Reflecting on Business Articles

You will use the 5 articles provided and synthesize them. You must mention the main points of these readings, and reflect on what you found interesting, what you agreed or disagreed with, and any real world connections you can integrate with the reading concepts. All papers should be at least five pages in length (2x spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font, 1” margins). Each will be graded on the following items.

5 points for summarizing the articles and applying the summary to your reflections on each article.
3 points for indicating your agreement with the points made by the authors from each reading and applying what you learned from the readings and class to real-life.
2 point for clear and focused writing that is free of spelling, grammar, and reference errors. Use the formatting style you are most familiar with (i.e. APA, MLA, etc.); just be consistent.

Domain 6 – Security Assessment and Testing

Please respond to one or more of the following questions.

1. Describe the steps in the information system security audit process.
2. Describe the differences between Black box, White box, and Gray box forms of vulnerability and penetration testing.
3. What are the five steps a team goes through when conducting a penetration test? What are the three degrees of knowledge that a penetration team can have about the target?
4. Discuss any three of the commonly exploited vulnerabilities targeted in penetration tests and the appropriate countermeasures to mitigate them.
5. Discuss the various test types that Operations and Security Departments should carry out to monitor the environment’s vulnerability to attack.
6. Define the following KPI terms: factor, measurement, baseline, metric, and indicator. What is the difference between a KPI and KRI?
7. What are the key elements that should be included in a good technical audit report? What should be included to provide senior management a brief overview of the report highlights?

Operating A Company During COVID-19

The companies listed below are to give you an idea that different companies can be facing very different challenges at this time. You can choose to formulate your discussion around the uniqueness of different industries and recognized the challenges, or focus on some particular companies and offer more in-depth analysis.

A few weeks ago, none of us have imagined the situation we are in today. We have witnessed the biggest challenge in global economy in decades or more. This also gives us a unique opportunity to be strong, united, and creative. The sole purpose of this exercise is for all of us to be aware, accept and face the challenges in front of us. As a member of the business community, everyone is part of this challenge. Here, I want you to take a moment and imagine if you are the CEO of the following companies, what is your (and your executive team, aka your group) response to coronavirus crisis? Please list your biggest concerns, challenges, and proposed solutions etc. Your response should be 1000-1500 words.

Delta Airlines
Local restaurant

Policy Brief on HIV in Mexico City


Word count: 1200 words (excluding graphs, tables and reference list)

Assignment description:
Write a summary policy document on HIV in Mexico City to promote a local initiative for an infectious disease. Imagine that you work for a local government and need to translate what you know of global policies and strategies for one of the diseases that we have covered (HIV, Malaria, or TB) for that local context. This document should be specific to the local context that you choose and should have a clear structure.  

This briefing should be well supported by references – ensure you cite all your sources of information, strategies and policies. The document should be no more than 1200 words. You are welcome to include tables or diagrams if they fit your purposes, but they must be cited and referenced. Please remember there is no one right way to write this document. We will expect that you include information which (1) sets the scene, (2) highlights the policy area and its importance, and (3) explores your specific policy recommendations, using the evidence base.

As you work through developing your policy document you may wish to think about the following:

1) Set the scene:

• What are the local conditions of your HIV in Mexico City?
• Briefly explain the aetiology and epidemiology of the disease in your context and how that may differ from other locations.
• This section should make clear what the local epidemiological conditions are for your disease including key populations, social determinants, prevalence and incidence.
• Mention if demographic groups are more affected than others.
• Include information on the current state of the response to the disease in this setting.

*Provide data on:
• The prevalence of HIV in Mexico City
o (Key population: men having sex with men (MSM), female sex workers (FSW), male sex workers (MSW), Injection drug users (IDUs));
• The proportion of infected individuals on treatment and their compliance

2) Policy importance
• Establish why a local policy is needed.
• Summarize existing global plans and priorities

*Provide information on:
• Local policy in tackling HIV
• A brief summary of existing plans for HIV globally

3) Policy Suggestions
• List and justify key priorities based on global plan recommendations
• Explain the highest priority
• Explain what has worked elsewhere & what has improved health outcomes?

4) Targets
• What is going to happen and be achieved in the next 5 years?
• Targets should be SMART.
• SMART= Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & time-bound

5) Measurement and evaluation
• What will success look like at the end of the 5-year plan?
• How will that progress be measured and assessed?
• What data will be needed?

Levels of bueacracy

Chapter 4 outlines the way bureaucracy and the policy-making process works in public organizations. It further explores the ethical considerations that play into the public organization’s planning and public influence. However, other outside influences, such as special interest groups, play a significant role in how public planning and policy development occurs. You will explore these areas and describe their methods and impact on public administration.

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

The first part with the questions need to be on page one, then incorporate those questions starting the essay on page 2. The two cited sources are from the assignment and then one secondary resource about American Realism should be quoted in your essay and then listed in your Works Cited page.