Domain 5 – Identity and Access Management

Please respond to one or more of the following questions.
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1. Describe the controls contained within the three Access Control categories that can be integrated within a defense-in-depth model and give an example of one that you have read about or have knowledge of from your own experience.

2. Describe three threats to Access Control from what were covered within the reading and give an example of each.

3. Describe three of the intrusion detection system types used in access control monitoring covered within the reading. What is a honeypot and what are the legal concerns with using them?

4. What are the challenges that an Identity and Access Management system helps overcome? What benefits does it provide?

5. Describe the process of Identification, Authentication, Authorization, and Accountability. What is a race condition?

6. Discuss the single sign-on technologies Kerberos, security domains, directory services and thin clients. What does federation provide?

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Classical Music Concert Review

Watch the YouTube concert video:
Shaking Hands Over the Centures: The Music of Gerald Finzi

The instructions are attached. Thank You!

The Environment’s Effect on Social Behavior

The Term Project Paper is at least 7 pages not including title and reference pages and is worth 100 points. This term paper should be based on and have a minimum of seven academic, scholarly references from the WVSU library. Each reference should have a corresponding in the text citations (author, date, pages if quotes) all in APA style. Be sure to use APA style with a reference page at the end of the document with your references—these can be the annotated bibliography from your previous assignment but should be included here also. Parenthetical references should be in the body of your paper with each reference in your reference page cited somewhere in your term paper as an in-text citation. Quotes should be kept to a minimum and not exceed 10% of your paper. Recycling of old term papers and from other classes is not acceptable.

Customer note: Please find attached the annotated bibliography which contains all seven sources needed to be present in this paper. Please read descriptions of each source to know in which aspect to write in. 7 pages are not including the title page or the reference page.

MPA – Masters in Public Administration

500-1000 word essay that should describe a challenge facing your organization, field of interest, or a public policy issue. Discuss how your experience and proposed degree choice will help you address the challenge. Be sure to include why you want to pursue graduate studies at Baruch College, and your career goals. Use a 10 or 12-point standard font with one-inch margins.

MPA – Masters in Public Administration and Policy

The personal statement is an opportunity for applicants to demonstrate strong writing skills as well as provide additional details regarding their academic and/or professional accomplishments and/or challenges. The personal statement should be approximately 500 words (1 to 2 pages) and describe how the applicant’s personal and/or professional goals can be achieved through graduate study at John Jay College.

For those applying to MPA programs please use your personal statement to describe, in a well-developed essay of about 500 words, how your undergraduate studies; your volunteer, public, and military service, and your employment prepare you for study and future employment in fields of public service.

Apply: Internet Systems Technologies Comparison

Tips for completing this assignment:

Review the grading rubric to begin organizing your assignment. It clearly defines expectations and is what your faculty member will use to grade your submission.
Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in this course.
Use the knowledge and skills you have learned in prior courses.
Ask your faculty member any questions you may have.

Pine Valley Furniture (PVF) wants to use Internet systems to provide value to its customers and staff. There are many software technologies available to internet systems development teams, including SOAP, HTML, JSON, XML, CSS, ASP.NET, Objective C, php, JAVA™, Python, Ruby, AJAX, Swift™, AngularJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, R, and many more.

Create a 4- to 6-page comparison paper which includes a table that addresses the items listed below. The paper should also provide supporting narrative as outlined below.

Analyze and compare at least three internet systems development software technologies for use at PVF.

Analyze how the selected internet systems development software technologies support PVF’s core business processes.

Compare the selected technologies and then the reasons why, as an internet systems developer, you might choose one technology over another technology for PVF.

Explain how these technologies can bring value to PVF.

Incorporate additional research to support your comparison.

Cite appropriate external citations and references (minimum of 3), in addition to including references to the required readings (or virtual organizations) where relevant, within the assignment. Be sure citations and references follow the University of Phoenix approved style guide format (the Written Assignments Guidelines, along with properly cited APA references). Please Note: Dictionary and Encyclopedia citations and references of any type will not count towards your reference/citation count.

Submit your assignment and make sure all APA formatting is followed. Refer to the grammar and writing guides for further assistance. This should include a Cover page, Introduction and Summary pages and Reference page, which do not count towards the 4 – 6 page total for the assignment.

Recent Engineering Controls for Material Handling in Manufacturing

Research and describe the safety related improvements as a result of recently developed engineering controls over at least the past 10 years. You can go back farther if needed but Ireally wanting more recent developments. Recent improvements should not be hard to find.

Describe the consequences, fatalities, injuries, property loss, or any other losses that have been or are mitigated due to the engineering controls improvements. In other words, what hazards are reduced or eliminated by the engineering control(s).