Article Comparison & Critique Paper #1

For this assignment it is required that you search for and acquire two recently published (preferably within the last 5 years) research articles on the same delinquency/juvenile justice system-related topic (written by different authors). The articles must be published in peer- reviewed social science journals. After reading your selected articles write a 5 page paper that offers a comparative analysis of the two published research articles (it’s required for the assignment that both papers selected report on original research conducted by the author or authors). Papers must be typed, double-spaced, with standard 1 to 1 1⁄4 inch margins.
1. A title page including a very brief abstract summarizing the contents of your paper.
2. An introduction, discussion, and conclusion no more than five pages in length, not including the title page and works cited page.
3. Your paper should address the following, comparing the two articles in each area: (a) the purpose of the research (authors’ problem statement, research question or hypothesis); (b) how the study was conducted; (c) research results; (d) the meaning or implications of the results; and (e) your evaluation and critique of the authors’ work and contributions to the study of delinquency and the juvenile justice system. You must include at least one direct reference to related material in the Mallett and Tedor textbook, over chapters 9-10. Your critique should address how the authors could expand on the results and what future research on the topic should focus on to add to current knowledge about the selected topic. Your conclusion should also offer your opinion of the two articles, including the strengths and weaknesses of each. What are the author’s most valuable contributions and what could be improved?
4. A “Works Cited” page that includes citations (ASA documentation style) for both reviewed articles, the textbook, and any other sources (if any) referenced in your paper.

Final Report Pandora (Only FIndings & Reccomendations, Section 1)

I attached the paper on which my group and I are working on, I am asking you to complete only the findings & recommendations section 1, you will see it more clearly in the guidelines and in the assignment sheets I provided. Let me know if you need ANY kind of help or if you are confused about something, Thank you!!!

This assignment is in two parts: Part 1: shot list: maximum 700 words 10% Part 2: 800-word film analysis 40% You are required to prepare a shot list of a scene you are given, on the template provided, closely following the guidelines. Then, based on what you have discovered in your shot-list, you will write a formal analysis of the scene. You must follow the guidelines carefully to complete this assignment

This assignment is in two parts: Part 1: shot list 700 words maximum 10% Part 2: 800-word film analysis 40% You are required to prepare a shot list of a scene you are given, closely following the guidelines. Then, based on what you have discovered in your shot-list, you will write a formal analysis of the scene. Make sure you carefully read all of the guidelines before you begin this assessment. Detailed guidelines and a sample will be posted on vUWS. Set reading for the assignment: Gocsik, Barsam and Monahan, Writing about Movies, Ch. 2 ”What are you looking for’ (pp. 30-32) and Ch.2: ’Formal analysis’ (pp. 33-45). To prepare for the assessment, complete the week 6 online class. Part 1: 700-word shot list SelectONEofthefilmclipsprovidedonvUWS.Youarenotexpectedtobefamiliarwiththesourcefilmortoaddress the narrative of the whole film. Focus on the particular scene provided. Watch the scene several times. Draw up a detailed shot-list of each shot on the exact template provided on vUWS. Do not reformat the template. You must describe every shot and complete all the columns. Follow the guidelines and the sample on vUWS. The shot-list must be derived from your own viewing. You must not rely on other sources, such as internet reviews, and you will be penalised for doing so. Youshouldusecorrectterminologyandstandardabbreviationsgiveninthetextbookforkeyconcepts, suchasterms
for camera movement, shot size and editing transitions. Do not make up your own abbreviations. The shot list template and sample will help you to be clear about this. Points on a shot-list do not need to be in complete sentences but you must check spelling and punctuation. Part 2: 800-word film analysis After you have completed your shot-list, using evidence from your shot list to support your analysis, write an 800-word formal analysis of how you think sound, image and editing work together in this scene. (You may also relate these to narrative technique where appropriate). Your analysis must be based on the scene in your shot list and specifically refer to the details in the shot list. The analysis/discussion should be in standard essay form. Your discussion should analyse the concrete techniques that you have discovered through watching the scene. Be specific. Do not give a plot summary. You should develop the analysis from your own viewing. You must not rely on reviews or Internet sources for your analysis. Your scene analysis may cite key concepts from the set reading or other film texts, with correct citation, to support your analysis, but citations must be kept to an absolute minimum. Note: this is not a research assignment. It is an exercise in close observation, listening and application of key concepts to a film analysis. The assignment does not require you to research any material beyond what is available in set readings, lectures and tutorials.
Set reading for the assignment. The set reading for the assignment is the set reading for the week 6 online

Patient satisfaction/ Literature Review

Please look at the attached doc for clear step by step instructions. Include abstract and 5 text pages. This work follows the previous work, I have attached the doc for referencing. The total of pages will be 9.

Paper components:
Title page (1pg)
table of contents (1pg)
abstract (1pg)
body (analytical review of the literature (follow outline attached) 5 text pages
reference page (1pg)

We are using the same references attached to the Research summary doc that you previously worked on. I believe there is 5 references as of now. Please add 3 more references related to the topic for a total of Eight (8) key research references (at least six (6) must be from peer reviewed research articles; no newspapers, blogs, television reports, or the like are allowed.)

I am attaching the link to the main study you have been writing about in case you need to access it:

I am also attaching a student sample as a guide.

Application 5

Step Two: Answer each question with a brief paragraph.
1. How does the judge engage in surveillance and biopolitics? Use and explain at least 2 specific examples.
2. How does the spatial technology in the courtroom create a power dynamic?
3. Why does Judge Gaul put more people on probation than other judges do? What would Foucault say about this?
4. How does the judge set the conditions of truth in the courtroom? Explain the truth regime.

Step Three: Upload your responses to Blackboard. You do not need to transform your responses into essay format. This should total about 1.5-2 double spaced pages.

Obesity and Epigenetics

The article covers specific topics related to a contemporary area of medicine and its important recent developments. They include a summary of the topic, allowing readers to gain an understanding of the current state of the field, get up-to-date on new developments and/or emerging concepts, as well as:
– different school of thoughts or controversies
– current research gaps
– potential future developments in the field.

Develop at least one original figure or diagram that would assist the reader in understanding the article.

The review must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the topic, methodology and implications of the cited primary literature.

Components include:
1. Title Page (title, author, affiliation, contact information (address, phone number, email address), mentor, word count (abstract and complete paper text (not references)))
2. Abstract (maximum 250 words)
3. Historical perspective
4. Underlying principles (related to physiology, etc.)
5. Current state of the art
6. Key limitations / problems / unaddressed needs
7. Future directions
8. Conclusion (summary)
9. References (APA format)

Pandemics and Globalization

Please see attached paper guidelines and an attachment of what I have gotten done already to guide you.
Main Argument of this paper :
As this global pandemic strains the current international order will we see greater international cooperation or a retreat by countries as they implement selfish isolationist policies to protect their populations from the COVID-19 virus? Will this pandemic create a long-term fear of being too interdependent leading to permanent pullback from international cooperation? Does international relations realism theory or institutionalism theory provide the most insight to the current situation and going forward. Although realism offers insights to the behavior of countries and may even be more accurate in the short term, I believe institutionalism will provide the framework going forward to deal with the current situation and future pandemics. In this paper I will argue that we are and will see a short-term pullback from globalism and international cooperation that will be followed up with even greater international cooperation then we saw before the pandemic. Medical professionals from all over the globe will work together to create a system to deal with future pandemics in a more effective way.