Essay Questions

Terms and Definitions. Use ESP 123 format as directing on uploaded instructions. Terms and definitions are uploaded too. No quotes citations or work cited page needed. no secondary sources needed.
use how ever many pages needed

Applying Social Scientific Theory to Sport

discuss ‘social phenomena’ that influence engagement in sport. This could include things such as economic patterns, cultural norms, political problems, and so on. While you are able to include discussion of things such as physiological attributes or individual psychological issues, you need to be able to connect these with the social problems that form the core of this module’s content. Your work must therefore be primarily ‘about’ social factors, and only discuss anything else in a way that helps explain these.
2. show that you understand ‘key concepts useful for… social scientific analysis’. What this means is that you should include at least one of the theoretical concepts that is taught throughout the module. (includes Ableism Amateurism Athletic Identity Body Image Body as a Project Commodification Consumption/ Consumerism Explicit and Implicit Prejudice Gender Healthism Ideology
Internalisation (‘Self-Fulfilling Prophecy’) Mental Illness
Positive Deviance/ Overconformity Racial Common Sense Sexism Social Construction Socialisation Social Stratification The Sports Ethic). Note that you don’t necessarily need to always agree with these concepts to use them; you can include one or more concepts in a way that argues against them, if that is what you want to do.
3. use ‘social and cultural research’ in your work. This is crucial – many problems or issues you may wish to discuss can be looked at from a variety of viewpoints, but in this module we specifically want to see you using sociological (or related) work. For this assignment, you MUST draw on (and in your essay, provide reference to) academic work from the social sciences to support your points.


Write a paper explaining what a mindset is and why having a specific mindset will impact the agility of a business. Within your paper, detail the internal/external locus of control and how the locus of control impacts the entrepreneurial mindset.

Defined a mindset.

Described the effect of a specific mindset on the agility of an organization.

Detailed internal/external locus of control.

Related locus of control to an entrepreneurial mindset.

Writing style is clear and concise.

Tone is academic and appropriate for the content and assignment.

Thesis statement is clearly articulated.

Structure is logical, including an introduction, body, and conclusion.

Flow is maintained by effective transitions.

Rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling are followed.

Adherence to APA formatting requirements is evident.

Sources are credible (preferably peer-reviewed), varied, relevant, and current (published within past five years); use of seminal work (e.g. Freud) is encouraged.

Sources inform analysis, evaluation, problem-solving and decision-making.

Includes the required two sources of professional/scholarly sources.

Addresses ethical considerations in research when appropriate.

Breast Cancer

– No heading needed for this assignment. (do not include name, institution, or course)

– Please look at the attached file for instructions.

– Any internet source can be used for this assignment.

– Need to be 1 full-page

The Role of trust in Public Relations related to emerging issues

The theme of trust was threaded throughout much of the Emerging Issues course, both in the content before the seminars and throughout all of the seminar topics. Consider the role of trust in PR and discuss its emerging nature in the context of the seminar course. Cite specific seminar content.
To address the question, you will reference no fewer than four of the semester’s seminars , including your own ( Social Media Regulation is mine)
Use in-text citations, adhering to APA format
Only Cite the given PowerPoints
You can connect them with the over arching theme of trust . Talk about how those topics build trust in PR

Causes for not obey Movement Control Order

With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world are taking swift and active steps to halt its spread. One of the common measures is to impose a geographical lockdown or restriction on the population movements. In Malaysia, the government has imposed a Movement Control Order (MCO), effectively closing down non-essential premises and forcing millions to stay at home.
However, despite the gravity of the situation and over 30,000 deaths worldwide (World Health Organization, 2020), there are still people who ignore the MCO and continue to have social gatherings and go to places with a lot of people.
Write a 250-word essay describing the cause for many not taking this grave matter seriously.


Write your reflection on the final lesson presentation you demonstrated in class this week.
Your reflection should be a minimum of two paragraphs or half a page. The first paragraph should explain the meaning of the FEAP and the second paragraph should explain how your artifact shows that you have mastered the FEAP and the Performance Indicator(s). Use specific verbiage from the indicator in your reflection. Include what you might change about your activity or your presentation next time.

FEAP 2 (c): Conveys high expectations to all students.

How do you convey your expectations to all students?
How do you maintain student engagement?
How do you probe/scaffold when a student is struggling?
How do students demonstrate effort/motivation?