Airline Strategy

Airline’s name: Mountain High Aviation

This is a group project so we have split up the paper into parts and this is the part I need from the paper, think of the SWOT analysis when writing this:

-An explanation of how you plan to run your airline. Support your plan with at least three referenced sources. This section of your strategic plan must include all of the following:
-An analysis of key elements to consider in business decision making and planning. (Consider, for example, how the internal and external environment may influence your strategies.)
-An analysis of different strategies you could use and a rational for your selected strategic approach.

I will upload a sample of a full paper so you get a better idea!

Explain how the processes of Tesla neutralizes the threats to its competitive advantages

The process innovation assignment is as follows–
Using the theories we have discussed in this class, explain how the processes of Tesla neutralizes the threats to its competitive advantages.
Hello All!
The process innovation assignment is as follows–
Using the theories we have discussed in this class, explain how the processes of Tesla neutralizes the threats to its competitive advantages.
You may draw upon the value chain of the firm (Chapter 5 of text), process innovation (Chapter 3), and the 2*2 matrix of the theory of disruption. Recall that within the value chain of a company, the issues of strategic fit and trade-offs help firms to create imitation barriers.
Recall also that one of the dimensions of the 2*2 matrix is good or bad fit with the processes.
You may have to research Tesla’s processes, specifically at the electric vehicle (EV) division. It may also make sense to look at Tesla’s solar and SpaceX businesses to explore if, and how, those businesses may help the EV business create imitation, substitution, and hold-up barriers.
Please cite all relevant literature and sources for your information.
Recall also that one of the dimensions of the 2*2 matrix is good or bad fit with the processes. You may also draw upon other topics we have discussed in class.
You may have to research Tesla’s processes, specifically at the electric vehicle (EV) division. It may also make sense to take a look at Tesla’s solar and SpaceX businesses to explore if, and how, those businesses may help the EV business create imitation, substitution, and hold-up barriers.
Please cite all relevant literature and sources for your information.

Evidence Based Practice Paper& Chart

Antibiotic Misuse Scenario
A nurse practitioner (NP), working as one of twenty healthcare providers in a convenient care practice, identified challenges in providing high-quality care when patients disagree with the treatment plan and demands something from the provider that contradicts clinical guidelines. For example, patients often demand an antibiotic to treat acute respiratory infection symptoms although it is against evidence-based best practice. For some provider’s, it is extremely difficult to convince some patients that antibiotic therapy is not necessary to treat their illness because they want to get better as quickly as possible and believe that antibiotics are the best treatment. When faced with this controversy in this convenient care setting, providers will reluctantly give patients an antibiotic prescription.
Upon review of quality measure audits, conducted by the practice administrator and medical director, numerous healthcare providers in this convenient care practice were found to have been consistently prescribing unwarranted antibiotics for patients with acute respiratory symptoms in a manner that was inconsistent with best, evidence-based practice guidelines. These findings prompted an open forum with all providers, the medical director, and the practice administrator. Discussion about the issue during the forum found that the most common cause of prescribing unwarranted antibiotics was lack of education about the rationale behind prescribing unwarranted antibiotics and less awareness of antibiotic stewardship program guidelines.
The convenient care team agreed that change in practice was needed to improve antibiotic prescribing practices. The administrator must determine the best, evidence-based intervention to address the problem and decrease the number of unwarranted antibiotics prescribed for patients with acute respiratory infections.
For this group project, your team will identify the problem from the scenario, determine the best evidence-based practice intervention to address the problem, recommend a model for implementation and develop a timeline that describes key steps for implement of the proposed intervention.

Evidence-Based Practice Model Recommendation

In paragraph form
• Give an overview of the scenario
• Describe pertinent details
• It should include a description and brief discussion about the problem identified from the scenario and the intended outcomes.
• It should include a description and brief discussion about the recommended intervention.
• Conclusion should include the restated the purpose of the assignment linked to the identified problem and outcomes, the best EBP intervention, and the recommended EBP Model. Summarize and don’t just restate the information.
In a Chart format
• List the three (3) EBP models
• Briefly and concisely describe pros and cons for each model in relation to the scenario and the selected intervention (1-2 sentences maximum).
• State which of the EBP Models would be most appropriate and give rationale.
• The discussion should include why the intervention was selected (was it the highest level of evidence, the most appropriate for the population, or both?).

Review and Selection of a Standardized Test

Identify a test category that is relevant to your academic and professional career goals. The List of Tests by Type document identifies the 11 categories you may choose from. They include (1) intelligence/cognitive abilities, (2) achievement/aptitude, (3) personality, (4) behavior, (5) adaptive behavior, (6) neuropsychological, (7) career/business/organization, (8) autism, (9) depression, (10) preschool, and (11) behavior analytic skill assessments.
Select three tests from a single category using the List of Tests by Type document. Compare and contrast these three tests according to the Code’s first four elements. Use the MMY database to locate and read a review for each test.
Visit the publishers’ website for each test to obtain additional information.
choose a database, for example, PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, and ERIC (education research). Search for journal articles that are relevant to the four elements and each test.
References: Three MMY test reviews (one for each test).
Three test publisher websites (one for each test).
Three journal articles (one for each test).

*This is an ongoing assignment, the test that is chosen by you now will produce other writing assignments later in the semester, please contact me with any questions*

(Advanced Analysis of Social Policy, Programs, and Services Class)Social Justice and Racisim : Policy Brutality towards people of Color in the US. You can high light Oscur Grant, From Okland CA, you can look up that case.

The powerpoint rubric in in the attachent an their is a logic model that you can go by as well in the attachment, please high light and watch the movie “Oscur Grant” Case, I’ll send you the move called Fruitvale Station . The slides don’t need a whole lot of infomation. I have 5min to present . Social Justice and Racisim : Policy Brutality towards people of Color in the US. You can high light Oscur Grant, From Okland CA, you can look up that case.

History of Hawaii

Watch Professor Young’s talk on youtube and read the attached article on being home-free and nothing less in contemporary Hawai’i. How does Dr. Young situate the principle of pleasure in her life, in her talk and in her article? Give one or two examples from the video or the reading. How does the principle of pleasure as a method help us as activists, human beings and social scientists navigate complex issues like land displacement, economic inequity and structural violence? How does life happen in a place marked with infamy and how does pleasure help us to re-imagine the possible?

the video name :Constellations of Rebellion: Home, Makeshift Economies, & Queer Indigeneity

law of occupation of hawaii

Read part IV of Keanu Sai and his YouTube discussion about the difference between the law of occupation and the law of colonialism? Why does he argue the law of occupation and not colonialism for Hawai’i? Name one pro for his argument and at least one potential problem with it.

I uploaded the article.
the video name: The Occupation of Hawaii Since 1893 with Dr. Keanu Sai, Ph.D.

El Nino Effects on Weather

Essay attached that slides need to be prepared from.
The presentation must stay within the 3-4 minute time frame or points will be deducted. (I’m thinking 5-6 slides) Practice is highly recommended.
An outline of the presentation (attached) is required along with the presentation itself as a word document.
Creativity and use of technology and other medium is encouraged so long as the outline and other requirements are followed.
Citation must be listed at the end of the presentation in APA format.
Images must accompany most of the slides.
APA reference slide is required