
What do you believe are the most reliable predictors for employees to succeed at the management level?


Final Exam: English 1090-005

Winter 2020

In an essay of approximately 1000-1500 words please respond to one of the following prompts.

Using specific examples drawn from the text, discuss the significance of symbolism in any two of the texts we have studied together this term. You may wish to explain the symbolic significance of one of a character, or of a repeated motif, or of a particularly important image. However you choose to approach the topic, be sure that you go beyond asserting that there is symbolism in the texts. Analyze it by explaining what it means and why it matters to the text as a whole

Each of the texts we’ve read together has featured at least one story-within-the-story. Drawing specific examples from any two of the texts we have read together, discuss the representation of the nature of stories or the act of storytelling. In your response, go beyond simply summarizing the story; analyze what the texts tells us about storytelling.

Each of the texts we have read together has featured an encounter with supernatural powers or beings, whether in the form of jinn, vampires, or God. Drawing specific examples from the texts, compare and contrast the representation of the supernatural in any two of the texts we have read together. In your response be sure you go beyond simply describing the supernatural aspects of the texts. Analyze them by explaining why they matter to the themes or ideas of each text as a whole.

Additional Instructions:

This is not a research essay an no secondary sources are required, but any secondary sources you do use must be fully cited

Although you will be discussing two texts, you should still have one single central unified and unifying thesis

Remember to give your essay a title

Submit your essay in Times New Roman or similar font, 12 pt, double spaced

The list of texts are Dracula, Green, grass, running water, Alif the Unseen, and the Secret Miracle.

Research Paper

Over the last two decades (since 9/11) we have seen a change in police tactics and equipment. Many have criticized the police for becoming too militaristic. This was a big issue with former President Obama. He suspended the nations 1033 program where police departments were able to access surplus military equipment. Your assignment is to research the implications the “militarization of the police”, what it is, and the effects it has on public perception and the way police do their job. Why did police departments become more militaristic?
Research findings are more important than wordiness. You should have many citations. If it is not your thought, it must be cited.
Paper must be a minimum of 6 pages and contain a minimum of 10 references (at least 4 of which are books) with a minimum of 20 citations. It must be written in 7th edition APA style, contain a proper title page (abstract is optional) and proper reference page.



Leadership development

What is the major reason behind leadership development for managers in organizations? Are there any problems you see with this reason and/or model?

Theory and Practice of Client Centred Therapy

CW 1 Reflective Essay (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Submission of an Assessed Reflective Essay.

Using a Reflective Cycle, for example, Kolb/Gibbs/other. Exploring the development and key concepts within Client-Centred Theory and Practice and relationship to practice and self. This is a reflective essay, therefore, can use the first person, speak from I where you wish.

This essay needs to include an introduction and conclusion, (3000 words). Take each section on its merits read articles books and research pieces.
On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:

LO1. Review alternative theories to counselling such as Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural approaches and evaluate the principal differences compared to Humanistic theories of therapy.
LO2. Explain the theoretical philosophy and development of Client-centred Therapy
LO3. Evaluate Rogers Theory of Personality in relation to self and the explanation of the self-concept.
LO4. Discuss the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Therapeutic growth as outlined by Carl Rogers.
This is an academic essay an should not contain images and numbers. I require an essay explaining my understanding for example of the core conditions and personal examples not just numbers and description these can be googled. it requires a personal reflection using Gibbs or Kolb reflective cycles. Harvard referencing for British university requires page numbers.

argumentative research on a controversial topic

Students will write a 7-8 page (APA formatted) paper using argumentation for their position. You get to choose the topic but you must have scholarly sources to support each point. The research paper must include the following:

APA formatted (Times New Roman, double-spaced, 12 point font, a cover page. The cover page is not included in the page count.)
A well-developed introduction with a clear thesis statement that clearly gives the points to be made.
Must state and support a controversial thesis on a current controversy related to your topic.
Must provide at least two supporting arguments.
Must provide at least two opposing views (present the opposition for each argument you make) and
Must give a refutation for each opposing view
Well-developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences and supporting details from scholarly sources to support each point.
A conclusion that summarizes the main points of the research paper.
The conclusion must also highlight a local organization or group that you view as part of the solution to the controversy/problem.
Must be written using only 3rd person objective
Must cite at least 8 sources in the text and have a Reference page at the end of the paper with the eight sources.
Types of Sources (Need 8)

Must include all of the sources listed below:

At least 2 books
At least 2 professional/scholarly journal articles
At least 2 newspaper articles
No random websites. Use the library!
Must use parenthetical reference to cite sources in the text
Must include a Reference page as the final page
You must have at least 2 different sources to support each of your arguments.

Gestalt Psychology vs. Psychoanalysis

Assignment: You will be writing a brief paper in which you select two different theoretical perspectives or schools of thought in psychology and evaluate their significant contributions to the discipline. This will include comparing two perspectives on major theoretical application issues by illustrating how these two perspectives differ from, and how they are similar to each other given issues. The paper is to be a minimum of 5 pages (excluding the title and reference pages) written in strictly APA style with a minimum of 5-8 credible sources. Please find attached the 6 sources needed to be used for this paper.