The Red Scare

This is a paper meant to be written like an Op-Ed. The paper can technically be about anything as long as it’s main focus is The Red Scare (s). Technically there were two Red Scares, so please bring up both. Talk about how the event changed politics and social interactions. How it affected what people were allowed to think, feel, and act. How the government control changed, and talk about The Hollywood 10 who were brought in front of the “Counsel of Un-American Activities”. Talk about the blacklisted movies, writers, and producers. Explain what communism and anarchism is. Talk about the workforce strikes, and how it created Unions and protection for workers. Talk about freedom fighters and revolutionaries.

Honestly this professor kinda gives you free range to write whatever you want on the main topic, but he likes that you include things from what we’ve learned, and those are some of the subjects we’ve covered. Include real citations and facts with a little bit of creative flare.

Comprehensive case study analysis

Imagine that you are hired into the role of the operations manager at the company described in the case study. Although there are many issues facing the company, you have some experience and are well qualified to provide direction in solving these problems.

Vulnerability Assessment and Management

Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Hackers do not simply compromise an existing system, they follow a methodology, and in the end they compromise vulnerabilities somewhere in the environment. Your boss has asked you to describe how a hacker accomplishes this task. To help understand this, provide your input to the following:

Describe and define a vulnerability.
Describe and define an exploit.
Describe and define an attack.
Lastly, describe how all three of these concepts work together and lead to a compromised system.


Read article (Imi Na’auao HKLK Young final) and post two questions about the article.

read the article (Goodyear-Ka’opua From a Nation Rising Introduction) Share 2 observations that grabbed your attention in the reading by Noelani Goodyear Ka’opua and two questions for discussion that relates to Part 1 of Ua Mau Ke Ea.

Definition of leadership

Based on your independent research, and your self-reflection, write a paper that addresses the following prompts:
What is your definition of leadership?
How important is it to have a definition of leadership? How does your definition support your perspective on the concept of leadership?
What is your approach to understanding leadership? Does it start with a definition, or do you simply follow your instincts?
What is your definition of management?
What do you see as the differences between leadership and management?

Respond to this feedback question, provide feedback answer

Responde TO THE Question that my classmate responded to Order Description:The feedback to your classmates need not be exceedingly long, but must be substantive and show that the responding student has thought about his or her fellow student’s remarks and is now giving honest feedback. The true value of this assignment rests with the ongoing exchange of thoughts and ideas through a forum that is easily accessible yet safe. Students are reminded to be mindful and respectful in the exchange of communication… Please don’t hesitate to share your ideas even if they may be controversial…at the same time, be sensitive to and respectful of others’ opinions as they are bound to differ from your own. The case that you need to read is in the attachment and also the rubric is the second attachment.

Women’s Rights

Themes Review (10%): • Continue with your topic or interest area (must be same topic) • Compare and Contrast 2 Theories, Theoretical Frameworks, Perspectives, etc., with 2 different peer reviewed journal articles in your topic area or population of interest • Compare and contrast the principal concepts of each theory, the strengths and weaknesses of the theories, and the theories’ compatibility with social work values and ethics and its commitment to social, racial, gender, economic, environmental, and political justice • Write in 3rd person (no “I” statements, not from a personal perspective) • APA format (title page, reference page, format, spacing, font, citing, etc.) • Length minimum 3 pages max 4 (not including title page and reference page) • The main purpose is the continue your research on the social issue from a theory perspective. The student should focus on discovering theories, frameworks, or models that might explain or support human behavior related to the social issue. The course instructor will highlight different theories each lecture, the textbook has several theories, and research from the library will help students to identify two appropriate themes to focus on for this paper. These articles can be used for the final integrative research paper as long as your topic has not changed.

Treatment Plan

Treatment Plan – Using the Paleg & Jongsma text, develop a treatment plan covering the first four weeks of group sessions, using the format and materials in the text, and choosing a topic from the list below.

Begin with a brief description of 1-2 paragraphs of a fictitious group (include population, demographics, particular issues, etc.). In addition to the primary presenting issue (PTSD, Sexual Trauma, Intimate Partner Violence, etc.), select one or more secondary issues (Bulimia, Shyness, Chronic Pain, Panic Attacks, Stress, etc.), taken from the examples provided in the text. Select 3 short-term objectives for each meeting, and then select 2 or more therapeutic interventions to address each of these in the group. You are adapting the material from the text to “your group,” and not developing new materials.

Sample treatment plans are in the text on pages 1 – 11, (please utilize this format) and yours should be detailed and at least 4 double-spaced pages in length. A sample paper is presented to illustrate overall structure, though the requirements for this were slightly different.

Topics include: ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Bulimia, Chemical Dependence, Depression, Domestic Violence offender or survivor, Grief/Loss, Incest Offender or Survivor, Parenting Issues, PTSD, Rape Survivors, Separation/Divorce, Single Parents, or Stepparenting.

Psychology Constructs the Female

Pickren and Rutherford (2010) summarize the article:
In this article, Weisstein argued that psychology had nothing to say about what women were really like because, essentially, psychology did not know. This failure, she proposed, was due to psychologists’ focus on inner traits and consequent ignorance of social context, as well as their failure to consider evidence, favoring instead unscientific theories and beliefs. (p. 265)

Naomi Weisstein (1971) argues that “Psychologists must realize that it is they who are limiting discovery of human potential.” Is she right? (answer after summarizing the article).