Lotus Case

Read the case and write a paper answering the following questions:

what is the theory of international law espoused by the majority of the court?

What is the problem with this theory if any or weakness?

What is the argument of the French gov’t — why does it believe that the exercise of jurisdiction by Turkey over a French officer is wrong?

What is the basis of Turkish jurisdiction over the French officer?

Also what are the legal arguments raised by France?

Is there a treaty — between Turkey and France (on this issue)?

If there is on treaty then what must be the source of law?
What two elements does the PCIJ have to consider in order to prove a rule of custom?
What is the standard?

Resource Bank on the Afro-Latin Culture/Black in Latin America

Develop a resource bank (annotated bibliography) of 40 quality resources that would be helpful to use in the elementary classroom setting. Your resource bank may focus on a country or cultural group.
***** The culture group picked for the asignment was african descent in latin America, Afro-latinos, the blend of african and latin culture.
~Some Famous people are Celia Cruz, Zoe Saladana, Rosario Dawson, Sammy Sosa, and Carmelo Anthony

Each resource bank must include
– Annotated bibliography of quality children’s books, newspapers or magazines. This will be categorized by genre (nonfiction, historical fiction, poetry, newspaper, magazine, etc.)
– Annotated bibliography of quality songs, CDs, DVDs, videos and video clipsAnnotated listing of quality web resources (include URL for each website)
– Annotated list of social media resources
– Annotated listing of quality artwork for teaching this theme (include photos of art)
– Recipes, traditional clothing, games and activities

What changes might have happened (or not happened) to the Earth if the Moon had never formed? How might this have influenced civilization? How might it have influenced the development of astronomy?

nstructions: Your initial post should be at least 250 words. Please respond to at least two other students (more is great) in addition to monitoring and responding to any comments on your own thread. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and be substantive (furthering the discussion, not merely saying “good post”). See rubric below for grading criteria. be at least 250 words
• fully answer the question(s)
• be clearly written with no major spelling/grammatical errors
• be well reasoned
• include substantive responses to at least two other students’ posts

Forum Rubric

Initial Post is:

on time: 25 pts

relevant to topic: 30 pts

well written: 5 pts


minimum of 2: 26 pts

student has monitored own thread: 4 pts

substantial in content: 10 pts

Fundamental analysis of a company

I have uploaded the prompt, rubric, and a sample paper under “additional materials.” (you may not use the same company as the sample paper) Please follow the prompt and rubric carefully. Let me know if you have any questions.

What is the connection between race, racism, and writing that Gates illustrates through his critique of European philosophy and criticism and his discussion of the plight of Africana writers?


Examine key examples of his critique of European thought and his
examples of Africana writers who challenged dominant hierarchies. Summarize some key implications for literary criticism of the persistent relationship between “race” and literature, according to Gates’s perspective.

There should be a minimum of 3 direct quotations; quotes in the form of phrases (blended quotes) are encouraged and enable effective use of the primary source (and a higher number of effective brief quotes).