
In the last few weeks, you have read the work of many minds about a variety of issues. You have been writing about, and discussing many topics within writing through your responses. You have already written extensive essays about your particular position, as well as alternative approaches to the same subject. You will now have the chance to write a paper wherein you will argue for accepting your position, instead of another. This will be your most academic work thus far, as you enter the conversation you have spent these weeks reading.

Your assignment is to develop an argument for your approach to or perspective regarding the issue you chose for this semester. You should reintroduce your topic, establish the current conversation surrounding it, and select your argument to persuade your audience to your side instead of an alternative. Be careful to establish your chosen alternative position with honesty and integrity, as your own position rests on being more legitimate. As a voice entering the conversation, you have the authority to assert a unique position, and use your research on the existing conversation to support that position.

The paper should be approximately 1,200-1,400 words. You will need to find and utilize at least 8 sources, of which at least four must come from outside our readings. Sources should be academic in nature, reflecting the genre of this paper.

choose a question and find best way to solve this,argue why it was best solution. use the structure on ppt, thank u

Critical Book Review

750-1000 word or 3 page review of one of the books in the attachment. I will also attach the guidelines given to me for the review. Im unsure if zip files are okay to attach so ill copy and past the list of books here: Chinua Achebe
Things Fall Apart*

Kamala Markandaya
Nectar in a Sieve*

Bernard Lewis
What Went Wrong?

Ken Follett
Pillars of the Earth*

William Manchester
The Arms of Krupp

Peter Duus
Feudalism in Japan

Norman Izkowitz
Ottoman Empire and Islamic Tradition

Carlo Cipolla
Before the Industrial Revolution
Guns, Sails and Empires

Frederick W. Mote
Intellectual Foundations of China

Daniel Headrick
Tools of Empire

Frances Gies, Joseph Gies
Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and Invention in the Middle Ages

Frank Tannenbaum
Slave and Citizen

Byron Farwell
Queen Victoria’s Little Wars

Jonah Goldhagen
Hitler’s Willing Executioner’s

Christopher Browning
Ordinary Men

T.S. Ashton
The Industrial Revolution: 1760-1830

Daniel Chambers
The Devil’s Horsemen

Latife Tekin
Tales From The Garbage Hills*

Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner


What kind of political regime currently exists in this country, and how does it work? Within the next twenty years, do you think it is likely that the country will experience a transition to a different (perhaps more democratic) regime type? Why or why not?


Given your understanding of severe weather events such as tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and mid-latitude cyclones and lithosphere hazards such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes which of these events poses the greatest threat to the Pacific Northwest?


On YOUTUBE VIDEO: SOUND:WAVELENGTH,FREQUENCY AND AMPLITUDE.Which of the body’s senses do you think is most important? Explain why and provide examples. (Your essay must be 1-2 paragraphs).

Your paper MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS. You do not need to use outside references. Please make sure you review the rubric prior to submitting your work in order to ensure you get full credit for this assignment.

POL/115: American National Government

The scope of individual rights and freedoms has often been considered by the courts. The Supreme Court has sometimes taken a broad view of our constitutional rights enumerated in clauses of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

How has this expansive view helped to curb state rights that might interfere with constitutional rights? Do you think that this makes the courts too powerful? Why or why not? What is an example of where the courts took an expansive view of our constitutional protections to overturn a state law or protect a person’s individual rights? Do you agree with the courts decision? Why or why not?

Project Overview

The final course project requires you to demonstrate an understanding of how to apply quantitative or qualitative methods in marriage and family therapy. The first step in that process is to develop a project overview to build a foundation for the research proposal. This overview can serve as the introduction section of your course project.

Create the overview of your research proposal—a brief synopsis that should describe the following:

The research question being investigated.
Pertinent characteristics of research participants and details of the research participants.
Essential features of the methods proposed, either qualitative or quantitative.
Potential implications or applications of your research to professional practice of marriage and family therapy.
Peer reviewed journal citations to support your ideas.
Use the Family Research Proposal Template to develop your project.

Submission Requirements
Written communication: It should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Length: One double-spaced, typed page.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 points.

The writer that takes this assignment will be used to complete three more parts of this assignment. Literature Review, Methodology, Family Research Proposal. The due dates for these are roughly two weeks apart from the current due date for this assignment. If whomever takes want the whole project at once I can supply those details.

Adolescence: Work and Vocation

The textbook states that 15- to 17-year-old American adolescents work on average 17 hours per week during the school year. What are both some benefits and consequences that you think adolescents have to gain from working 17 hours per week while also being a full-time high school student? In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the consequences?