Inclusive practice

1600 word essay based on inclusion for EAL(english additional language) pupils in ks1.including short introduction and conclusion. Using sources supporting EAL.

Business Information Management

Text book:Essentials of MIS. 13th Edition,Kenneth C.
Please read “Business Problem-Solving Case: Is BYOD Good for Business?” on pages 189-191 of your text and answer the following: What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing employees to use their personal mobile devices for work? If employees use their own smartphones for work will it save the company money? Explain your answer. What people, organization, and technology factors should be addressed when deciding whether to allow employees to use their personal mobile devices for work?

Provide information, citations, and resources describing the core components. Write a narrative that gives a descriptive analysis of the four components. Cite your sources within the text and in the Reference page.

Describe the American system of corrections.

What are several of the goals of the American corrections system?
What are the primary means or types of corrections?
What are the two primary corrections facilities used in the United States?
Briefly describe each, how they are alike, and how they are different.
Briefly describe the concept of community-based corrections. How does it work, what are the varieties of methods it uses, what are it goals, why do some people support it, and why do some people oppose it?
What are some of the problems or trends that we have seen in corrections since 1980? PLEASE PROVIDE PAGE NUMBERS. AND MAXIMUM OF 2 CADEMIC RECADEMIC REFERENCES. THANK YOU AND LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.

Case Analysis

To develop an ability to identify and assume an assigned role.
To be able to identify and rank the importance of explicit issues.
To illustrate the importance of hidden (undirected) issues that arise from a detailed analysis.
To identify accounting issues (GAAP/IFRS compliance issues), assess their implications, generate alternatives, and provide recommendations within the bounds of GAAP/IFRS to meet the client’s needs.
To examine how accounting standards impact financial measures (ratios, covenants, etc.).
To prepare a coherent report and integrated analysis that meets specific user needs.

In order to complete your case analysis successfully

identify the role you are playing
assess the financial reporting landscape considering the user needs, constraints, and business environment,
identify the issues,
analyze the issues (qualitatively and quantitatively), and
provide a recommendation and conclusion.
An average grade will result from answering all questions with basic coverage and accuracy, showing all your work. Additional points come from including greater detail, astute, informed commentary where appropriate and connections to readings and other content.

Respond in a single Word doc (or comparable text editor).

reflection paragraph of course so far

This is a formal writing, about 3-4 paragraphs, on our feelings of the course so far. there are questions to answer in paragraph form, fully developed opinions on the topics discussed. the writing must be connected to the works discussed in class, i will attach the assignment and the works we touched. professor is a stickler for following instructions and content. all opinions must be supported in the texts listed. please cite properly as well.

Discussion Form

Many experts argue the need for one global set of accounting standards. What are some of the differences between International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)? What are some advantages and disadvantages of adopting IFRS in the US? Do you personally think this is a good or a bad idea? Why?

For Peer Responses:
respond to two or more of your classmates, or your instructor, in any of the following ways:

Build on something your classmate said
Explain why and how you see things differently
Ask a probing or clarifying question
Share your understanding of your classmate’s posting
Offer and support an opinion with peer-reviewed sources or industry leading practices
Expand on your classmate’s posting by providing constructive feedback

300 words for the initial post and 125 for each peer response is fine.

i will include a doc with 2 peer’s postings that need responses to them.

Aviation Legislation

Read Grand Canyon Collision – The greatest commercial air tragedy of its day! from, which details the circumstances surrounding one of the most prolific aircraft accidents of all time—the June 1956 mid-air collision between two commercial aircraft over the Grand Canyon. Prepare a case analysis addressing the factors surrounding the enactment of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958.

Does Strategic Human Resource Management matter for SMEs? A review of the role of strategic HRM in SMEs in the UK

I need the writer to read through the paper, top to bottom and produce a conclusion chapter to conclude everything that has been stated.

The aim is to close down the Dissertation Topic in short, professional and critical way so that the reader has no doubt in what I’m trying to say.

The paper below that I attach is the file that is currently done, it has results, intro, literature review, methodology and discussion chapter along with references and appendices.

The conclusion chapter cannot contradict anything that has already been said. It needs to be an outcome of what has been written.

Primary Source Documents

– No heading needed for this assignment. Summaries of each document. (do not include name, institution, or course)
– Please make sure each summary is labeled.
– Any internet source can be used for this assignment.
– Need to be 2 full pages for all documents in chapter 13 and chapter 14

Museum of Art

The instructions have been attached in two separate files. Please read and follow the instructions. No plagiarism as it will be checked. Please also cite your sources.
Feel free to message me with any questions.