Should technology replace human labor?

Write a research paper (3-5 pages) with proper APA documentation and references. Your topic for the research paper was picked the first day of class. If you did not pick a topic on that day, please be sure to see me, as there is a list of topics to pick from. Your paper should be double spaced. A cover page should be included (this does not count as a page). Cover page should contain: Title, Name, Class, Date. Reference page is included in your 3-5 pages.

Opinion paper

Please select one of the following statements that best matches your opinion. In one page or less, please explain your thinking. Why do you favor the statement you selected? What pros and cons do you see for the statement you selected? Why do the pros outweigh the cons?
I am selecting;
2. It would be better if the state had no pharmacy services carved out from CCO responsibility. In the future the state should consider having CCOs take responsibility for therapeutic classes 7 and 11 as they do with all other classes.


conduct a research on epilesy

Core Competencies Rubric 1
Core Competencies Rubric 1
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRC 1 – Comprehension
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRC 3 – Relationship to Text
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRC 4 – Analysis
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRC 5 – Interpretation
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTC 1 – Explaination of Issues
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTC 2 – Evidence
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTC 4 – Student’s Position (Perspective, Thesis, Hypothesis)
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTC 5 – Conclusions
view longer description
threshold: 21.0 pts
25.0 pts
21.0 pts
17.0 pts
14.0 pts
Needs Improvement


Write a 5 to 6 page essay demonstrating how Islam exhibits five of the seven common features of the world’s religions identified by Frederich Heiler.

As a reminder, Heiler’s features are: 1) There exists an Ultimate Reality that is transcendent. 2) That same reality is immanent. 3) The Ultimate Reality is characterized as truth, goodness, beauty. 4) It is characterized as love and mercy. 5) The way to experience/realize the Ultimate Reality is through prayer, meditation, self-discipline and self-denial. 6) The way is through service of others, and love of neighbors. 7) Human fulfillment is imagined as union with or dissolution into that Ultimate Reality.

Conflict at MRW

Prompt: Offer an ethical and fiscally responsible solution to Sylvia Vilchez and Maria Jose Garrido regarding Sonia Reguant’s sudden announcement of her pregnancy.
Full MRW case information is in the file attached. I also included the case outline shred I found online that maybe helpful but don’t plagiarize the prompt.
Please follow these 4 steps from my professor:
1. Identify your problem: The problem statement is a clear, concise sentence that argues the problem you intend to address. It may include the impact, and why it is important to fix the problem.
Problem statements should look like a hypothesis or a thesis statement.
2. Analyze the problem: Your analysis should show the reader that the problem you identified is important and worthy of solving. Use relevant facts, details, and assumptions from the case to support your claim. Avoid retelling the case. Explain the significance of facts in relation to the problem you identified. Select the most important or urgent problem. Justify it with an analysis.
3. Alternative solutions: Present two realistic solutions to solve the problem. Each solution should meet the same objective(s). Give advantages and disadvantages for each alternative. Keep it brief and simple. DO NOT use lengthy block paragraphs.
4. Recommendation: Which solution will best solve the problem and why? Do not repeat the pros and cons you have already stated. Remember, part of a recommendation is an implementation plan! Choose which one of your alternatives is the best one.

International Business Strategy

– The subject area is more to International Business Strategy
– I have uploaded the assignment questions
– I have uploaded a power point slides that may help answer the following questions
– Refer to the textbook Contemporary Strategy Analysis for further details (link provided)

Assignment 2: Packet Tracer Task

Simulating and Testing Network Configurations

As a network administrator for Bacon Institute, you will need to become familiar with the Packet Tracer simulation tool from Cisco. Packet Tracer is used to simulate and test network configurations. This allows you to work out and improve upon the settings before implementing them.

Using the diagram and configuration information from your first task, create a Packet Tracer simulation.

***Please use information from assignment 1 and information from Network Infrastructure Design Template to complete the packet tracer.

answer questions

please read the chapter attached and complete the review questions at the end of the reading. citation is not needed