Choose one of the following two questions to answer:

1) Discuss and characterize the differences between committing a crime deliberately, purposefully, knowingly, recklessly, and negligently. Be sure to use examples (preferably from texts we’ve read). Given this analysis and what you can find in the texts we’ve read (e.g. Blackstone, the criminal law text), what might explain why we blame a purposeful crime more than a reckless one?

2) “You took my plums!” Here are four possible responses to that accusation: “No, I didn’t!”; “I did…Forgive me, they were delicious!”; “Yes, but I didn’t know they were yours!”; “Yes, but I needed them for the pie I made for your mother’s birthday!”. What kind of response is each? How do they differ from one another? In particular, relate your answers to the definition of blame.

Technological Advancement for Firms

Using what you have learned in this week’s readings, and in consideration of the arguments made by Chandler in one of your assigned readings, Enduring Logic of Industrial Success, answer this question:

Based upon your product selection in week 2’s critical thinking, analyze how will technological advancement will play a role in the product development and the future evolution of your firm and in the industry? If you did not do option 1 or your product cannot be globalized, then you cannot do this assignment.
Evaluate the negative impact of technological advancement on your product and how would you overcome such negative impact.
Create a graph that illustrates the effect of technological advancement on the different cost curves discussed in this module. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source. Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points.
nclude the supply-demand graph you created based on the requirements established. Please note, that you need to create the graph and not copy it from any source. Any copied and pasted graphs will not earn any points.


a) What is the central problem facing Minolta?
b) As suggested in the case, identify several different strategies that Minolta can use to reduce the gray market problem. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each strategy.
c) Other than those already considered in the case, identify further strategies which you suggest be used in addition to curb the gray market problem faced by Minolta. Discuss the advantages of each strategy you suggest.
d) Based on the identification and discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various strategies in (b and c) above, which strategy (or strategies) would you recommend to be implemented to resolve Minolta’s gray market problem? Why/ fully defend your suggestion.
e) Based on the various readings do you think it is possible for firms to standardize pricing for all the country markets they operate in? identify and discuss some factors that prevent the standardization of pricing.

An Evaluation of Thinking Skills of Life 101: An Exploration of Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices When Using the Textbook to Promote Thinking Skills in Jeddah University

The paper is 4000 words. I want you to rewrite the whole paper with only 1900 words. This means you are going to summarize a lot of sections. By summarizing I mean, you just keep the most important info and delete what you think is repeated. DO NOT add new information. Do NOT delete strong argument or main key point. Everything in this paper is basically copy and paste from different articles, so please try your best to sound like it’s my own writing. I think (intro/methodology/aim and significance/limitation) are the sections which have repeated info. Good luck

Risk Management

The last element of the risk management plan is your plan to monitor and control risks for the Pepsi Refresh Project case study.

Address the following items for monitoring and controlling project risks in the provided Risk Management Plan Template:

Describe the method(s) you will use to monitor if risks are being triggered.
Describe the method(s) you will use to identify and plan responses to newly identified risks.
Describe the method(s) you will use to review and update any contingency reserves.
Describe the timing on all of the above. For example, some you may do daily, others weekly, others monthly. Perhaps these tasks will be done as part of your regular status meetings or at special meetings to discuss risk.

This has been a continuation project with this encompassing the final week. The project should be written in a first person context as if you were informing your project team.

Please refer to the supplemental files that shows what was submitted in the previous weeks to provide you with some context.

An examination of how the CIO influences his/her peers and to whom s/he reports: Advantages and Disadvantages of Reporting Alternatives in support of a strategic IT positions

Term Paper
Your term paper is a conventional research paper. The topic of the paper is: “An examination of how the CIO influences his/her peers and to whom s/he reports: Advantages and Disadvantages of Reporting Alternatives in support of a strategic IT positions”. For instance, the CIO may report to the CEO, CFO,
COO or sometimes to an executive board (rare). Think about the pluses and negatives for the IT executive who wants his/her agenda in the planning mix. The term CIO is not always used. Begin by reading Nicholas Carr’s short essay on “IT in 2018” (in the Week 11 Content folder). I included the
State of the CIO as a download as well.

You may use readings from the course. However, the paper is not to be a summary of the discussions we had.
If you wish to do a different topic, ask me.
Your APA formatted term paper has this structure. These three sections in bold/italics are no less than 5 pages single spaced, 10 if double spaced. The body of the paper will be around 3,000 words, single spaced, 1” margins, 12 pnt New Times Roman. APA does not use footnotes or endnotes. Use page
number insert, bottom with your name.

• Title Page
• Abstract
• Introduction (This lays out the purpose of the paper and the major themes you will develop)
• Review of literature
• Analysis of the problem
• References
• End matter (if any to include tables/figures/illustrations). This section is labeled “Appendix or Appendices if more than one”. Number each and refer to them in the body of the paper (see Appendix A, B so on as applicable.) End matter typically is not necessary in a short paper.

Students have asked me if they can shift the focus to a specific organizational setting, such as public sector or not-for-profit. Yes. The paper addresses governance and how the placement of an executive within the organizational structure effects his/her ability to provide strategic value to that organization.

LGBTQ Student Experiences on College Campuses in the United States

With the counseling profession in mind, I would like you to complete a conceptual paper on LGBTQ Student Experiences on College Campuses in the United States which discusses the following: (1) what the experiences have been historically for LGBTQ Identified Students on college campuses, by identifying major domains, (2) what the literature says the experiences looks like currently and how it has changed from what it historically has looked like in the domains and (3) where the gaps in the research are and recommendations on where the research needs to go to continue to address this problem within the context of the counseling profession. I would like them to be peer reviewed articles as this will be used for eventual publication.

Math/Physic/Economic/Statistic Problems

A case file uploaded with Business Executive Summary and an excel document with numbers I took from. The formatting is done and I have tried to accomplish them but my analysis is so long and not sure if correct. Next a more straight to the point analysis and see if I did the problems correctly. I need an expert on Corporate Finance explaining. The yellow highlights are where I need help explaining. Mine are too long.

Internet of Things / Intelligence of Things

Describe what the Internet of Things / Intelligence of Things (IoT) means and how this interconnectedness of smart devices will affect how we live and work. Do you foresee any positive and/or negative effects from this infrastructure based on billions of devices that will be collecting and exchanging data daily? Provide at least one example of a smart device and how it can be applied to the Internet of Things.

A minimum of 3 to 5 paragraphs.
Must include at least one source (a journal, periodical, article, etc.) from Scholarly articles for peer reviewed journals.
Must include a Work Cited page for the source material.
College level and in APA format.

Article Critique

After reading the article, write a 3 to 5 page paper addressing EACH of the following :

What type of mixed methods design that was used?
What was the purpose of the study?
What are the key hypotheses or theories?
Identify the instrumentation (e.g. Hamilton Rating Scale) used in the study?
Were there any ethical issues to consider?
What is another way this study could have been conducted?
Would the study have been affected if it were carried out by someone of a different race or gender?
What is your opinion of the study?
If you were the researcher, how would you improve this study? Be very specific

Answers should be submitted in a 3 to 5 page paper. This assignment should be written in an APA paper format and must include an APA-style title page and reference page which are not to contribute to the requested page count.

Be sure to write in an organized, clear, and succinct manner and exhibit accurate grammar, spelling, and punctuation. All written assignments must adhere to APA rules.
Paper Requirements
• Length: 3 – 5 pages (excluding title and reference pages)
• Double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins
• APA Format