Microbiology, Food Safety Project Report

Needs to know/research on
– which US Agency regulates the food product, in this case will be Orange Juice,
– microbial criteria and safety practices
– tests and samplnig plan done on Orange Juice
– more in the document attached

Choose a sport topic

This will be a PowerPoint or SWAY project that uses graphics and text to show how a certain sport evolved from its origins to the contemporary period over a timeline.

The overall idea of the project is to acquaint students with the sources of historical data in and of themselves. The Internet will be the medium for finding copies of primary source documents and relevant forms of art in relation to the history of sport. For example: a picture of a particular manuscript out of which a particular event like Greek wrestling was found.

Types of visual sources to be used:

Samples of public, personal, and government documents; (historical registers, statistics)
Photographs and film still samples,
Pictures of original documents, books and archeological findings (Greek vases, etc.)
These graphics need to be on a linear timeline. No audio or music is needed. The marking will be based on the use of at least six key dates (referenced) and each graphic needs to have a full explanation of its significance for the project and history generally.
And a brief (1-page) outline of their idea and the proposed sources.

Leisure Motivations Questionnaire Paper

Hello Friend,
The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore their motivations for participating in leisure activities. Take the Leisure Motivations Questionnaire and tabulate the answer scores. Upon finishing, answer the reflection
questions in a report format. Paper should be four to six pages in length, APA format, including ten citations from the text and include a reference page. Failure to properly cite sources will result in the immediate failure of the assignment.

Requirements for the Report:
1. Complete the LMQ and submit 5 pts
2. Taking the quiz
a. What did you learn about yourself taking this quiz?
b. Are the outcomes what you thought they would be?
c. Did you second guess your answers?
3. LMQ Definitions Analysis
a. What were the numbers you scored per definition?
b. Were the answers surprising?
c. Do you think these numbers are correct? Why or why not?
d. If you were thinking of a different activity do you think your numbers would have tabulated vastly differently?
e. Has what you have learned this semester changed your views on your own leisure and is that reflected in this quiz? Why or why not? 10 pts
4. Future Leisure
a. Will the answers to this questionnaire change how you view your leisure experiences?
b. Will the answers change what kind of leisure you experience? 10 pts
5. Connect your reflections of this questionnaire to the text book with a minimum of ten (10) citations

Don’t forget to cite your sources, from the Book. Pastimes, the context of contemporary leisure, 6th edition, ISBN ebook 978-1-57167-821-8)

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

Touring a Process.

Select a place of your choice (for example, a supermarket, doctor’s office, library, post office, department store, et cetera) and observe one or more key processes, the associated suppliers, inputs, process steps, outputs, customers, the measurement systems, and how the measurements are used to manage and improve the process. Include these items:

Company visited.
Process observed.
SIPOC elements.
Process measurements.
Process management systems used.

Editorial Evaluation Essay

Students will read an editorial in a current newspaper (hard copy or online) and write a one-page essay evaluating the argumentation types and effectiveness it demonstrates using the concepts introduced in the class. Be sure to select an editorial. Look up the definition of an editorial before searching for an appropriate article to use. A minimum of two APA references is required.

Physiology of people with Asthma

A document has been attached for the guidelines of this paper. I wrote my rough draft for this essay and had it revised by my professor who stated I needed more details and elaborations . I have attached my professor’s revision as well. I have attached my original rough draft and need it to be edited, more sources, details, and capture all the required points that is stated in the paper guidelines document that I have attached. This paper is for my Human Physiology College course . This is a very important essay that counts for half my grade so I need this paper assigned to your best writer,