Draft of Final Project II: Bioethics

I included the rubric, also links to the case, an article and video. You are a life savor!! Covid-19 isnt letting this nurse write her papers on time.

PICK A CURRENT EVENT ( within the last 3 years) PRICE CONTROL

You will choose a current event (within the last 3 years), and write a short essay explain the
event and apply your comprehension of one of the subjects you are learning in class. For
example, the Trade War and chapter 2 ‘Gains from Trade’. Where you want to take the
essay, is up to you. I am looking for correct application of Macroeconomic concepts in your
In addition to meeting the subject requirements, you’re essay must meet the following
 Proper English and free from grammar errors
 Proper essay formatting and structure: Intro., body, and conclusion with transitions,
 Cite all in-text citation sources in correct APA format, including a reference page.
 Minimum of 5 paragraphs: Intro., body (3 paragraphs), and conclusion.
 Length: 1-3 pages, NOT including cover and reference page. I will stop reading at 3
Your final paper will include (APA Style):
 Cover page
 Essay
 Reference page: 3 sources – 1 news media outlet, 1 HCC database, and the 3rd will be
your textbook.

*** I’ve taken some pictures from my textbook for you to be able to find a source, you might not need them all. 🙂 .. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

speech legalization of marijuana

I am doing a speech on the legalization of marijuana. I just need some guidance adding more to my paper along with powerpoint slides.

5 minute presentation, recorded and uploaded to iLearn
5 slides, not including the title slide. The slides should be your own.
Take time to find an appropriate attention grabber.
Use large note cards (number them!)
Use key words and parallel wording.
Three total sources, cite verbally.
Give your conclusion enough time.
Bibliography using APA style citations.
Dress accordingly.
Practice moving with purpose.

Legislative letter

compose a letter to your congressman regarding the importance of the
COVID-19 pandemic issue discussed within Discussion board question one of week 1. Remember you have the key points from your answer to question one week one. Chapter 44, page 396, Box
44-2 has an example of a letter/E-Mail to a legislator. It is important that you pay special attention to that format. You can find your legislators through online websites set up at the state and federal level. These search sites usually ask for state and your zip code. A have had several questions about what to include in the legislative letter. Look at Chapter 44, pages 394-397. There is a very good example of an email in letter format. I am sure all of you have a lot to say to your legislators about the lack of PPE supplies for those of you on the frontlines. Many of you have raised the alarm about reusing single-use masks and gowns over and over again. This is something we would all refuse to do before the pandemic. Also, why isn’t testing available for healthcare workers and first-line responders. How can one predict the scope of the COVID-19 without have an accurate knowledge of the number of persons infected that have not been tested.
These are just some suggestions.

Workplace Diversity In Mental Health


This week, you will submit a rough draft of your research paper. A rough draft is not expected to be polished, and as such, this assignment will be graded on a completion basis. However, in order to receive full credit for the assignment, the following components must be met:

First draft includes an introduction, a minimum of three (3) body paragraphs (one to two pages), and a conclusion.
A minimum of two (2) references are incorporated as support.
Use your outline as a guide, but if you find that changing some pieces makes more sense as you draft, that is fine.
It is important that you note where you used other references in your paper. At least one source is credible, scholarly, and peer-reviewed.
Highlight or use a different color font to clearly show any quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material within the text of your essay.
Include three high-quality and thought-provoking ideas or unique insights to the discussion.
Sources should be published within the last five years unless recent research is not available or if you are referencing seminal work (i.e., a work that is foundational to the field and contains information that contributes to later works or developed sources). For example, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species is a seminal work because it established scientific theory that contributed changes to ways modern scientists conduct research.
At least one source is credible, scholarly, or peer-reviewed.
Do not use Wikipedia or an encyclopedia as they are not considered academic sources.
Ensure that you include a reference page with a complete list of APA formatted references.

healthcare administration

Please follow the instructions on the attached filed and the ones that I have circled it is the rubric for what should be done on the assignments. I also have attached supporting links to be used for this assignments


I have to write a paper about the movie THE Help usuing all the communcations terms that I provide with 3 references