The unique perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of students

The United States has become increasingly diverse. The unique perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of students can enrich the learning environment if those differences do not become barriers. As an educator, it is imperative that you become knowledgeable about aspects of culture and diversity, and develop competence in creating an equitable learning environment for all students.

In this task you will write an essay (suggested length of 3–5 pages) in which you explain the importance of diversity consciousness for educators.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Describe two distinct diverse groups within the U.S. student population.

1. To help an educator gain knowledge of each diversity group, cite source information to support your description in part A.

2. Describe a challenge related to the diversity background that each identified group may experience in a school setting (i.e., one challenge for each group in part A).

3. Describe an instructional strategy by which educators can support the educational achievement of students from each of the identified groups (i.e., one strategy for each group in part A).

a. Cite source information that supports the instructional strategies described in part A3.

B. Explain why it is important for educators to develop approaches that are responsive to the diversity background of all students.

C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Why Literature?” outline

Please outline each paragraph (all thirty-two) and supporting details of Mario Vargas Llosa’s essay, “Why Literature.”

Be sure to follow this format: (I’ve done the first five paragraphs for you.)

Crimes against Public Order -Disorderly Conduct

Define the elements of Disorderly Conduct (Crimes Against Public Order) the Actus reas and mens rea. Utilize the state of Colorado’s criminal statues code(s).
Define why this is a crime against Public order

Describe a factual scenario, either fictional or true in fact, in which the crime is committed. Should there be different penalties for crimes against property, people, and public order? Why? Do you believe that crimes in one category are more serious? Support your argument with examples as to why these crimes are similar or different.

how would a person’s ideas about multiculturalism and diversity impact the penalties for the crime
For example, depending on the crime a defendant’s sentence might be decided by either a judge or a jury. Based on the particular juror or judge’s socio-economic, cultural or religious backgrounds, do you think that these individuals have certain opinions as to how stringent a defendant’s sentence should be?

Use specific statutes from the State of Colorado
Make sure to clearly identify the elements as outlined in that Colorado statute

Provide opinion as to whether judges should be given wide discretion in determining the appropriate sentence for a defendant.

Use two credible, relevant, current sources and cite in APA format

Junk Food: Should the government regulate our intake?

Eng. 201 Essay 3 Analyzing verbal and visual rhetoric An analysis of how images contribute to, and impact, verbal arguments necessitates careful critique of the strategies in visual rhetoric.Chapter 4 is all over this. Most observations of visual rhetoric involve degrees of emotional appeals or techniques to clarify data. Some visual rhetoric may enhance material with humor or satire. Certain choices this is about manipulation—either so that you pay attention to X and not Y, or that you don’t/can’t pay attention to X or Y because the media maker has an interest in not having the audience know what the issue is about that the presenters of visual material (photographers, cartoonists, statisticians, artists, etc.) yield rich matter to examine such as:Content, placement, coloring, sizing, setting, posture, forms/shapes, style, beauty, humor, grotesqueness, symbolism, caricature/exaggeration, maps, graphics, illustration, composition, font, etc. Chapter 4, again, is all over this. . .remember sexuality, attractiveness/awkwardness/vulgarity, stereotyping, shock, ridiculousness, misleading/taken out of context, etc.You will study how images achieve their purpose effectively or ineffectively for reporting a stance on an issue. Directions:Use the checklists in chapter 4 to analyze a combination of verbal and visual materials (1 broadcast/televised news report NOT out of a newspaper but literally something you watch on a Youtube post/a channel archive like CNN or NBC or Fox, 1 data presentation perhaps embedded in an article, but an actual visual graphic of numerical information,1 cartoon also may be embedded in an article but there are EXCELLENT stand-out artists who have quite the reputation, and 1 public service announcement this would be a non-profit organization/scholarly POSTER more than a documentary/advertisement; it should be a stationary message rather than a video/infomercial– AND 1 OR 2 essays from ONE of the following casebooks (5+ sources total can be 6 if you choose to present multiple perspectives) to examine:19 A College Education: What is its purpose?20 Race and Police Violence: How do we solve the problem?21 Junk Food: Should the government regulate our intake?22 Online versus IRL: How has social networking changed how we relate to one another?23 Immigration: What is to be done? 24 The Carceral State: Why are so many Americans in jail?25 American Exceptionalism: How should the United States teach about its past? Notice the designations of searching for NEWS, DATA, CARTOONS, PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS for the topic along with ONE SELECTED ESSAY—verbal and visual material. Additional possibilities may include advertisements, Youtube, and art IF you have a hard time, for instance. I.E. the immigration issue (ch. 23) may not always appear to yield a cartoon (although you may remember the inflammatory ones we had during fallacies—that’s IMPORTANT to notice!), so you might be more comfortable with a muralist/painter who has captured immigration, instead. Consider the quality and reputation of the source (CNN, NYTimes, National Geographic, TIME, etc.) and AVOID sensational publications (National Enquirer, Star, etc.).research is KEY to success in your choices for analysisDevelop a thesis addressing whether the images in the materials shape the issue effectively or ineffectively. In other words, do the visuals clarify, distort, emotionally imbue, bias, neutralize, advocate, or criticize, and at what levels of effectiveness? Can the audience really rely sufficiently on the media to understand such an issue or does the verbal argument offer much more? Are some mediated sources better than others? Compare the images with each other for how they impact the topic/the verbal message(s).

Multiculturalism in asean

Table of contents
In text citations
10 pages
Analytical and critical approach from social scientific perspective or exploring the topic from a neutral view
Topics in multiculturalism in asean:

The diversity of Buddhist cultures in Asean: theravada, mahayana and vajrayana.

Theravada (India to Sri Lanka and,Myanmar, laos, and Cambodia Thailand)

Mahayana:(Vietnam and Singapore)

UK Real Estate – Private Investment Initiative

Critical Essay:
Critically examine the Private Finance Initiative program explaining the inherent problems that have led to its demise.

Please read through ALL of the task file uploaded. This critical essay is part of the module: UK Property Investment Analysis and Funding

socio-economic inequality

Students will write a 1500 page essay on why is there still so much socio-economic inequality in most of Latin America since they gain their independence from Spain and Portugal. Who are the main social groups that have benefitted from inequality in Latin America? Students should compare three countries in Latin America. Students must use examples from Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba in their analysis. Also, students must use a fourth Latin American country that was once colonized by Spain in their study. Students’ work must be grounded in the readings that were assigned and the films that you watch.

make sure to use the countries Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba in the analysis and only use the readings attached and videos provided. the link to the videos are

mexico –

cuba –


A Case Study critically analysing schizophrenia in men and women and a critique of the changing nature of the management of health care in the UK.

A Case Study critically analysing schizophrenia in men and women and a critique of the changing nature of the management of health care in the UK.