
please need to complete the information missing i have attach the feedback file look at it carefully and add missing information

Issue Specific Policies: Remote Access Policy

The Red Clay Renovations company profile for background information before responding to this discussion question.
The Red Clay Board of Directors tasked the company’s IT Governance Board to develop a new remote access policy for teleworkers and employees traveling on business (including local area travel to client sites). This policy is required to help mitigate risks associated with remote access into the company’s customer information database. The Board of Directors is concerned about exposure of customer’s personal information to unauthorized individuals. At a minimum, the policy must address the use of virtual private networking by teleworkers when using company or personal equipment to access the company’s servers from outside company offices.
The need for updated remote access guidance arises from three regulatory requirements:
1) PCI-DSS (credit card and transaction information)
2) HIPAA Security Rule (health related information)
3) Red Flags Rule (consumer credit information: identity theft prevention).
Write a two-page internal policy that includes the following:
1. Purpose: Summarize the regulatory requirements and the reason(s) Red Clay needs the remote access policy.
2. Scope: Summarize the regulatory requirements as they apply to employees’ remote access to customer information which Red Clay collects, processes, manages, and stores.
3. Policy: Write at least ten policy statements addressing how Red Clay employees should ensure the security of computers, laptops, and other mobile devices used for remote access into the company’s networks and servers. Your policy must specifically address the use of a VPN. Your policy must also include consequences and/or penalties for inappropriate or unauthorized disclosures of customer information due to the employees’ failure to comply with this policy.
4. Conclusion

Business of Innovation – Innovative Concept

I have to come up with an idea for an innovative concept. I’m only looking for an idea at this time with a little information on it. That’s all I need from you as of right now.
Later I will need the following done:
It is time for you to bring the concepts of the course to life and innovate! You are expected to think out of the box, however the concept must be practical enough where it provides value. Since this is business – it is a competition.

II. Mandatory of Components of Your Presentation
• Team Name and Members
• Business Name
• Innovative Concept
• Why did you choose this concept or business?
• Background Information
• Market for your product
• Choose how you will give back to your community or society.
• Outline how you used diversity either in building your product, providing the service or giving back to the community.

The Nurse as Advocate

The Nurse as Advocate
In a Microsoft Word document of 5-6 pages formatted in APA style, you will describe the advocacy process. Whether nurses are advocating for their patients, health care, and/or policies that improve people’s lives, the advocacy processes have commonalities that transcend the subject of their advocacy. There are also differences, although these differences may be more nuanced than obvious.

Review the following chapters from your course textbook:

Taking Action: Nurse, Educator, and Legislator: My Journey to the Delaware Senate
Taking Action: A Nurse in the Board Room
Respond to the following questions based on your readings:

Describe what you believe to be the drivers for each of the individual advocates.
What factors led the individuals to become advocates?
Discuss the challenges that each of the individuals identified in their writings.
Analyze these drivers and challenges and compare them with your own experience to date as an advocate.
In what ways do you believe you can expand your advocacy skills within the next five years?
On a separate reference page, cite all sources using APA format.
Text book : Mason, J., D., Gardner, B, D., Outlaw, H., Freida, O’Grady, T., E. (2016). Policy & politics in nursing and health care. St Louis, MI: Elsevier

Health Information Management Department Technology Needs

Case Study 3: Health Information Management Department Technology Needs
Objectives – Evaluate whether an application specialist should be located within the HIM department or the information services department. Outline the proposed critical conversation needed between two different managers based on the scenario provided. Select an appropriate job analysis method for a new position. Create a new job title and job summary for a new HIM position. Develop interview questions to be used during the interview process for a new HIM position. Evaluate the candidate pool for the new HIM position based on appropriate candidate selection criteria.

I have attached the grading rubric and the full details of the case study and the 3 parts that is required to be included

Vehicle Pursuit Policy Case Study


Guidelines for Assignment:
1. Submit a 2-3 page paper. (1000 word minimum)
2. Place your name in the upper left of the first page. No cover sheet.
3. Use MS Word to save as a .doc or .docx file, if you have this program, if not, submit in .rtf format. Provide a thoughtful analysis to answer the question. Show me that you read all the material and understood it well enough to use it as the focal point of your analysis. Additional research of other sources is acceptable and encouraged.
4. Be analytical, not just descriptive. Recitation of factual information alone is insufficient for assignments. Analyze the information, make an informed judgment, and support your analysis with facts. Intellectually reasoned opinions are acceptable when requested. Emotion-based arguments or opinions are unacceptable for assignments. Save the emotion-based opinions for talk shows, letters to the editor, and discussions over adult beverages with like-minded friends (I mean strong coffee of course).
5. Paraphrase information and cite appropriately rather than using excessive quotes. Quotes are acceptable, just not excessive use of quotes.
6. Cite in text and list references at the end on a separate page. Use The Blue Book style manual for citation method.
7. Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for academic papers in this course. I know, the authors of the textbook used it, and that was a failing of the authors that you should not imitate.
8. Do not use first person.
9. Read the question closely. Answer all elements of the question.
10. Do not write vague generalities (often referred to by a crude name). Be specific, and on point with the question.

Please use U.S. based references including:
Darrel. Ross. (2018). Civil liability in Criminal Justice, 7th Edition
City of Canton V. Harris (1989)

chronic kidney disease

Please answer the following questions below regarding chronic kidney disease (CKD). 1 paragraph for each question. APA format 3 references within the last 3 years.. 1 reference for each question.

1. What role does genetics play in adult-onset chonic kidney disease?

2. When should the patients start dialysis when dignosed with chronic kidney disease?

3. What other chronic disorders besides high blood pressure can lead to chronic kidney disease?

Review the following research report list and select one to write on.

1. In the current pandemic, American hospitals have experienced a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) for hospital personnel. How can America eliminate their dependence on manufactured goods from other countries?
2. How to prevent hazing on college campuses ?
Choose only one topic above and write a two-pages Research Essay. Source Types: One scholarly journal, one online newspaper, and one online article.

Research Methods

Methodology, Research Design, Sampling, Instrumentation:

Describe the Methodology section. This should describe the proposed method for the
experiment, including who the participants will be (ages and where they will be recruited from),
what equipment will be used, and the procedure that will be followed. You should specify the
variables (independent and dependent) that will be used in the experiment.