Sangria Topochico – The Capital Budgeting Decision

-Written report with any supporting material (e.g., excel worksheet).
-Communicate well in writing (i.e., typing).
– 2-5 pages of analysis (typed and double-spaced) with references to an unlimited number of tables, figures, and notes attached to appendices.
-Analysis preceded by a one page, double-spaced executive summary.
-Show all calculations on formulas and financial work.
Criteria for analysis:
1. Demonstrating an understanding of the problem in the case study (around 20% of paper)
2. Using the correct application of financial concepts and theories (around 20% of paper)
3. Using concise writing to illustrate points (around 30% of paper)
4. Showing evidence to support conclusions and/or suggestions regarding the problem (around 30% of the paper)
-Case study paper will be subject to anti-plagiarism software.

Case study questions:
1. What are the background of the investment environment and the soda market in Mexico?
2. What are the relevant cash flows?
3. Should we consider the erosion of the existing product- the regular sodas-in the analysis? Why or why not?
4. Calculate the project’s NPV, IRR, and payback period.
5. Perform sensitivity analyses on sales volume, price, direct labor, materials, and energy cost. What do you observe?
6. What are the benefits and risks of understanding this project?
7. Should Sangria Topochico undertake this project?

Affordable Care Act & Republican Plan Comparison

Provided word document for details.
Format: only the Narrative sections need to be APA, Question 2 can be filled out in the table provided. Bullet format.

Question 1: Narrative: Briefly summarize the historical/current reasons the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was developed. (What problems were the PPACA trying to solve?) (No more than 2-3 double spaced pages (Provide at least 2 citations that are not included as module resources) (20 pts)

Question 2: Select one Republican plan and discuss each of the topic areas below Link provided in word document: Use the Republican plan Grahm-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Amendment (i.e. compare the ACA with the Republican plan) (can be single spaced). Link to republican plans: Table to fill out is in a word document.

Question 3: Narrative: Personal Recommendations – no more than 1-2 double spaced pages – provide your (a) recommendations related to ACA (keep, change, modify repeal try to relate to advanced practice nursing and health care.) and the (b) possible consequences of your recommendations (positive/negative) (5 pts)

Final Critical Analysis Paper for Organizational and Culture Change

Provide a research paper that summarizes organizational and culture change using the below listed areas:

Financial Management for Organizational/Culture Change
Multiculturalism: Managing diversity in a changing organization
Strategic planning for organizational/culture change
Employee Resistance to Organizational/Culture Change

Summarize each listed area briefly within the paper and also provide final conclusions and recommendations for organizational and culture change.

Format instructions:

Title Page. The title should be descriptive and suggest the paper’s purpose
Table of Contents
Contain an introduction, body of paper, and conclusion.
Appendices (if applicable):
Reference List (every citation, in the Text, must be correctly listed in the Reference List) The References in the back of this Syllabus are in correct A.P.A. Format! There must be 6 to 10 scholarly references per paper.
If you have more than one Table, a List of Tables Page follows the Table of Contents
If you have more than one Figure, a List of Figures Page follows the Table of Contents or the List of Tables Page (if there is a List of Tables Page).
Students must follow the most recent edition of the A.P.A. Publication Manual, when submitting the papers required for this course.


a. Blank page
b. Title page
c. Executive Summary
d. Table of Contents
e. List of Tables (optional)
f. List of Figures (optional)
g. The Text
h. References

Ikea Case Study

Read the case study, Business Model and Competitive Strategy of IKEA in India, from the Deresky textbook Part 3 Comprehensive Cases. Analyze the content and prepare a paper addressing the following prompts.

Analyze the reasons for IKEA’s delayed entry into the Indian market.
Discuss the market entry strategy of IKEA for the Indian market.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of adopting the wholly-owned subsidiary route in entering the market.
Be specific with your responses and validate with research.

The price of cookies

grocery store and price the ingredients for baking chocolate chip cookies. For simplicity, assume the ingredients for three dozen cookies are:

One 16 oz. box of sugar
One 12 oz. bag of chocolate chips
One 2 lb. bag of flour
One dozen eggs
A fixed cost of $30 to rent a kitchen with an oven for a day
Assume in an hour you can bake two dozen cookies and that the cost of your time is $10 an hour.
In a paper:

Calculate the average total cost, average variable cost, average fixed cost, and marginal cost for baking one dozen, two dozen, three dozen, four dozen, five dozen, six dozen, seven dozen, eight dozen, nine dozen, and ten dozen cookies. Show your work for the calculations and create a table with just cost numbers.
Create the graphs for each of the cost numbers. Graph them on the same graph.
Recalculate the costs assuming the cost to rent the kitchen with an oven dropped to $15.
Compare the new calculations with the old calculations.


methodology – I have a rough plan of what I wanted to write. please see attached. (please can I have the reference list at the end) thank you

Australian health care system that are relevant to the challenge brief

ASSESSMENT: ASSESSMENT 1 – Literature review
This assessment briefing is designed to provide further information or details in relation to the assessment task. It is not designed to replace the information in the subject outline. Instead it is provided to explain or expand the information contained there.
Where there is inconsistency between the two documents, the subject outline must be regarded as the authoritative document.
Literature Review
This literature review should be approximately 2000 words in total length. The assessment will be submitted via Turnitin from the Assignment Page on UTS Online. This assessment task is due on 20th April, 2020 at 5pm.
Students are required to provide a literature review of no less than 5 resources and no more than 10 resources. These resources must be sourced from peer-reviewed academic journals, books, or high quality, reputable ‘grey literature’ , that is, government reports, health sector reports, or other online, PDF formats.
The objective of the literature review is to demonstrate that the student has adequately researched, analysed and described a geneology or history of an academic subject that is highly relevant to your challenge brief. In other words, what has been written about this topic before? Therefore, it is important that the literature review shows a logical and well-written narrative, or flow.

1. Students must clearly:
2. Summarise and evaluate the resources. What are the resources describing and is the information logical, well-researched, broad and balanced, and if not, why?
3. Identify resources in the context of previous research. What new ideas, facts or concepts are the reviewed resources offering?
4. Describe how the reviewed literature contributes to better understanding components of the Australian health care system that are relevant to the challenge brief. That is, what does the reviewed literature reveal about the issues related to the challenge in an Australian context?
Details on how to complete this assessment are available in UTSOnline.
Please feel free to explore online resources to further your understanding of the structure and format of a literature review. Avoid dot points and maintain a narrative flow.
Also remember to provide correct referencing. Access an interactive referencing guide here
The marking rubric for this assessment task and resources are provided in the Assessment 1 folder in UTSOnline.