from the anthology may certainly be used in this research paper; however, they will not count toward the 4 required sources. They must be listed in your Works Cited/References/Bibliography page, in addition to the 4 secondary sources.

NOTE for this assignment:

• Review the following information about thesis sentences: A thesis statement must present an argument (proposition), not merely a statement of fact.

• Adhere to academic writing standards, which include using 3rd person only, omitting contractions and jargon, and remaining in literary present tense. For additional information on the literary present tense, see

• Include a targeted title that suggests the purpose stated in the thesis. The title must not be “Research Paper,” or simply the title of the play, poem, or fiction.

• The essay must be double-spaced, written in Times New Roman 12-point font, and use 1” margins. In addition, format your paper using current MLA, APA, or Turabian format (whichever corresponds to your degree program).
• Document information from the literature through in-text citations and an end-text Works Cited/References/Bibliography page conforming to current MLA, APA, or Turabian format.

• Do not use any material or words from another source without giving proper credit for that material or those words. To do otherwise is plagiarism and will result in a “0” on the paper or a possible “F” for the course. Each paper will be checked for plagiarism.

• Review the Research Paper Grading Rubric to learn more about how the paper will be graded. Comply with all requirements.

For additional tips on writing essays, consult the following website:

America history

Use the textbook. Do you still have the copy of the textbook I sent last time. Am going to send the remaining chapter later

Understanding Case management With Shepherds Hope

This is a research paper/observation paper. You must get the following information from shepherds hope website you can also use google to find other agencies that work with case management. Just make sure that the information is accurate and answers the questions as needed. Use the articles provided to support any information that you get from the websites. The only references that should be listed are Shepherds Hope, the articles provided and any other credible information that’s used. Try to use Shepherds Hope as most as possible. If you need to use another agency to find the information needed you may do so. The paper should be 7 pages of body please make sure to do a reference sheet, abstract, and title page.
( 1.)Agency name and description: several paragraphs detailing the agency’s function and its clientele. This section should introduce the contact person for the project, including job title and credentials, principles and goals of case management: 
(2.) Several paragraphs, and analysis of the agency’s application process, how are clients accepted, qualify for the agency. Talk about how the doctors, practitioners are volunteers and do not get paid. Also how many people they help, locations, do clients have to pay anything out of pocket? If so how is that determined? Also, focus on what must the client’s income be in order for them to be accepted in shepherds hope. Talk about everything that Is learned about the agency. (3) components of case management: An analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources. (4.) Methods of case management service delivery: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources. (5.) Role(s) of the case manager: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources. (6.)Three phases of case management: an analysis of the agency’s application of the concepts supported by interview and observation as well as peer-reviewed sources. (7.) Summary: several paragraphs detailing a summary analysis and objective evaluation of the agency’s performance. Correct formatting of headings and in-text citations.