Mother Tongue by AMY TAN Summative Assessment: Critical Analysis Essay (GRADED)

This is an essay that is based on the article we read about Amy Tan, I had some difficultires because my thesis wasn’t the best. The goal is to tell how an author achieved his/her purpose. You can merge the topic points with an assessment of style, diction, and tone. How did the author convey his/her message through a specific writing style?

View Graded Rubric!

China and Taiwan

Explain the relationship between Taiwan and China. How did it start? What happened to change the relationship and how/why did that happen? What is the relationship between Taiwan and the United States from its beginning to present day. Did that relationship change and why or why not. How does Taiwan fit into today’s world society and why?

Obesity in adolescence(age 10-17) power point presentation

Instructions: I am participating in a group presentations based on previous work I conducted, and research articles on Obesity in adolescence (10-17 year olds). We are assigned to answer a series of questions related to this topic, and I have been assigned a series of questions that must be answered. I believe each question should consist of a slide. I will provide articles that I believe should provide you with enough data to answer these questions. Please remember that since this is a college powerpoint, there shouldn’t be much words on the slides. I want you to point bullet points, and limit your words on each. I want you to write the bulk of the information of each slide as notes area on the powerpoint. I know powerpoint has a section where you can write notes that are not on the actual slide. I want it this way so when I present I will have the information needed to go into depth of each slide. The last slide which is for question 5 will consist of old work I’ve done that will have information, and primary research articles that you need to relate to the questions.


Part 3:
Q1.Model programs used to address obesity in the US.-slide 1
Q2.Where are these model programs being used?-slide 2
Q3.Why are they model programs?-slide 3
Q4.What are the measurable outcomes?-slide 4
Q5.Evidence based research from your Annotated Bibliographies 1 and Annotated Bibliographies 2. Evidence based research, information, and/or insight from your Case Study. -slide 5 (this slide will implement previous I have written with primary research articles. I will provide these papers, and the article that I used. This slide will discuss any relationship/evidence my article can provide to back up these questions.

same sex marraige

the discussion should an understanding of the diversity of peoples/cultures and the significance and impact of mass communication


European countries place tighter controls on urban and regional development than is the practice in the United States. What are the advantages of such controls? What are the disadvantages? Should the United States try to emulate Europe? Why or why not?
Introduction thesis, and a cover page.

Why should we choose to support same-sex marriage

Your assignment is to develop an argument for your approach to or perspective regarding the issue you chose for this semester. You should reintroduce your topic, establish the current conversation surrounding it, and select your argument to persuade your audience to your side instead of an alternative. Be careful to establish your chosen alternative position with honesty and integrity, as your own position rests on being more legitimate. As a voice entering the conversation, you have the authority to assert a unique position, and use your research on the existing conversation to support that position.

The paper should be approximately 1,200-1,400 words. You will need to find and utilize at least 8 sources, of which at least four must come from outside our readings. Sources should be academic in nature, reflecting the genre of this paper.

American National Government

Assignment Content

This assignment is designed to help you analyze civil liberties and the role of the U.S. Supreme Court in upholding them.

Visit the American Civil Liberties Union Supreme Court Cases website to see civil liberties cases that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on, organized by term.

Select one of the cases on civil liberties that interests you. Provide an analysis that addresses the following:

The civil liberty that is addressed in the case, including the text of the amendment from the Bill of Rights
An explanation of the Supreme Court’s involvement, including the following:
The importance of the ruling (why it is significant)
How the case moved through the lower courts to eventually be heard by the Supreme Court
The powers granted to the Supreme Court by the constitution that allowed them to rule on the case

Format your assignment as one of the following:

875-word paper

Include citations for all unoriginal ideas, facts, or definitions in an APA-formatted reference list.

Submit your assignment.


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